Travis Ingram's Research Group

Ecology and Evolution in New Zealand's Freshwaters

Ara, M.G., G. McCulloch, L. Dutoit, G. Wallis and T. Ingram. 2024. Genomics repeated landlocking of diadromous fish on an isolated island. Ecol. Evol. 14: e10987.  link

Fortune-Kelly, G., M.G. Ara and T. Ingram. 2023. Diet variation of common smelt across a salinity gradient in coastal lakes on Rēkohu (Chatham Island). in press, N. Z. J. Marine Freshw. Res.  link

Grimwood, R.M., G. Fortune-Kelly, E.C. Holmes, T. Ingram and J.L. Geoghegan. 2023. Host specificity shapes fish viromes across lakes on an isolated remote island. Virology 587: 109884.

Rangel, R., T. Ingram and D.I. Bolnick. 2023. Rates of alloparental care by male stickleback in natural lake populations. Ichthyol.  Herpetol. 111: 368-375.

Stuart, R., T. Ingram and G.P. Closs. 2023. Growth and diet of inanga (Galaxias maculatus) within a small New Zealand coastal pond system. N. Z. J. Marine  Freshw. Res. 57: 88-103.

Augspurger, J.M., M.G. Jarvis, G.P. Wallis, T.M. King, T. Ingram, A.S. Hicks and G.P. Closs. 2023. Landscape biogeography and population structuring of a facultatively amphidromous fish. Cybium 47: 417-430.

Mikheev, P., C.D. Matthaei, T. Ingram, M.G. Jarvis and G.P. Closs. 2022. Is recruitment of brown trout in a New Zealand river driven by parental spawning investment, density dependence, or environmental factors? Biol. Comm. 67: 203-216.

Ingram, T., S.T. Giery and J.B. Losos. 2022. Hierarchical partitioning of multiple niche dimensions among ecomorphs, species and sexes in Puerto Rican anoles. J. Zool. 318: 127-134.  link

Jarvie, S., T. Ingram, D.G. Chapple, R.A. Hitchmough, S.V. Nielsen and J.M. Monks. 2022. Variable vulnerability to climate change in New Zealand lizards. J. Biogeogr. 49: 431-442.  link

Durante, L.M., T. Ingram, J. Shima, A. Sabadel and S. Wing. 2022. Changes in trophic structure of an exploited fish community at the centennial scale are linked to fisheries and climate forces. Sci. Rep. 12: 4309.

Perry, B.J., M.M. Darestani, M.G. Ara, A. Hoste, J.M. Jandt, L. Dutoit, E.C. Holmes, T. Ingram and J.L. Geoghegan. 2022. Viromes of freshwater fish with lacustrine and diadromous life histories differ in composition. Viruses 14: 257.  link

Foster, B.J., G.A. McCulloch, T. Ingram, M. Vogel and J.M. Waters. 2021. Anthropogenic evolution in an insect wing polymorphism following widespread deforestation. Biol. Lett. 17: 20210069.

Service, C.N., T. Ingram, T.E. Reimchen and C.T. Darimont. 2021. Intrapopulation foraging niche variation between phenotypes and genotypes of Spirit bear populations. Ecol. Evol. 11: 5025-5037.  link

Mikheev, P., M.G. Jarvis, C.D. Matthaei, T. Ingram, M. Reid, A. Nikiforov, I. Chernienko and G.P. Closs. 2021. Straying of brown trout in the catchment of a large New Zealand river evaluated by otolith microchemistry. Ecol. Freshwater Fish 30: 433-443.

Kerr, N.S. and T. Ingram. 2020. Personality does not predict individual niche variation in a freshwater fish. Behav. Ecol. 32: 159-167.

Ingram, T., L. Dutoit, P. Mikheev, S. Khan and M. Schallenberg. 2020. Phenotypic, ecological and genomic variation in common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) populations along depth gradients in New Zealand’s Southern Great Lakes. Can. J. Fisheries Aquat. Sci. 77: 1678-1687

Stuart, R., T. Ingram and G.P. Closs. 2021. Recolonisation of a wetland macrofaunal community following a drought: the importance of deep water refugia. N. Z. J. Marine  Freshw. Res. 55: 431-445.

