Sue Wootton – 2008

Dart Notebook

As the 2008 Burns Fellow, Sue Wootton continues with her own self-imposed writing schedule. She plans to write a number of short stories, some essays, more poems for a third collection, and an illustrated children's story. One particular poem had its genesis around the 3rd March. This was Dart, and the catalyst was Phillipa Wilson's "After 'Bud'", a recently installed steel structure on University grounds that incorporates Hone Tuwhare's poem 'Time Out'. Wootton's notebook, her computerised layout, and a printed format provide an excellent example of poetic development and finality.

Sue Wootton, 'Dart' Notebook. March 2008. Private Collection; ___, 'Dart'. Typescript. March 2008. Private Collection; ___, 'Dart', in Critic, Issue 12 (19 March 2008), p. 40. Private Collection.


Dart Typescript

Dart in Critic


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