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The Asset Management Committee provides high-level governance and oversight of asset management activities at the University with the aim of ensuring those activities support the strategy and goals of the University as outlined in Vision 2040 and Pae Tata.


The scope of this committee extends to all asset classes at all University campuses, as well as all space owned or leased by the University.

Role and responsibilities


The role of the Asset Management Committee is:

  • To provide high-level governance and oversight of oversight of asset management of University assets;
  • To act as the Governance Board for the Strategic Space Optimisation Programme, driving improved utilisation of all the University’s spaces;
  • To sustain the capability and financial sustainability of the University through stewardship of its assets;
  • To manage risks and compliance issues relating to asset management;
  • To review and endorse key strategic and tactical asset management documents such as the Long-Term Capital Plan, strategic space plans and the Strategic Asset Management Plan where practicable;
  • To ensure integration between strategic space plans, the Strategic Asset Management Plan and the Long-Term Capital Plan, and provide co-ordination and alignment between those plans and the wider University’s strategic plans and policies;
  • To review and approve proposed preventive maintenance, upgrade and renewal projects as part of the annual budget submission process;
  • To review and approve proposed major statutory budget projects;
  • To advise on the priorities for the development and allocation of assets and space, having regard to the financial capacity required to support them;
  • To identify and support sustainable long-term opportunities for space reduction and asset management efficiencies;
  • To receive reports and make recommendations to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in relation to the University’s property portfolio, including strategic leasing, acquisitions and disposals of properties;
  • To receive reports on the provision and condition of assets, having regard to the Levels of Service set in the Strategic Asset Management Plan;
  • To support the implementation of the University’s Space Management Policy and associated guidelines, standards and terms of occupancy, including determinations on space allocation;
  • To receive reports and periodic reviews of Department/Division space allocations and make recommendations against space standards.


The responsibilities of the Asset Management Committee are to:

  • Champion ongoing asset management maturity across the University;
  • Advocate the principles within the Infrastructure Asset Management and Space Management Policies;
  • Ensure asset management planning and decisions address greenhouse gas emission targets and climate-related risks;
  • Comply with the terms of the delegated authority;
  • Keep SLT/CDC informed of its work as appropriate, or on request;
  • Determine whether issues of significance are reported to CDC for information and advice;
  • Receive advance notice from Schools and Departments (sponsored by Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Director) for future space allocation requests to be delivered as a single project or a phased programme;
  • To ensure that the structure, workings, decisions and results of the Asset Management Committee are transparent and widely disseminated in a way that is accessible to all University staff.


  • Chief Operating Officer (Convener)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Enterprise
  • One Pro-Vice Chancellor (as recommended by the Chief Operating Officer, subject to agreement by the PVCs)
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Director of Property and Campus Development
  • Chief Digital Officer
  • Head of the Office of Sustainability
  • Senior Strategic Advisor, Māori, Operations Group
  • Director of Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Reporting to the Committee

  • Head of Asset Management, Property Services
  • Senior Property Manager, Property Services
  • Asset Portfolio Planner, Property Services
  • Senior Space Planner, Property Services
  • Strategic Architect, Campus Development
  • Head of IT Infrastructure, Information Technology Services


Minimum of Quarterly

Last updated June 2024

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