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Category Academic
Type Policy
Approved by Senate, 28 February 2024
Date Policy Took Effect 28 February 2024
Last approved revision 
Sponsor Deputy-Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible officer Dean Learning and Teaching


To outline the University’s approach to the use of generative-artificial intelligences and autonomous content generation in learning and teaching.

Organisational scope

All staff and students of the University of Otago.


Academic Integrity
The basis for ethical decision-making and behaviour in an academic context. This is informed by the values of honesty, trust, responsibility, fairness, respect and courage.
Artificial Intelligence
A computer or computer-controlled robot performing tasks that would require intelligence if done by people.
Generative-Artificial Intelligences (Gen-AIs)
Generative Artificial Intelligences and autonomous content generation are Artificial Intelligence models capable of generating text, images, code, video, audio and other creative outputs.  Gen-AIs use machine learning to do this.
Examples include ChatGPT (text generator) and DALL-E 2 (image generator).


1. General

  1. The University seeks to place people at the centre of the application of Gen-AIs by equipping our students and staff to thrive in a Gen-AIs world.
  2. The University seeks to foster responsible, ethical, innovative, culturally-informed and appropriate use of Gen-AIs tools.
  3. The University acknowledges the importance of discipline-specific differences in the application of Gen-AIs.
  4. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Academic Integrity Policy, which affirms the University’s commitment to academic integrity and defines expectations and responsibilities with respect to fostering academic integrity, and the Guidelines for the Assessment of Student Performance which establish best practice in all aspects of assessment of student performance.

2. University, staff and student responsibilities

  1. Appropriate use of Gen-AIs means understanding the capabilities, benefits, risks, and limitations, particularly the ethical and legal issues associated with the use of these tools, and good judgement as the capabilities of Gen-AIs develop.
  2. It is the responsibility of the University to:
    1. ensure its approach to Gen-AIs is grounded in the University of Otago values of manaakitaka /respect, pono/integrity, whakawhanaukataka/community, and māhirahira/curiosity.
    2. support staff and students to become Gen-AIs literate.
    3. ensure that people, not technology, are at the heart of decision making with human agency and expertise being central to the use of Gen-AIs.
    4. ensure academic rigour and academic integrity is upheld.
    5. facilitate the regular sharing of best practice on the use and application of Gen-AIs as the technology and its application in education evolves.
  3. It is the responsibility of staff to:
    1. acknowledge that Gen-AIs tools can be used as tools to assist learning and teaching.
    2. model ethical and responsible use of Gen-AIs tools as leaders in learning and teaching.
    3. acknowledge any use of Gen-AIs tools in learning and teaching clearly and transparently.
    4. be equipped to support students to use Gen-AIs tools ethically, effectively and appropriately in their learning.
    5. Appreciate potential issues around privacy and data collection practices related to Gen-AIs tool use, and adopt a best-effort approach to ensure that such tools are used ethically and appropriately when creating course content or being used by students.
    6. adapt teaching and assessment to, where appropriate, incorporate Gen-AIs tools and always consider the capabilities of Gen-AIs when designing assessment tasks.
    7. provide clear written guidance to students on acceptable use of Gen-AIs for every assessment, including what Gen-AIs tools students are permitted to use and why, clearly outlining that any unacceptable use of Gen-AIs tools will be considered academic misconduct.
  4. It is the responsibility of students to:
    1. use Gen-AIs tools in accordance with any guidelines on the use of Gen-AIs for specific papers and in a way that is consistent with the Academic Integrity Policy.
    2. become aware that Gen-AIs have different capacities and limitations and that their responses may be biased and that responses may be fabricated.
    3. check any output from Gen-AIs against reliable sources of information and understand that they will be responsible for any errors or omissions in material generated by Gen-AIs.
    4. be aware of the acceptable use of Gen-AIs for assessment and to be aware that Gen-AIs may not be acceptable or permitted for all assessments.
    5. be aware that the unacceptable or unauthorised use of Gen-AIs constitutes academic misconduct.

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