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Students walking through the Quadrangle

A month-long celebration of all things postgraduate at Otago, with a strong emphasis on research and information for anyone considering postgraduate study opportunities.

Graduate Research Month Planner

Download the Graduate Research Month 2010 Planner (in PDF format)

Event Information

Friday July 30th

(Dunedin) Cracking the Start Up Code Workshop

9.00am to 12.30pm, Seminar Room, Student Learning Centre, Ground Floor Information Services Building (Central Library).

An orientation workshop for new PhD candidates presented by Dr Charles Tustin, Director of Graduate Research Services.

The main purpose of this three-hour workshop is to introduce you to those aspects that you need to know about to help you achieve your PhD-related goals. Issues covered include:

  • the PhD journey
  • candidate and supervisor responsibilities
  • support mechanisms
  • PhD administration
  • progress reporting and confirmation

The workshop will be helpful in meeting, and networking with, other PhD students from around the University. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. Although the programme is intended for new students, all PhD students are welcome.

Register for the Cracking the Start Up Code Workshop.

(Dunedin) OUSA Postgrad Drinks and Nibbles

4pm to 8pm, Gazebo Lounge, 1st floor of the University Union building.
A chance to meet your fellow postgraduate candidates over a drink in social surroundings. All welcome.

Monday August 2nd

(Christchurch) Postgraduate Information Evening

5.30pm – Chateau on the Park Hotel, 189 Deans Avenue, Riccarton, Christchurch

This is an event for anyone considering postgraduate study at the University of Otago. Find out about the many postgraduate opportunities that Otago offers, including programmes in Health Sciences, Humanities, Business and Science.

Hear both staff and students speak about courses, scholarships, distance education and the unique Otago postgraduate experience, and meet staff who can help you with further information.

Register to attend the Postgraduate Information Evening.

Tuesday August 3rd

(Dunedin) Workshop – The Research Journey

9am to 2.30pm – Seminar Room GW2b, Student Learning Centre, Ground Floor Information Services Building (Central Library).

Dr Nell Smith presents a 5 hour postgraduate workshop to introduce some skills and strategies to help you successfully complete your postgraduate studies, including but not limited to: Planning your thesis, organising and writing chapters, publishing and your thesis, making the most of the library, and managing your information.

Register to attend the Research Journey workshop.

(Dunedin) Postgraduate Hui

11am to 1pm – Visit to the Dunedin Public Library during the planned exhibition of Māori items of interest from the McNab and Reed Collections that will be running from 22 July to 17 October.

It is essential to RSVP for this event before Friday 30th July.

Register to attend the Postgraduate Hui.

(Wellington) Postgraduate Information Evening

5.30pm – James Cook Grand Chancellor Hotel

This is an event for anyone considering postgraduate study at the University of Otago. Find out about the many postgraduate opportunities that Otago offers, including programmes at the Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Hear both staff and students speak about courses, scholarships, distance education and the unique Otago postgraduate experience, and meet staff who can help you with further information.

Register to attend the Postgraduate Information Evening.

Wednesday August 4th

(Christchurch) Workshop – Writing a thesis

10.00am - 12.00pm, Room 704, 7th floor, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Whether you are about to start work on a thesis or are well under way, this workshop offers practical advice on a range of common problems. Topics include: Organising raw material, audience and style, maintaining the argument, dealing with changes of directions, avoiding writer's block and incorporating revision.

Register your attendance at the Writing a thesis workshop.

(Dunedin) Forums – Experiences of supervision: for students and supervisors

10am to 11.30am, Room GW3, Student Learning Centre, ground floor, ISB

Facilitated by Dr Carol Bond of HEDC.

This forum provides an opportunity for postgraduate research supervisors and students to present and exchange their views about their postgraduate experiences and supervision. A panel consisting of some experienced supervisors and experienced students will talk about their experiences followed by a general discussion.

Register to attend the Experiences of supervision: for students and supervisors forum.

