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Sun striking the Clocktower

Terms of Reference

  • To advise the University and its staff on all matters relating to biological safety in the institution
  • To undertake assessment of low risk experiments on all campuses of the University involving genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) under the Book of Knowledge approvals
  • To act as the channel for all communications between the University and EPA
  • To ensure that the University complies with the HSNO Act and Biosecurity Act with respect to its handling of new organisms (including GMOs), unwanted organisms and uncleared biological products
  • To report to the University Council through the Audit and Risk Committee


  • The Vice-Chancellor's nominee (Convenor)
  • The University's Biological Safety Officer
  • Head, Health and Safety Compliance (or nominee)
  • The Animal Practices and Compliance Officer
  • The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) or their nominee
  • Five members from participating Departments
  • One member from the Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • One member from the Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • One lay member appointed by the University Council
  • One member nominated by the Ngāi Tahu Tribal Council
  • (With power to co-opt)

  • Biological Compliance Officer (in attendance)
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