Postgraduate opportunities in Pain Management and Musculoskeletal Medicine – Online information evening
Join us online to hear about Otago's postgraduate opportunities in Pain Management and Musculoskeletal Medicine, programmes that will enhance your professional practice and give you the skills and confidence to provide specialist care to your patients.
Our team will discuss the steps to enrol, the approach to studying, time needed, and where it can lead you. Current students will share their experiences of working full time while studying, learning how to integrate what they have learnt into their clinician practice.
This online event will be divided into two streams. After the initial welcome for all attendees, you will be able to choose which stream is relevant to you:
- Stream 1: Musculoskeletal Management and Pain Management will provide a deep dive into our Pain and Pain Management courses.
- Stream 2: Musculoskeletal Medicine is aimed at medical practitioners who are looking to enhance their ability to diagnose and treat complex musculoskeletal conditions.
Register online to receive the Zoom link for this event:
More information
For more information, visit the University of Otago, Christchurch website or contact us:
Musculoskeletal and Pain Management Programmes – University of Otago, Christchurch