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Neke atu i te 80 ngā tari akoranga o Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, e ngā Wāhanga- Te Kura Tauhokohoko, Te Kura Pūtaiao Hauora, Te Kete Aronui me Te Rohe a Ahikāroa. Ka whakaako te nuinga o ēnei tari, kura hoki, i ngā pepa me ngā kaupapa o tōna mātua aho mātauranga He maha ngā pepa ka taea mō te tohu paetahi rerekē!

Academic departments and schools at the University of Otago are divided into four academic divisions. Many departments and schools teach subjects and papers specific to their area of expertise. Staff from many academic departments also teach in subjects and papers from other academic areas.

Division of Health Sciences

Te Wāhanga Matua Mātau Hauora

Division of Humanities

Te Kete Aronui

Division of Sciences

Te Rohe a Ahikāroa

Otago Business School (Division of Commerce)

Te Kura Pakihi

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