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Do you have knee osteoarthritis in one knee, and have trouble with walking?

Our study is looking at the biomechanics of walking in people with knee osteoarthritis, and also the possible impact of physiotherapy (manual therapy) on it. Biomechanics refers to analysis of movement of the body segments and acting forces on various joints.

Please note that we are providing key information on this page. If you think you may be interested, please read the full version of the participant information sheet.

You may be eligible if you:

  • are at least 45 years old
  • have had pain in one knee (right or left knee) for more than 15 days in the last month
  • have a stiff knee and pain in walking
  • have knee stiffness and can’t get your knee fully straight or fully bent
  • are not having other treatments for your knee

What will you be asked to do?

  • You will be asked to attend four testing sessions at the School of Physiotherapy over a six-month period, when we will gather health and biomechanical data. You also need to undertake an x-ray of the knee following the first testing session.
  • The initial three testing sessions include assessment in the biomechanics lab where you will be asked to wear a singlet/sports bra with shorts (women) or remain in only shorts (men). The non-invasive reflective markers will be placed on your skin around the waist and along the lower limb on specific landmarks of your body.
  • The initial three testing sessions will last approximately 2 hours and the fourth session will last 45 to 60 minutes.
  • You also need to undergo an x-ray of the knee following the first initial testing session.
  • After the second testing session, you will be offered physiotherapy treatment for six treatment sessions over three weeks. Each treatment session will last for 45 to 60 minutes.
  • There is no cost to you in being part of this trial.

Detailed information on the study is available via our participant information sheet.

Participant information sheet – Knee osteoarthritis and walking biomechanics (PDF)

Front and side views of a man's legs in shorts, with many small reflective markers stuck to the legs and feet.

Participants in the study will have non-invasive reflective markers placed on their lower body during the initial three testing sessions.

To recognize the actual or reasonable costs involved with participating in this project, participants will receive a $20 voucher at the initial testing session and an $80 voucher at the fourth testing session. You will also be provided with educational information about knee osteoarthritis self-care at the third testing session.

Join the study

If you have read the participant information sheet and are interested in joining the study, please complete the online screening form to find out if you are eligible:

Knee osteoarthritis and walking biomechanics screening questionnaire

Contact us

If you have any questions about the study, please contact:

Sarfaraz Alam
Mob +64 29 0206 4380

This study has been approved by the Health and Disability Ethics Committees (Ethics reference: 2024 EXP 19143) and is funded by the Mark Steptoe Research Grant in Aid, 2024 and School of Physiotherapy Research Grant in Aid, 2024.

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