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Timeline for submission of a Special Topic Transition Proposal

Type of proposal If submitted by*Permits

Special Topic Transition Proposal (A proposal to transition a special topic into a permanent paper.)

Prior to preparing a Special Topic Transition Proposal, a proposer must undertake a Pre-Approval Process to ensure that the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (PVC) supports the viability of the paper being proposed.

Each Division has a checklist1, which proposers must work through in advance of seeking PVC approval to develop the new paper.

Engagement with the Strategy, Analytics, and Reporting Office (SARO) and Finance Advisory is required as part of this process and this should be taken into consideration when considering deadlines.

February or March
Divisional Boards

Departments are encouraged to consider submission to February Divisional Board as this provides an opportunity for full approval prior to the opening of Paper Management.

Implementation in the following academic year

  • Included in the Guide to Enrolment

April or May
Divisional Boards

Implementation in the following academic year

  • NOT included in the Guide to Enrolment

* Note that these are FINAL deadlines – earlier submission is encouraged.
1. Please email your Divisional Specialist, Academic Committees and Services to obtain a copy of your Divisional Checklist.

Staff members who are preparing academic proposals should seek advice from experts within their academic division as follows:


Academic: Associate Dean (Academic) and/or Associate Dean (Postgraduate Programmes)
Specialist, Academic Committees and Services (Commerce)

Health Sciences

Academic: Associate Dean (Academic) and/or Associate Dean (Postgraduate)
Specialist, Academic Committees and Services (Health Sciences)


Academic: Associate Dean (Academic) and/or Associate Dean (Postgraduate)
Specialist, Academic Committees and Services (Humanities)


Academic: Associate Dean (Academic) and/or Associate Dean (Postgraduate)
Specialist, Academic Committees and Services (Sciences)

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