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The due date for your application depends on the degree you are applying for.

Starting semester 1 or in Summer School


Guide to Enrolment available from school.

Schools' Liaison team begin visiting schools for course planning.

1 August

Residential college applications open online.

Health Sciences undergraduate professional programme applications open online.

15 August Closing date for many entrance scholarships.
31 August Bachelor of Teaching applications due.
1 September Performance Music audition applications due.
15 September

Applications due for all new students for the following programmes:

  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery
  • Bachelor of Dental Technology
  • Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (excluding Alternative category)
  • Bachelor of Oral Health
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Radiation Therapy
30 September Residential college applications due.
10 December

Science Horizons scholarships applications due.

Applications due for all new students for the following programmes:

  • Bachelor of Applied Science
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts and Commerce
  • Bachelor of Arts and Science
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Commerce and Science
  • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship
  • Bachelor of Music
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Theology
  • Bachelor of Laws (first year)
  • Bachelor of Surveying (first year)
  • Bachelor of Performing Arts
  • Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science
  • Bachelor of Health Sciences
  • Biomedical Sciences First Year (BSFY)
  • Health Sciences First Year (HSFY)
  • Social Work Pre-professional

Applications for Discretionary Entrance, Ad Eundem Statum admission, GAP year admission, and Special Admission are also due.

All enrolment, scholarship, and residential college applications are made online via eVision.

Starting semester 2

June 15

Applications due from students taking only semester 2 papers for a programme subject to the Entry Pathway system.

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