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Category Information Technology
Type Procedure
Approved by Vice-Chancellor
Date Policy Took Effect 11 December 2023
Last approved revision 
Sponsor Chief Operating Officer
Responsible officerChief Digital Officer


To ensure that Staff and Postgraduate students have access to an IT Workstation necessary to efficiently undertake the activities their role requires.

Organisational scope

This procedure applies to all IT Workstations funded by the University. It applies to all laptop computers, desktop computers, tablets, and any associate computer peripherals. It includes IT Workstations allocated to individual users, research initiatives, and allocated to shared spaces for teaching, meetings, signage, and other purposes.

This procedure does not cover other IT equipment such as printers, network devices or servers.


IT Workstation
Refers to a device that is either a desktop or laptop computer or a tablet, including any associated peripherals such as monitors, cables, keyboards, etc.
Refers to the Customer Relationship and Service Management system.
Dedicated IT Workstation
Refers to IT Workstations allocated to dedicated users.
‘Fit for purpose’
Refers to an IT Workstation that is designed to meet the specific needs and goals of the user to be able to efficiently carry out their work. ‘Fit for purpose’ IT Workstations will have the necessary technical specifications and features to support the user’s workload, will be reliable, and able to operate without frequent and ongoing hardware failures.
IT Workstation Budget Authority
The group or individual responsible for the central IT Workstation budget.
Information Technology Services.
Research Computers
Refers to IT Workstations or computers required for research purposes or computers attached to specialist machines.
Refers to Research and Teaching Information Technology Support within ITS .
Shared IT Workstations
Examples of shared IT Workstations are those allocated to computer laboratories and other teaching spaces, meeting rooms for video conferencing purposes, physical spaces for signage purposes, and departments where collective use achieves a business need or efficiency.
University of Otago staff
Refers to any permanent, temporary, or part-time staff members including Emeritus Professors.


1. IT Workstations Provided

  1. The recommended list of equipment included in the standard IT workstation bundle is:
    1. Windows laptop.
    2. Monitor/ Screens.
    3. Docking station.
    4. Keyboard.
    5. Cables.
    6. Mouse.
  2. Additional items if required:
    1. Laptop bag or sleeve.
    2. Headset.
    3. Webcam.
  3. Requests for any of the following as a dedicated IT Workstation instead of a windows laptop will need to demonstrate justified need as per section 8 below.
    1. PC desktop computer.
    2. Apple Mac laptop.
    3. Apple Mac desktop.
    4. Tablet.
  4. Specialist requirements such as mousepads and wrist rests are not part of the IT Workstation and are to be procured by the requester’s departments.

2. Replacement of IT Workstations

  1. IT Workstations at the end of their life cycle will be automatically replaced and are not to be requested with the exception of the case detailed in item 4(b)i.
  2. The Replacement cycle for IT Workstations is defined in the IT Workstations Policy
  3. When replacing an existing IT Workstation, the entire IT workstation bundle including the peripherals and accessories will be assessed by ITS against the ‘Fit for purpose’ criteria and only the parts no longer ‘Fit for purpose’ will be replaced.

3. Faulty IT Workstations

  1. Any faulty IT Workstation is to be reported to ITS via the AskOtago Desktops and laptops Fault service.
  2. ITS will determine the viability of repair and whether an IT Workstation will be repaired or replaced.

4. Requesting IT Workstations and peripherals

  1. Requests can be made for:
    1. Dedicated IT Workstations for new users.
    2. Additional shared IT Workstations for a Department.
    3. Research IT Workstations.
    4. New or replacement peripherals including monitors, cables, mice, keyboards, docking stations, webcams, headsets, and laptop bags or sleeves.
  2. Exceptionally, requests can be made for:
    1. Replacement dedicated IT Workstations with evidence that the existing device no longer meets the specific needs and goals of the user.
    2. Additional dedicated IT Workstation(s) including tablets, for a user with evidence of justified need.
  3. All requests are to be made via AskOtago Request IT Equipment
  4. Any approvals required as specified in the IT Workstations Policy or in this Procedure will be managed by ITS as part of the request actioning process and do not need to be sought directly by the requestor before the request is submitted.
  5. Justification for any request is required and failure to provide adequate evidence of justified need may mean that a request is declined or delayed.
  6. Written confirmation of justified need is required in the following cases and is to be uploaded as part of the request:
Request for Justification confirmation from
A dedicated IT Workstation for a user not eligible as staff or students Divisional Head
Additional teaching IT Workstations Divisional Head
Additional meeting or signage IT Workstations Divisional Head
Additional shared departmental IT Workstations Departmental Head

5. Requesting loan IT Workstations and peripherals

  1. Requests can be made for:
    1. Temporary allocation of IT Workstations to cover short term projects, overseas travel, or short sabbatical.
    2. Any Postgraduate student with justified need for the period of their enrolment.
  2. All requests are to be made via the AskOtago Request IT Workstation Loan form.
  3. Justification for any request is required and failure to provide adequate evidence of justified need may mean that a request is declined or delayed.

