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E hia kē ngā nekenekehanga a  Otāgo i ia tau, i ia tau-ko te  hui kauhau tērā, ko te  kauhau tūmatanui tērā, ko te waiata, ko te whakaari, ko te kiriata, ko te huinga tātari kaupapa tērā

News at Otago

Media releases and updates from the University of Otago...

Events calendar

Download the latest Otago events to your calendar...


Visit the latest editions of He Kitenga and University of Otago Magazine.


Throughout the year there are conferences being hosted on campus through various departments, schools and interest groups. If you are hosting a conference at the University of Otago and it is not mentioned on this site please email

Inaugural Professorial Lectures

The current series of Inaugural Professorial Lectures was established with the broad aim of promoting and celebrating the academic reputation of professorial staff.

Media Expertise Database

Looking for an expert? Try our expertise database.

Communications section

The Communications section's role is to communicate vital information about the university to both internal and external audiences.

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