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Ko Otāgo te tuakana o ngā Whare Wānanga o Aoteroa nei, te wānanga pai rawa atu hoki. Kua tautokotia tōna anga mātauranga e te tini o ngā momo ratonga e āwhina ana i ngā tauira me ngā kaimahi i ā rātou mahi, akoako mai, whakaako mai, rangahau mai.

Administrative resources

Helpful resources for administrators, such as committees information, lists of Heads of Department, organisational charts, and the policy database.

Staff training and development

The University of Otago has a commitment “To provide an environment that supports the academic, professional, creative and career development of staff.”

Job vacancies

All University of Otago academic and general staff vacancies are listed on this website.

Academic Divisions

Service Divisions

University services and support

Many support services are available to University of Otago staff.

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