Mikheev, P., G.P. Closs, M.G. Jarvis, C.D. Matthaei, T. Ingram, A.I. Nikiforov and A.A. Semenchenko. 2020. Geomorphological features drive spatiotemporal dynamics of young-of-the-year brown trout populations in a large New Zealand river catchment. Fresh. Biol. 65: 1392-1400.

Durante, L.M., A.J.M. Sabadel, R.D. Frew, T. Ingram and S.R. Wing. 2020. Effects of fixatives on stable isotopes of fish muscle tissue: implications for trophic studies on preserved specimens. Ecol. Appl. 30: e02080.

McCulloch, G.A., T. Ingram and J.M. Waters. 2020. Does elevation influence mayfly emergence timing? A case study using New Zealand's endemic emphemeropteran fauna. Ecol. Entomol. 45: 756-760.

Puttick, M.N., T. Ingram, M. Clarke and G.H. Thomas. 2020. MOTMOT: Models of trait macroevolution on trees (an update). Methods Ecol. Evol. 11: 464-471.

Saboret, G. and T. Ingram. 2019. Carryover effects of larval environment on individual variation in a facultatively diadromous fish. Ecol. Evol. 9: 10630-10643.  link

Costa-Pereira, R., B. Toscano, F. Souza, T. Ingram and M.S. Araújo. 2019. Individual niche trajectories drive fitness variation. Funct. Ecol. 33: 1734-1745.

McCulloch, G.A., B.J. Foster, L. Dutoit, T. Ingram, E. Hay, A.J. Veale, P.K. Dearden and J.M. Waters. 2019. Ecological gradients drive insect wing loss and speciation: the role of the alpine treeline. Mol. Ecol. 28: 3141-3150.

Costa-Pereira, R., M.S. Araújo, F.L. Souza and T. Ingram. 2019. Competition and resource breadth shape niche variation and overlap in multiple trophic dimensions. Proc. R. Soc. B 286: 20190369.

Beer, A., T. Ingram and H.S. Randhawa. 2019. Role of ecology and phylogeny in determining tapeworm assemblages in Rajiformes (skates). J. Helminthol. 93: 738-751

McCulloch, G.A., B.J. Foster, T. Ingram and J.M. Waters. 2018. Insect wing loss is tightly linked to the treeline: evidence from a diverse stonefly assemblage. Ecography 42: 1-3.  

Ingram, T. and Z.D. Burns. 2018. Top-down control by an aquatic invertebrate predator depends on temperature but not individual behavioural type. Ecol. Evol. 8: 8256-8265.  link

French, C.M., T. Ingram and D.I. Bolnick. 2018. Geographical variation in color of female threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). PeerJ 6: e4807.  link

Ingram, T., R. Costa-Pereira and M.S. Araújo. 2018. The dimensionality of individual niche variation. Ecology 99: 536-549.  link

Ingram, T. and S.M. Bennington. 2018. Weak but parallel divergence between kōaro (Galaxias brevipinnis) from adjacent lake and stream habitats. Evol. Ecol. Res. 19: 29-42.  

Mahler, D.L., M.G. Weber, C.E. Wagner and T. Ingram. 2017. Pattern and process in the comparative study of convergent evolution. Am. Nat. 190: S13-S28.  

Ingram, T., A. Harrison, D.L. Mahler, M.R. Castaneda, R.E. Glor, A. Herrel, Y.E. Stuart and J.B. Losos. 2016. Comparative tests of the role of dewlap size in Anolis lizard speciation. Proc. R. Soc. B. 283: 20162099.  

Ingram, T. 2015. Diversification of body shape in Sebastes rockfishes of the northeast Pacific. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 116: 805-818.

Ingram, T., Y. Jiang, R. Rangel and D.I. Bolnick. 2015. Widespread positive but weak assortative mating by diet within stickleback populations. Ecol. Evol. 5: 3352-3363.  

Klaczko, J., T. Ingram and J.B. Losos. 2015. Genitals evolve faster than other traits in Anolis lizards. J. Zool. 295: 44-48.  

    *media coverage: LiveScience,  IFLScience,  New Scientist

Chernomor, O., B.Q. Minh, F. Forest, S. Klaere, T. Ingram, M. Henzinger and A. von Haeseler. 2014. Integer programming for biodiversity optimization. Methods Ecol. Evol. 6: 83-91.  

Ingram, T. and Y. Kai. 2014. The geography of morphological convergence in the radiations of Pacific Sebastes rockfishes.  Am. Nat. 184: E115-E131.

