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Tuesday 14 August 2018 9:23pm

Erin Scott.

A University of Otago student who secured a prestigious TeachNZ Kupe Scholarship is aiming to normalise Te Reo Māori within a mainstream primary school setting.

Erin Scott, of Ngāti Whātua and Te Uri o Hau descent, is one of 30 students from throughout the country to win a Kupe Scholarship. The award pays for the aspiring teacher’s fees, and also provides a generous stipend to help her through her studies.

“It is like a dream come true,” she says. “It is an amazing opportunity and I am grateful for the support.”

As well as the financial component, the scholarship includes mentoring, assistance with finding a job after study and a Kupe keepsake presented at the award ceremony.

For Erin, whose undergraduate degree was a Bachelor of Māori Studies, the support is immense.

“The recognition of my capacity for leadership and ability to make a difference is exciting.”

"If you want to normalise Māori language it should be incorporated into every part of your teaching programme and across the curriculum."

Sponsored by TeachNZ, the scholarships aim to support Māori and Pacific peoples into becoming teachers and community role models.

The scholarship is a big opportunity to support Erin’s dreams of normalising Te Reo Māori within mainstream schooling.

Erin says the only possible way to do it would be to incorporate Te Reo across a wide range of subjects.

“If you want to normalise Māori language it should be incorporated into every part of your teaching programme and across the curriculum. Teaching gives you the opportunity to make these differences, which is why I love it.”

Erin and the 29 other recipients will receive the award at a ceremony in Parliament.

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