(Wellington) Workshop – Planning a thesis: thinking about your thesis as a coherent whole

12noon to 1.30pm – Room C48, University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Some things to think about before you launch in to thesisizing.

Register to attend the Planning a thesis: thinking about your thesis as a coherent whole workshop.

(Auckland) Postgraduate Information Evening

5.30pm – University of Otago Auckland Centre, University of Otago House, 358 Queen Street, Auckland Central

This is an event for anyone considering postgraduate study at the University of Otago. Find out about the many postgraduate opportunities that Otago offers, including programmes in Health Sciences, Science, Humanities and Business. Hear both staff and students speak about courses, scholarships, distance education and the unique Otago postgraduate experience, and meet staff who can help you with further information.

Register to attend the (Auckland) Postgraduate Information Evening.

Thursday August 5th

(Dunedin) 2pm, Board of Graduate Studies meeting

For more information on the work of the Board of Graduate Studies visit the BOGS page.

Friday August 6th

(Dunedin) Career Development Centre Seminar: Exploring your career options – a session for new PhD candidates

2pm to 4pm – Gazebo Lounge, University Union building

  • For those who may have just started on their PhD / research and want to explore career options to develop a proactive strategy while completing your research.
  • Identify your skills, motivation and personality in the context of career decision making.
  • Identify and explore the main career pathways available to you.
  • Understand the benefits of reflective learning.
  • Recognise and begin to collect the necessary skills to secure employment.

Register to attend the Career Development Centre Seminar: Exploring your career options seminar.

(Dunedin) OUSA Postgrad Drinks and Nibbles

4pm to 8pm, Gazebo Lounge, 1st floor of the University Union building.
A chance to meet your fellow postgraduate candidates over a drink in social surroundings. All welcome.

Monday August 9th

(Dunedin) Workshop – Postgraduate Professional Skills series: The literature review – articulating your place in the academic debate (for Social Science students only)

10am to 2pm, Gazebo Lounge, 1st floor of the University Union building.

PhD candidates in the Social Sciences are invited to Register for the following workshop as part of the Postgraduate Professional Skills Programme, facilitated by Dr Linda Malam of the Department of Geography. These workshops introduce key skills to assist in developing your ability to master the art of academic writing. There is an attendance charge of $10 per person, per workshop.

This workshop is for those candidates in the first 6 months of PhD study, who are writing or revising their literature review chapter, and will focus on developing a strong argument through the literature review chapter of your thesis. The workshop will involve a mixture of lecture-led seminar format and student-led practical writing exercises.

  • There is a limit of 16 participants per session and lunch will be provided.
  • Upon registration, and after July 20th, you will need to collect a workshop pack from Susan Craig, room G.21 on the ground floor of the Clocktower building. Packs can be collected daily between 2pm and 3pm. Collection of your pack(s) also confirms your place in the workshop. Payment of attendance fees must also be made when you collect your workshop pack(s).
  • Pre-workshop preparation and reading is essential. All workshops involve collaborative writing and editing, so be prepared to show others early drafts of your work.
  • Participants may register for a maximum of two workshops. If you wish to attend two, you can only register for Workshops One and Two, or Two and Three. You may NOT register for One and Three together.

Register for the Postgraduate Professional Skills series: The literature review – articulating your place in the academic debate workshop.

(Christchurch) Workshop – Writing a literature review

10am to 12 noon, Room 704, 7th floor, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences building

Turning the results of a literature search into a concise, well-structured, well-argued review is always a challenge. This workshop suggests a series of practical steps to make the planning and writing process more manageable and successful, especially for those writing an extended assignment or thesis chapter.

Register for the Writing a literature review workshop.

Tuesday August 10th

(Dunedin) Workshop – Postgraduate Professional Skills series: Crafting your writing creating elegant academic prose (for Social Science students only)

10am to 2pm, Gazebo Lounge, 1st floor of the University Union building.

