Locations > Cuernavaca > Zócalo
The Zocaló is the central square of Mexican city or town and the centre of much of the activity within Under the Volcano. Lowry has invested the real-life Cuernavaca with a number of features transposed from elsewhere.
...the Ferris wheel, lightly dreaming, looking forward to the fiesta laterUTV, 44.

The ferris wheel, no longer evident but present in the town until at least 1982, was not located in the Zócalo but in a lttle park some distance from the square.

Quauhnahuac, her town of cold mountain water swiftly running. Where the eagle stops! Or did it really mean, as Louis said, near the wood?UTV, 44.

Yvonne's confusion (shared by Lowry until the last drafts of the novel) arises because of the similarity of the Nahuatl words quauhtli, "eagle", and cuáhuitl, "wood"; and because there is a legend associating an eagle with the founding of Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital. As the glyph of the talking tree indicates, the meaning "near the wood" is correct.

La China Poblana
Fresno trees; statue of General Morelos
Statue of Zapata