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A strategic approach to Māori advancement

Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai!

Haere tou te mihi atu ki a koe, otirā, ki a koutou katoa kua tae mai ki tēnei wāhaka o te ipuraki kimi kōrero ai mō kā mahi e haria ana e Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka. Nō reira, nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai. Kia kaha mai ki te kimi i kā whakamārama mō kā akoraka e hiahiatia ana e koe. Ko tō mātou manako kai tō mātou nei Whare Wānanga kā akoraka e hākai ana ki tāhau e hiahia ai. (Haere tonu… more)

Welcome to the Office of Māori Development (OMD). The OMD is responsible for the strategic approach to Māori advancement across the University of Otago.

You are joining us following a period of progressive development of the University's engagement with iwi and Māori entities, and after significant progress was made in implementing outstanding initiatives that have had an impact on the University, the local and the wider Aotearoa / New Zealand community.

There are now greater opportunities and increased expectations for our institution to support development aspirations.

We have a firm foundation from which to do this. All our staff will be involved in the implementation of the third iteration of the Māori Strategic Framework (MSF), and ultimate responsibility for achieving excellence across all the MSF goals resides with the OMD and the University of Otago Academic and Support Services leaders.

We look forward to your joining us on this next stage of Māori advancement.

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