PhD candidates in the Social Sciences are invited to Register for the following workshop as part of the Postgraduate Professional Skills Programme, facilitated by Dr Linda Malam of the Department of Geography. These workshops introduce key skills to assist in developing your ability to master the art of academic writing. There is an attendance charge of $10 per person, per workshop.

This workshop is for PhD candidates at any stage of their study. It will focus on developing clarity and foregrounding argument in your writing.

  • There is a limit of 16 participants per session and lunch will be provided.
  • Upon registration, and after July 20th, you will need to collect a workshop pack from Susan Craig, room G.21 on the ground floor of the Clocktower building. Packs can be collected daily between 2pm and 3pm. Collection of your pack(s) also confirms your place in the workshop. Payment of attendance fees must also be made when you collect your workshop pack(s).
  • Pre-workshop preparation and reading is essential. All workshops involve collaborative writing and editing, so be prepared to show others early drafts of your work.
  • Participants may register for a maximum of two workshops. If you wish to attend two, you can only register for Workshops One and Two, or Two and Three. You may NOT register for One and Three together.
Unfortunately this workshop is now fully booked.

(Dunedin) Health Sciences and Sciences Postgraduate Information Evening

5pm – Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum

This is an event for anyone considering postgraduate study at the University of Otago. Find out about the many postgraduate opportunities that Otago offers in Health Science and Science. Hear both staff and students speak about programmes, scholarships, distance education and the unique Otago postgraduate experience, and meet staff who can help you with further information.

Register to attend the Health Sciences and Sciences Postgraduate Information Evening.

Wednesday August 11th

(Dunedin) Workshop – Postgraduate Professional Skills series: “The Golden Thread” – enhancing cohesion and coherence in academic writing (for Social Sciences students only)

10am to 2pm, Gazebo Lounge, 1st floor of the University Union building.

PhD candidates in the Social Sciences are invited to Register for the following workshop as part of the Postgraduate Professional Skills Programme, facilitated by Dr Linda Malam of the Department of Geography. These workshops introduce key skills to assist in developing your ability to master the art of academic writing. There is an attendance charge of $10 per person, per workshop.

This workshop is for those candidates in the final 12 months of their candidature and challenges you to think about your writing as carefully crafted prose, offering the audience an entree into a richly imagined world. The workshop will involve a series of pre-workshop creative writing exercises, small group discussions and exercises on developing cohesion and coherence at a chapter level.

  • There is a limit of 16 participants per session and lunch will be provided.
  • Upon registration, and after July 20th, you will need to collect a workshop pack from Susan Craig, room G.21 on the ground floor of the Clocktower building. Packs can be collected daily between 2pm and 3pm. Collection of your pack(s) also confirms your place in the workshop. Payment of attendance fees must also be made when you collect your workshop pack(s).
  • Pre-workshop preparation and reading is essential. All workshops involve collaborative writing and editing, so be prepared to show others early drafts of your work.
  • Participants may register for a maximum of two workshops. If you wish to attend two, you can only register for Workshops One and Two, or Two and Three. You may NOT register for One and Three together.

Register for the Postgraduate Professional Skills series: “The Golden Thread” workshop.

(Christchurch) Workshop – Plagiarism and paraphrase

10am to 12 noon, Room 704, 7th floor, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences

A practical workshop looking at techniques for efficient paraphrase and summary of secondary material while avoiding plagiarism. This session is a useful adjunct to Writing a Literature Review.

Register for the Plagiarism and paraphrase workshop.

(Wellington) Workshop – Preparing a research proposal

12noon to 1.30pm, Room C48, University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Getting to the essence of what you want to research.

Register to attend the Preparing a research proposal workshop.

(Dunedin) Humanities and Commerce Postgraduate Information Evening

5pm, Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum

This is an event for anyone considering postgraduate study at the University of Otago. Find out about the many postgraduate opportunities that Otago offers in Business and Humanities. Hear both staff and students speak about programmes, scholarships, distance education and the unique Otago postgraduate experience, and meet staff who can help you with further information.

