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Category Health and Safety
Type Policy
Approved by Vice Chancellor, 2006 [month unknown]
Date Policy Took Effect 
Last approved revision 26 June 2017
Sponsor Chief Operating Officer
Responsible officer Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing


The University of Otago is committed to providing a safe work place for staff, students and visitors.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe work place by ensuring contractors are required to be Health and Safety approved to work on University of Otago worksites.

Organisational scope

University of Otago campuses and all other University work areas.


Health and Safety Approved Contractor
A contractor who has completed the Health and Safety approved contractor application and assessment process, as set out in the Contractor Management Process.
Any legal body that contracts to the University including individuals, companies, sole traders, individual consultants, partnerships and trusts.
Due Diligence
Ensuring the University, as a PCBU, complies with its statutory health & safety duties and obligations, including taking reasonable steps as set out in section 44 (4) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
Job Safety Analysis.
Person conducting a business or undertaking.
May be one or more people, whether corporate or unincorporated, and includes a corporation sole.
Personal Protective Equipment, including clothing.
Property Services Division.
Site Specific Safety Plan.
University of Otago.
University Identification Card
A University of Otago identity card, which records the date Health and Safety induction attended and employer. They are available to workers after completion of a Health and Safety induction, and are valid for two years.
Has the same meaning as in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015: “an individual who carries out work in any capacity for a PCBU” and includes employees, contractors and sub-contractors.
Includes email.


1. Summary

The University of Otago requires all workers to demonstrably comply with all New Zealand Health and Safety law including, Acts and Regulations; all relevant Codes of Practice; Health and Safety good practice and University Health and Safety systems. Demonstrable compliance must (except where specifically exempted in this Policy) include but is not limited to:

  1. Contractors and their sub-contractors, achieving “Health and Safety approved contractor” status prior to working on campus.
  2. Employees of health and safety approved contractors completing a University Health and Safety induction prior to working on campus.
  3. Employees of health and safety approved contractors, consultants, and sole traders holding valid University Identification cards; the presentation of which may be required by University staff.
  4. All workers using appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  5. Completion of all health and safety documentation required for the work being undertaken, which may include Property Services Division (PSD)D forms, Site Specific Safety Plans ( SSSPs), Job Safety Analysis (JSAs), risk assessments, permits to work, and toolbox/safety meeting minutes; and this information being provided to Health Safety and Compliance and Property Services staff as requested, in a timely manner.

2. Exemptions

  1. Emergency work: The University acknowledges that some emergency work may require contractors that are unapproved. Emergency work might include where there is an immediate or imminent and serious risk to people or property, such as fire, flood, electricity failure and earthquake. In such cases, contractors may work on campus.
  2. Non-emergency work: in some cases, unapproved contractors, may be exempted from the Health and Safety approval process if the following requirements are met prior to working on campus:
    1. Written permission is obtained from (or their delegates):
      • The Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing; or
      • The Director of PSD; or
      • The Manager – Construction Health and Safety; and
    2. The person giving permission is provided with:
      • Details of the work to be done, including a risk assessment, SSSP, JSA or similar.
      • Full names and contact details of the contractor and its workers for the job; and
    3. The work is for short duration (less than three days).
    4. In some instances, the following might also be required:
      • A written undertaking that the work will be supervised either by PSD staff or by an approved contractor managing the site to be worked on.
      • A copy of relevant insurance policies.

3. Capital Works Projects

For the avoidance of doubt, this Policy applies to all Capital Works Project contractors, including Principal Contractors. Prior to starting work on site, all Contractors undertaking Capital Project work must:

  1. Obtain Health and Safety approval; and
  2. Ensure its workers are inducted via a University Health and Safety induction, prior to working on site.

4. Approval

The Health and Safety Approval Process, including documents required, are set out in the Contractor Health and Safety Approval Process Guidelines.

Related policies, procedures and forms

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and regulations
  • Managing Health and Safety in Construction Policy
  • Asbestos Management Plan
  • Contractor Health and Safety Guidelines
  • University of Otago Risk Management Framework
  • AS/NZ 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety management systems- Specifications with guidance for use
  • AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management- Principles and guidelines

Contact for further information

If you have any queries regarding the content of this policy or need further clarification, contact:

The Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing
The Manager, Construction Health and Safety

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