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Background: Rationale – why is there a Library Services Committee?

Within academic libraries, roles and skills are changing in response to current needs for information management, and accelerated development of online information resources. The role of librarians continues to evolve with a focus on embedding an evidence-based approach and ensuring high levels of information literacy in the students and staff they work with. The librarians' roles remain to assist with learning resources, searches for information, database advice and to provide information management expertise to staff and students. Increasingly information management expertise is used to assist with the management of information related to research; evidence of research impact, metadata management that describes research activity and (where appropriate) arrangement and description of data generated from research.

Role of Committee members

The Library Services Committee provides a venue for reflection on issues affecting the Library and its needs within the wider University context.

As well as advising Senate on Library matters, the Committee provides a valuable channel of communication between the University’s communities and the Library’s leadership team. Members act as liaison between their communities or Division and the Library, as such, they take on the responsibility for ensuring colleagues are informed of major issues and activities of the Library, actively seeking feedback that can contribute to the Library’s support of the academic endeavour.

Committee members should:

  • Be able to provide informed input based on an understanding of differing perspectives across their representative areas.
  • Meet with Māori / Pacific / Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Divisional colleagues / students on a regular basis to consider and consult on the issues raised at committee meetings.
  • Report back to the Committee and provide input into discussions following consultations with their colleagues.
  • Take issues to the Committee and take back actions/outcomes/issues that have been reported on.

In addition:

If the Divisional representative is not the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, they should normally:

  • Hold or have recently held a management or strategic role, e.g. Head of Department or Associate Dean.

The member of academic staff from one of the Northern campuses would rotate between campuses for each term of office.

Membership (can co-opt as required)

Term of office: 3 years, with option for one renewal.

Role Appointed 2022
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) – Chair  
Directory of the Office of Māori Development (or nominee)  
Director of the Pacific Development Office (or nominee)  
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) for each Academic Division Commerce: Lincoln Wood
Health Sciences: Chrys Jaye
Humanities: Sean McConnell
Sciences: Ted Ruffman
A member of academic staff from one of the Northern campuses Christchurch: Margaret Currie
ITS Senior Management Team member Nicola Walmsley
Hocken Collections Advisory Board member  
Four Student Representatives – nominated by OUSA (e.g. UG, PG, International, DL)  
University Librarian Mike Wall
In attendance: Deputy and Associate University Librarians and the Hocken Librarian
Secretary: Lead Administrator

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