Register to attend the Humanities and Commerce Postgraduate Information Evening.

Thursday August 12th

(Dunedin) Seminar – Know your library: Adding value – library support for graduate research

1pm to 2pm, Committee Room 2, Central Library

The Library offers a range of specialised services that are targeted to add value to graduate research. In this seminar you will hear from key staff on how best to utilise these services.

Register to attend the Know your library: Adding value – library support for graduate research seminar.

(Dunedin) Career Development Centre Seminar: I'm finishing my PhD, now what?

2pm to 4pm, Gazebo Lounge, University Union building

Are you nearly there? Does academia seem to be the only option? The aim of this workshop is to help answer questions such as what else is out there, where it is and what do I need to do to make it happen?

Register to attend the Career Development Centre Seminar: I'm finishing my PhD, now what? seminar.

Friday August 13th

(Dunedin) Workshop – Presentation skills for postgrads

1pm to 2.30pm, Room GW3, Student Learning Centre, ground floor, ISB

Facilitated by Dr Jacques van der Meer

This workshop will invite students to think and discuss some aspects of preparing for oral presentations such as presenting research proposals, or presenting at a conference.

Register for the Presentation skills for postgrads workshop.

(Dunedin) OUSA Supervisors of the Year awards

5pm, Gazebo Lounge, University Union building

You are warmly invited to attend this function to name the 2010 Supervisor of the Year and Best New Supervisor of the Year. Drinks and nibbles will be provided, courtesy of Graduate Research Services, with a cash bar available when the bar tab is finished.

It is essential to RSVP for this event, and the deadline for RSVPs is Thursday August 5th.

RSVP your attendance of the OUSA Supervisors of the Year awards.

Monday August 16th

(Christchurch) Workshop – Presenting a research paper / public speaking

10am to 12 noon, Room 704, 7th floor, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences

This workshop focuses on giving effective academic presentations, including conference papers. Topics covered include turning a substantial research paper into a short talk; preparing for a specific audience; and professional public speaking skills, from the introductory words to dealing with question time.

Register for the Presenting a research paper / public speaking workshop.

Tuesday August 17th

(Dunedin) Career Development Centre Seminar: If not academia then what? Meet successful PhD graduates from outside the academic world

2pm to 4pm, Gazebo Lounge, University Union building

  • Come and listen to what some past PhDs have done when academia either was not a choice or the opportunity was just not available. A panel of people will discuss what they did, how they found their way to where they have ended up.
  • Follow up with a Q & A session.
  • Drinks and nibbles available at the end to encourage networking and the opportunity to talk individually.

Register for the Career Development Centre Seminar: If not academia then what? seminar.

Wednesday August 18th

(Dunedin) Workshop – Using mind mapping to do your literature review

10am to 11.30am, Room GW3, Student Learning Centre, ground floor, ISB

Making sure your voice is heard above the clamour of all the voices from the literature.

This workshop will help you explore how mind mapping could be used to structure the writing of a literature review.

Presented by Dr Jacques van der Meer

Register for the Using mind mapping to do your literature review workshop.

(Wellington) Workshop – Preparing a literature review: Incorporating all those other voices

12noon to 1.30pm, Room C48, University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Register to attend the Preparing a literature review: Incorporating all those other voices workshop.

Thursday August 19th

(Dunedin) Seminar – Know your library: Managing your thesis in a connected world

1pm to 2.30pm, Committee Room 2, Central Library

The University's thesis requirements are changing in response to changes in scholarly communication. In this seminar you will hear from key staff on how best to utilise these services.

Register for the Know your library: Managing your thesis in a connected world seminar.

(Christchurch) Workshop – Writing a literature review (repeated)

10am to 12 noon, Room 704, 7th floor, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Turning the results of a literature search into a concise, well-structured, well-argued review is always a challenge. This workshop suggests a series of practical steps to make the planning and writing process more manageable and successful, especially for those writing an extended assignment or thesis chapter.