6. Actioning IT Workstation Requests

  1. ITS will action IT Workstation Requests using the CRSM.
  2. Requests for IT Workstation replacement will go through a ‘Fit for purpose’ assessment using the criteria in section 10 below to determine if the existing IT Workstation is ‘Fit for purpose’. If the existing IT Workstation is still deemed still ‘Fit for purpose’, then the request will be declined.
  3. Any new IT Workstation (as either a new requirement or as a replacement) will also be assessed against user need.
  4. Written confirmation of justified need is required for non-standard IT workstation and/or peripheral requirements (outside of the standard catalogue).  This will be managed as part of the request actioning process and does not need to be sought directly by the requestor as part of the request.
  5. Approval from ITS will be managed as part of the request actioning process and does not need to be sought directly by the requestor as part of the request.  Approvals are required as per the following table:
Request for Approval from
Enhanced IT workstations and/or peripherals (from the standard catalogue) IT Desktop Support Team Leader
Non-standard IT workstations and/or peripherals (outside of the standard catalogue) IT Workstation Budget Authority
Any additional IT workstations allocated to an individual user IT Workstation Budget Authority
Ten or more IT workstations for shared or research purposes even if for standard devices IT Workstation Budget Authority

7. IT Workstation Decision Appeals:

  1. Requestors may appeal the following decisions made in the provision of IT Workstations.
    1. A request for replacement or new IT equipment that is declined.
    2. The specification of the IT equipment allocated not meeting requestor need.
  2. Appeals are made by emailing including the request reference number and asset number (if appropriate), the reasons why this decision impacts the requestor and the ability to perform their role.
  3. Appeals will be answered within one month.

8. Justified Need

  1. The University requires that requests such as for enhanced or non-standard IT Workstations, or additional IT Workstations, demonstrate justified need.  Justified need could be considered somewhat subjective so ITS will maintain a set of criteria and precedents to ensure fair application of this ruling (Sections 9 and 10).

9. ‘Fit for purpose’ IT Workstation

  1. To ensure end users have access to a ‘Fit for purpose’ IT workstation, the University will maintain the following:
    1. IT Workstation lifecycle; IT Workstations are routinely replaced when reaching the end of the agreed lifespan.
    2. Catalogue of standard IT Workstation models; ITS will ensure that the approved standard IT Workstation models are always up to date based on the best standards available in the market. This will include regular research into the available options that meet the end user’s needs.
    3. ‘Fit for purpose’ criteria; ITS will maintain ‘Fit for purpose’ criteria and perform regular audits to ensure fair application of criteria.
  2. The characteristics of ‘Fit for purpose’ IT Workstations include:
    1. Compatibility with university systems and software: IT Workstations should be able to run the latest operating system and software required by the university.
    2. Performance: IT Workstations should be able to meet the reasonable performance needs of the user, including processing power, memory, and storage.
    3. Reliability: IT Workstations should be reliable and able to operate without frequent or ongoing failures.
    4. Support: IT Workstations should be supported by the manufacturer, with access to updates, security patches, and technical support.
    5. Security: IT Workstations should be secure, with features such as password protection, device encryption, biometrics, and antivirus protection.
    6. Ergonomics: IT Workstations should be ergonomically designed to promote comfort and prevent injury.
    7. Environmental impact: IT Workstations should be energy efficient and have a low environmental impact.
    8. Portability: Most IT Workstations should be portable, allowing the academic/researcher/professional to easily take it with them when they are away from their office, and to support remote working where appropriate.
    9. Battery life: The portable devices should have a long battery life, allowing the academic/ researcher/professional to use it for extended periods of time without needing to be plugged in for normal usage.

10. ‘Fit for purpose’ Criteria

  1. An existing IT Workstation or peripheral is NOT ‘Fit for purpose’ for any user and is at End of Life if any of the following apply:
    1. Is older than agreed lifespan.
    2. Is broken or not working.
    3. If warranty does not cover cost and it is not viable to repair.
    4. Is a high security risk.
    5. Model is obsolete and no longer supported by the manufacturer.
    6. Unable to support the UO managed environment.
    7. Performance is below acceptable standard.
    8. Unable to run standard UO Software packages.
    9. Peripherals do not function in the standard environment.
  2. An existing IT Workstation or peripheral is NOT ‘Fit for purpose’ for an individual user and will be recycled back into the fleet if any of the following apply:
    1. Performance is below user need.
    2. Role specific requirements means existing machine does not meet needs.
    3. Accessibility requirements means existing machine does not meet needs.

11. IT Workstation Asset Management

  1. IT Workstations must have a University asset label.
  2. IT Workstations will be recorded and maintained in the appropriate IT Asset Management System.

12. IT Workstation Store

  1. A store of IT Workstations will be maintained by ITS. This will include new equipment and ‘Fit for purpose’ equipment suitable for redeployment. By maintaining a store, access to IT workstations should be quicker and more efficient.
  2. Any IT Workstation that is surplus to requirements or no longer needed by an individual or department must be notified to ITS via the IT Workstation Retrieval form. All IT Workstations returned to ITS will be assessed for possible reuse.
  3. Reusable equipment from the IT Workstation store will be checked, tested, securely wiped and rebuilt appropriately before reallocation.

Related Policies, Procedure and Forms

Contact for further information about this Policy

If you have any queries regarding the content of this policy or need further clarification, contact:

The Chief Digital Officer

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