Manager: your options

As a manager your role is:

We have a series of guides to help you. Start with the ‘Our approach, your options’ guide then work through the steps in our approach to help you resolve things.

  1. Building a positive culture in your team

    Make sure everyone in your team knows inappropriate behaviour is not accepted at work, issue this guide:

    • Discuss and agree what the values mean in your team and the behaviours that work for you
    • Introduce and practice the BUILD approach as your standard for feedback and coaching.

    If one of your team comes to you about an issue of inappropriate behaviour, use the guides to support you.

  2. Reflect

    First get clear about your role - supporting everyone to a fair outcome where they can work together again. Prioritise and find time to give this due attention.

    Talk to someone you trust, to your manager, HR, a senior person, your union representative or Occupational Health.

    Ask your team member what they expect of you, and the outcome they are hoping for. Use the flowchart in ‘Our approach your options’ to consider the options together.

    Listen separately to everyone’s point of view. Stay calm, objective and neutral. Be open-minded and prepared to change your point of view. After you have listened take some time to build your own objective understanding of what’s happened.

  3. Direct Feedback

    Check first whether direct feedback has been given.

    If you feel the behaviour is unacceptable, you can give BUILD feedback in private. Describe the specific behaviour, and avoid using the label ‘bullying’. Listen to their view. Only then do you have the full picture.

    If they are open to feedback and change their behaviour, tell them you noticed and thank them.

    If you feel the actions were acceptable in supporting the person to do their job or reasonable performance management, discuss this with the person. They may agree, but if not suggest they talk to someone else like HR or a Union representative.

  4. Supported resolution

    The person may ask you to facilitate a discussion to de-escalate and resolve the situation. You may want to ask HR for support. Be sure everyone gives their view, considers the other person’s perspective, has a chance to give their reflections. Only the resolution or agreed next steps should be written down.

  5. Formal complaint

    If you’ve tried all of these options and the inappropriate behaviour continues, any of the parties has the right to move to a formal process.

Contact HR if you need further support or advice.

Download the Quick Start guide which includes a space for you to record your notes and thoughts.

Managers addressing inappropriate behaviour
Next: recap of your options