Register for the Writing a literature review (repeated) Workshop.

(Dunedin) Three Minute Thesis Competition

2.30pm, College of Education Auditorium

The Doctoral and Scholarships Office invites you to attend the 2010 University of Otago Three Minute Thesis Competition final and support our doctoral students as they battle it out for a number of generous prizes.

Ten impressive presenters have been selected from the heats to represent their academic divisions in an event that promises to be lively, exciting and highly competitive. With just one Powerpoint slide and the clock counting down, each finalist will have three minutes to communicate their research to the audience and the judges in an engaging and easy to understand manner.

Our overall winner will receive a $2000 conference/travel grant, as well as a trip to Brisbane to compete in the Australasian final at the University of Queensland in September, with eight runners up each receiving a $250 study grant. In addition to this, you will also have the chance to cast your vote for the audience favourite, who will win a $1000 conference/travel grant.

We encourage you to come along, with banners and cheering voices at the ready, to the College of Education Auditorium at 2.30pm on Thursday 19th August, for what we hope will be a hotly contested final!

Register your attendance at the Three minute thesis final.

Friday August 20th

(Dunedin) OUSA Postgrad Drinks and Nibbles

4pm to 8pm, Gazebo Lounge, 1st floor of the University Union building.
A chance to meet your fellow postgraduate candidates over a drink in social surroundings. All welcome.

Monday August 23rd

(Christchurch) Workshop – Punctuation

10am to 12noon, Room 704, 7th floor, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences

This workshop reviews punctuation issues, and considers best usage to improve written style and achieve a professional standard of writing.

Register for the Punctuation workshop.

(Christchurch) Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences Postgraduate Information Evening

5.30pm Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences, 2 Riccarton Avenue (next to Christchurch Hospital)

The ideal opportunity to learn more about PhD and other postgraduate education options in nursing and biomedical and health sciences at the University of Otago's Christchurch campus. With presentations from and the opportunity to meet current students and staff, you'll find out about the postgraduate experience offered at Otago's Christchurch campus, scholarship opportunities, and more.

Register for the Christchurch Postgraduate Information Evening.

Tuesday August 24th

(Dunedin) Quality Forum: Getting the most out of the journey. How collaboration with peers improved the research experience

3.30pm to 5pm, Gazebo Lounge, University Union building

The postgraduate journey can be an individual and isolating one, but it does not need to be that way! International research demonstrates the benefits of peer support for postgraduates.

A small scale peer-support pilot was conducted at Otago in 2009: the “Otago University Research Communities” (OURC) project. Findings from this project suggest that both peer support leaders and research students benefited from, and enjoyed their involvement in peer support groups. It has clear potential to be extended further within the University community.

During the forum you will have the opportunity to learn about OURC from a range of diverse perspectives. Dr Nell Smith (HEDC – Student Learning Centre) will establish the rationale for such an initiative from her experience in working with postgraduate research students. Dr Jacques van der Meer (HEDC - Student Learning Centre) will provide the institutional context for developing this project, and Simon Hart (Library) will discuss the logistics and challenges of implementing it. They will finish by presenting a printed resource (for students and staff) which summarises the key factors that contribute to successful peer support groups. In doing so, they will also draw on some of the students and staff involved in the project.

Register to attend the Quality Forum: Getting the most out of the journey.

Wednesday August 25th

(Dunedin) Workshop – Cracking the Finishing Code

10am to 11.45am, Seminar Room, Student Learning Centre, Ground Floor, ISB (Central Library)

If you are in your final stages of your PhD, you may be interested in attending this workshop presented by Dr Charles Tustin.

The main purpose of this workshop is to discuss those aspects pertinent to satisfactorily concluding your PhD studies such as:

  • the examination process (just exactly how does it work?)
  • submission requirements
  • postgraduate publishing bursaries
  • graduation ceremony

There will be plenty of opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

Register to attend the Cracking the Finishing Code workshop.