Mahler, D.L. and T. Ingram. 2014. Phylogenetic comparative methods for studying cladewide convergence. in Modern phylogenetic comparative methods and their application in evolutionary biology (ed: Garamszegi, L.Z.). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg. book website

Mahler, D.L., T. Ingram, L.J. Revell and J.B. Losos. 2013. Exceptional convergence on the macroevolutionary landscape in island lizard radiations. Science 341: 292-295.

    *media coverage:  NBC,  Nat Geo,  LiveScience,  LA Times

    * recommended by the Faculty of 1000

Ingram, T. and D.L. Mahler. 2013. SURFACE: detecting convergent evolution from comparative data by fitting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models with stepwise AIC. Meth. Ecol. Evol. 4: 416-425. vignette,  video tutorial

Ingram, T., L.J. Harmon and J.B. Shurin. 2012. When should we expect early bursts of trait evolution in comparative data? Predictions from an evolutionary food web model. J. Evol. Biol. 25: 1902-1910.  

Ingram, T., A.G. Hudson, P. Vonlanthen and O. Seehausen. 2012. Does water depth or diet divergence predict progress toward ecological speciation in whitefish radiations? Evol. Ecol. Res. 14: 487-502.  

Kratina, P., R.M. LeCraw, T. Ingram and B.R. Anholt. 2012. Stability and persistence of food webs with omnivory: is there a general pattern? Ecosphere 3: art50.  

Ingram, T., R. Svanbäck, N.J.B. Kraft, P. Kratina, L. Southcott and D. Schluter. 2012. Intraguild predation drives evolutionary niche shift in threespine stickleback. Evolution 66: 1819-1832.  

Ingram, T., W.E. Stutz and D.I. Bolnick. 2011. Does intraspecific size variation in a predator affect its diet diversity and top-down control of prey? PLoS ONE 6: e20782.  

Ingram, T. 2011. Speciation along a depth gradient in a marine adaptive radiation. Proc. R. Soc. B 278: 613–618.  

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Ingram, T. and M. Steel. 2010. Modeling the unpredictability of future biodiversity in ecological networks. J. Theor. Biol. 264: 1047–1056.

Bolnick, D.I., T. Ingram, W.E. Stutz, L.K. Snowberg, O.L. Lau and J.S. Paull. 2010. Ecological release from interspecific competition leads to decoupled changes in population and individual niche width. Proc. R. Soc. B 277: 1789–1797.  

Ingram, T. and J.B. Shurin. 2009. Trait-based assembly and phylogenetic structure in northeast Pacific rockfish assemblages. Ecology 90: 2444–2453.

Ingram, T., L.J. Harmon and J.B. Shurin. 2009. Niche evolution, trophic structure and species turnover in model food webs. Am. Nat. 174: 56–67.  

Magnuson-Ford, K., T. Ingram, D.W. Redding and A.Ø. Mooers. 2009. Rockfish (Sebastes) that are evolutionarily isolated are also large, morphologically distinctive and vulnerable to overfishing. Biol. Cons. 142: 1787–1796.  

Bolnick, D.I., L.K. Snowberg, W.E. Stutz, C. Patenia, T. Ingram and O.L. Lau. 2009. Phenotype-dependent native habitat preference facilitates divergence between parapatric lake and stream stickleback. Evolution 63: 2004–2016.

Reimchen, T.E., T. Ingram and S.C. Hansen. 2008. Assessing niche differences of sex, armour and asymmetry phenotypes using stable isotope analyses in Haida Gwaii sticklebacks. Behaviour 145: 561–577.  

Ingram, T., B. Matthews, C. Harrod, T. Stephens, J. Grey, R. Markel and A. Mazumder. 2007. Lipid extraction has little effect on the δ15N of aquatic consumers. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods 5: 338–343.

     commentary, natural history notes, etc:

Ingram, T.. Book review: Pruning the tree of methods in phylogenetic ecology. in press, Trends Ecol. Evol. 35: 377-378.

Costa-Pereira, R., T. Ingram, Souza, F.L. and Arajo, M.S. 2016. Bothrops mattogrossensis (Mato Grosso Lancehead). Diet. Herpetol. Rev. 47: 142.  

Ingram, T. and D.L. Mahler. 2011. Perspective: Niche diversification follows key innovation in Antarctic fish radiation. Mol. Ecol. 20: 4590-4591.
