He pai rawa atu te mātauranga, ngā rauemi, ngā whare o Te Whare Wānaka o Otāgo hei whakaaroaro māu hei te whakaritenga o tāu tohu –ngā mātua whakatutukitanga me ngā kupu ahurei. Kei konei te tokomaha hei āwhina i a koe ki te whakatutuki i ōu wawata.
Course Advising and Support
Every student and their course is different and circumstances and plans can change. This page details sources of advice and support when choosing a course at Otago...
This section lists some of the terms and abbreviations used within the University...
Planning Your Degree
Information on expected workload, teaching & assessment, degree structures, undergraduate Diplomas and Certificates, honours degrees...
Entry Requirements
For information on entrance requirements, Admission Ad Eundem Statum and English language requirements at a University in New Zealand...
Enrolment procedures at Otago, including late enrolments and transfers from other Universities...
Fees Guide
This is a guide to help you calculate your fees, including tuition, administration & sundry fees, payments, refunds & enquiries...
For information on available Undergraduate and Postgraduate scholarships for study at the University of Otago and for University of Otago students studying overseas...
Information about examinations, exam timetables, recounts, alternative arrangements...
Information for graduands on graduating, hiring academic regalia, graduation functions...
Postgraduate Study
Information For DipGrad, Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma, and Masters' students...
Student Exchange
For University of Otago students intending to study for a semester or two elsewhere around the world.
University communications
Information for students on how to ensure they receive essential information from the University.
Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct Information for Students
Information for students on the forms of Academic misconduct.
Academic Dates & Events
Key academic dates and events from the new University Events Calendar....
Check out the UBS website for your textbook requirements at http://books.unibooks.co.nz/lists.ihtml
Timetables, Streaming and Room Allocation
Information about teaching timetables, student streaming and class room allocation
Transcripts and Statements
Statements can be generated through your eVision portal under 'My programmes and papers'. Your academic transcript can be accessed via My eQuals.Further Information
For further information please email university@otago.ac.nz