(Wellington) Workshop – Planning and writing a chapter

12noon to 1.30pm, Room C48, University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Register to attend the Planning and writing a chapter workshop.

Thursday August 26th

(Dunedin) Seminar – Know your Library: Mountain to molehill – how to manage your information

1pm to 2pm, Committee Room 2, Central Library

Information management is time consuming and tedious, but with the click of a mouse and a little bit of know how your referencing problems will disappear. In this seminar you will learn the pros and cons of three popular products, Endnote, Endnote Web and Zetero.

Register for the Know your Library: Mountain to molehill – how to manage your information seminar.

(Christchurch) Workshop – How to improve your writing style and avoid common mistakes in English

1pm to 3pm, Room 704, 7th floor, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences

All students interested in polishing their English are welcome to attend this light-hearted explanation of the most common writing problems, including easy ways to remember the rules.

Register for the How to improve your writing style and avoid common mistakes in English workshop.

Friday August 27th

(Dunedin) Workshop – Academic writing for postgraduates

10am to 11.30am, Seminar Room, Student Learning Centre, Ground Floor, ISB (Central Library)

This workshop is designed for postgraduate students who have had little experience of academic writing, or who have been away from writing for some time. For this workshop to be relevant to you, you should be engaged in writing essays for course work preliminary to writing a thesis, or for a postgraduate diploma or certificate. It's not designed for students already in the process of writing up their thesis. The workshop covers: structuring and developing a discussion (including introduction and conclusion, building and linking paragraphs), and writing a convincing argument.

Register for the Academic writing for postgraduates workshop.

(Dunedin) 2pm Graduate Research Student Liaison Committee meeting

To learn more about the work of this committee visit:

Graduate Research Student Liaison Committee page.

(Dunedin) OUSA Postgrad Drinks and Nibbles

4pm to 8pm, Gazebo Lounge, 1st floor of the University Union building.
A chance to meet your fellow postgraduate candidates over a drink in social surroundings. All welcome.

Saturday August 28th

(Dunedin) Graduate Research 2010 Gala Ball

Make sure you order your ticket for this lavish night out at historic Larnach Castle on the Otago Peninsula.

Tickets, which are heavily subsidised by Graduate Research Services, will cost just $60.00 per person and include:

  • Transport to and from the castle if required
  • Pre dinner drinks and canapés
  • A delicious buffet dinner
  • Fantastic live entertainment by live band Girl Friday
  • As well as a few surprises!

Tickets are limited to 150 so don't miss out! Book your ticket.

Monday August 30th

(Dunedin) Seminar – Key processes for supervisors of PhD candidates

9am to 12.30pm, HEDC seminar room.
Limit of 30 people.

Facilitated by Dr Charles Tustin, Director of Graduate Research Services.

PhD candidates are very important to Otago; their enrolments continue to grow and supervisors play a crucial role in assisting them to successfully complete their studies. To help with this role, the purpose of this workshop is to enhance supervisors' knowledge about important aspects of Otago's PhD programme. Key processes to be discussed include selection and admission of PhD candidates; getting off to a good start; progress reporting and confirmation; and examinations.

Please note that the focus of this workshop is not on the art of supervision but rather on Otago's PhD processes. A supervision workshop will be held later in the year and you are encouraged to register for it too.

Please note: At present HEDC's seminar room is located upstairs and access is limited to stairs only. If this will make access impossible for you, please email

Register for the Key processes for supervisors of PhD candidates seminar.

Tuesday August 31st

(Dunedin) Meet and greet function – Know your librarian

2pm to 3pm, Central Library Staffroom, Floor 2

Postgraduate students are invited to join your team of Liaison Librarians for afternoon tea and conversation about way we can support your research.

Please RSVP for the Meet and greet function – Know your librarian by August 27th.

(Dunedin) 2pm Graduate Research Committee meeting

Learn more about the Graduate Research Committee.

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