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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

UOW held its annual Pacific Day on Friday 15 March this year. The day was a joint collaboration between the Capital & Coast DHB (CCDHB) Pacific Directorate and UOW.

This exciting initiative aimed to strengthen the links between CCDHB and UOW, as a first step in formalising a relationship with the DHB for ongoing collaboration for Pacific research, teaching and health workforce development.

We had an excellent turnout of general and academic staff, clinicians and students from UOW, along with DHB and community health staff.

A big thank you to all staff and students who made this day a success. A special thank you to our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Harlene Hayne, our Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor Peter Crampton, and the Divisional Associate Dean Pacific, Dr Tai Sopoaga, for their warm messages of support.

Participants fed back that they really enjoyed the day and learnt a lot about the DHB's Pacific Health Services and UOW's Pacific health research. Several points of collaboration were identified, which UOW and the DHB are progressing.

The Pacific Day also marked the launch of the UOW online Pacific health study guide, containing databases, journals and websites specific to Pacific health. This resource was very well received. People were excited to see this resource and looking forward to using it to improve their research practice.

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