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Rare Plants

Basilius Besler, The garden at Eichsttt : the book of plants Cologne: Taschen, 2000. Stk ++QK41/ BJ24/ 2000.
Basilius Besler, The garden at Eichstätt : the book of plants Cologne: Taschen, 2000.
Stk ++QK41/ BJ24/ 2000.

In 1613, the Nuremberg apothecary Basilius Besler published the Hortus Eystettensis, a work that revealed the remarkable variety of rare plants in the gardens established by Prince Bishop Johann Konrad von Gemmingen at Eichstätt. Today the original three-volume publication is widely acknowledged as one of the great treasures of botanical literature. This modern one volume facsimile reproduces the 367 copperplate engravings of almost 1100 plants in full colour. It is a welcome addition to Special Collections, especially given its strength in garden history.

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Images from the book from Taschen Publishers


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