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Services Affected: The Staff VPN service, accessed via / UO-VPN-STAFF

Audience: Staff using the central VPN service

Description: During the given timeframe new client software will be loaded onto the central VPN servers that provide the standard Staff VPN service. The next time you connect to the VPN service from a Windows or macOS / Mac computer the VPN client software will be automatically upgraded to the new version.

Important: Staff accessing the VPN service from a macOS / Mac computer will see messages on screen requesting that the VPN client software be permitted to filter network content, or in some cases, use the “Security & Privacy” systems preferences to approve a newly installed system extension. To ensure that the VPN client installs properly on your macOS based computer please follow the onscreen instructions when the client is being upgraded.

Discussion: This upgrade is required to resolve security defects in the current version of the AnyConnect client for Windows and macOS based computers. The macOS VPN client also supports newer versions of macOS, and devices based on Apple Silicon processors.

Finally, this update only applies to Windows and macOS based computers and laptops. Client software for Android and iOS based devices is distributed directly from the appropriate app store for these devices.

Please contact AskOtago IT if you have any questions (, ext 7000 or 0800 80 80 98).

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