Terms of reference
- To consider university financial policy, strategy and planning and make recommendations to the Council
- To monitor the financial position and performance of the University and make recommendations to the Council
- To monitor proposed and actual University borrowing under established Borrowing Consents and Covenants and make recommendations to the Council
- To consider the annual budget and budget review and make recommendations to the Council
- To consider financial forecasts and make recommendations to the Council
- To consider student tuition fees and student services fees and make recommendations to the Council
- To review the monthly financial statements and reports and provide advice to the Council
- To consider the financial sustainability of capital development projects in the context of the University's annual and projected budgets
- To oversee the University's treasury risk (including all foreign exchange contracts; monitoring global foreign exchange activity; and ensuring that appropriate foreign exchange guidelines are in place) and report to the Council on a six monthly basis.
(last amended 10 May 2022)
- The Chancellor
- The Pro-Chancellor
- The Vice-Chancellor
- Four members of the Council
- Convener - Lay member of Council
In attendance
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Operating Officer
- Registrar and Secretary to the Council (Secretary)