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Category Research
Type Regulation
Approved by Senate, February 2006
Date Regulation Took Effect 1 March 2006
Last approved revision 5 June 2024
Sponsor Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)
Responsible officer Manager, Doctoral & Scholarships Office


1. Preamble

These regulations apply to the scholarships for Doctoral and Master’s study listed in the attached Schedule. All regulations apply to each scholarship unless the Schedule specifies otherwise. There are separate regulations for certain scholarships in Health Sciences and some other scholarships for particular purposes.

2. Purpose

Doctoral scholarships are awarded by the University Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, to candidates proceeding to a course of supervised doctoral study at this University. These scholarships are normally available only to students seeking to obtain their first doctoral qualification. Candidates may be awarded one University of Otago doctoral scholarship only.

Masters’ scholarships are awarded by the University Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, to candidates in the first year of their thesis research for a Master’s degree which constitutes entry to the PhD course at this University. These scholarships are available only to students seeking to obtain their first research-based Master’s qualification.

3. Academic Criteria and Eligibility

Doctoral and Masters' scholarships will be awarded on the basis of:

  1. The applicant's academic record:1
    • In the case of an applicant for a doctoral scholarship who has completed a Master’s degree by papers and thesis (at least 0.75 EFTS), the grades of all relevant2 advanced level papers counting towards the award of the degree and the thesis will be taken into account. An explanation of the time taken for completion of the thesis may be requested and considered by the Scholarships and Prizes Committee if the thesis has taken more than 2 EFTS (2 full- time years) to complete.
    • In the case of an applicant for a scholarship without a Master’s degree including a thesis, the grades of all relevant2 advanced level papers counting towards the award of the applicant’s most relevant degree will be taken into account.
    • In the case of applicants whose prior qualifications have been awarded by other universities, the University shall calculate a GPA score using what it considers to be the most relevant2 papers and grades provided on the applicant’s academic transcripts.
    • Certificate of Proficiency and Pass/Fail papers will not be taken into account in the calculation.
  2. The applicant's potential for, or record of, research.
  3. The advice, recommendation and/or ranking of the relevant Head of Department.
  4. The strategic research and business priorities of the Academic Division in which primary supervision of the applicant's research will take place.

    Eligibility for doctoral and Masters' scholarships:

    • Unless otherwise stated in these conditions or within the schedule, Doctoral and Masters’ scholarships are open only to Domestic Fee Paying Students.3 International candidates studying for professional doctorates are eligible to apply but if awarded a scholarship the tuition fee waiver will be capped at the domestic rate.
    • In the case of applicants for a doctoral scholarship, confirmation of the scholarship is dependent on approval of their application for admission to the relevant doctoral programme and completion of the enrolment procedure.
    • In the case of applicants for a Master's scholarship, confirmation of the scholarship is dependent on approval of their application to register as a Master's candidate and completion of the enrolment procedure.

4. Tenure

  1. A doctoral or Master’s scholarship may be awarded with full-time or part-time tenure. Part- time tenure will only be granted in cases where full-time study is not practicably possible and where the candidate can demonstrate that they are particularly well prepared for part-time study. Applications to transfer from part-time to full-time tenure will be considered, provided that the candidate has shown satisfactory progress and can provide evidence of the ability to commit to full-time study. Applications to transfer from full-time to part-time tenure will be considered only on grounds of ill health (a medical certificate will be required), significant carer responsibilities (for example: pre-school aged child; school aged child as a sole parent with limited support; or child/partner/parent with a serious illness or disability) or for career related reasons. Part-time tenure for career related reasons is subject to approval by supervisors. Transfers of this sort may only occur at the beginning of a semester. Emoluments for candidates holding part-time tenure will be pro-rated as appropriate.
  2. During tenure of the scholarship the candidate must undertake research in Dunedin or at the University of Otago, Christchurch or University of Otago, Wellington, unless a special case for exemption from this requirement has been previously approved by the convenor of the Scholarships and Prizes Committee, or their nominee.
  3. Tenure of a doctoral scholarship is for three full-time years (or part-time equivalent), or until the thesis is submitted (whichever period is the shorter), subject to the provision of satisfactory annual Progress Reports by the Department in which the student is registered. For candidates in professional doctorates, tenure may also cover periods of coursework prior to and after the thesis enrolment period, but will not exceed three years.
  4. Tenure of a Master's scholarship is for one full-time year (or part-time equivalent), or until the thesis is submitted (whichever period is the shorter.) Students must be in the first year of their thesis research to be eligible for a scholarship.
  5. A shorter period of tenure shall be awarded in cases where two months or more of registration as a candidate for the degree (or for the part of the degree eligible for scholarship support) has been completed at the time of award.
  6. Overseas tenure of a Master's scholarship is not normally permitted.
  7. Overseas tenure of a doctoral scholarship is not normally permitted. On delegation from the Scholarships and Prizes Committee, the convenor of the Scholarships and Prizes Committee, or their nominee, may agree to:
    1. a period of normally up to one year’s overseas tenure for a period following domestic (New Zealand-based) commencement if it can be shown by the Head of Department concerned, that access to facilities or opportunities overseas is essential to the completion of the project. In such circumstances the emolument of the scholarship shall continue to be paid in New Zealand currency and into a New Zealand bank account. No additional financial assistance is available through the Scholarship for travel or other expenses incurred if a period of overseas tenure is approved.
    2. partial tenure for commencement overseas, where the student is unable to travel to New Zealand to begin their study, but remote research and supervision arrangements have been approved. The terms of partial overseas tenure are set out in section 5 below of these regulations.

5. Emolument

Doctoral and research Masters' scholarships consist of the following components for the tenure of the scholarship, unless the attached Schedule specifies otherwise:

  1. A tuition fee waiver for the degree for which the scholarship is given.4 (Note: Applicants should be aware that a University of Otago scholarship does not waive fees for any papers that may be taken in addition to the full-time thesis course for which the scholarship is given unless approved by the Scholarships and Prizes Committee.)
  2. Should a student by way of government policy become subject to international tuition fees during scholarship tenure, the student will be responsible to pay the tuition fee costs over and above the tuition fee waiver at the domestic rate.
  3. For students studying on campus in New Zealand, or with approved distance study in New Zealand, a living allowance paid in equal monthly instalments for the tenure period of the Scholarship.5
  4. International doctoral students approved partial tenure for commencement overseas (under Regulation 4(g)ii) shall only be eligible for a monthly living allowance upon the conclusion of remote study and their arrival on campus in New Zealand. Living allowance entitlement will be calculated by deducting time already spent on research since commencement overseas from 36 months full-time study or 72 months part-time study, whichever is applicable. No backdating of living allowance to the time of remote commencement will occur.

6. Additional Income

  1. A doctoral or research Master's scholarship may not be held concurrently with any other scholarship/s worth more than half the annual emolument of a University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship, in the case of doctoral study, or a University of Otago Research Master's Scholarship, in the case of Master's study. Research Grants, Travel Grants, and any Grants specifically designated to cover research costs, for which the candidate must present receipts, are not considered to be scholarships in this instance.
  2. Full-time scholarship recipients may not accept paid employment for more than 500 hours across a period of twelve months, without prior permission from the Scholarships and Prizes Committee (for part-time scholarship recipients, the maximum employment hours are 1000 hours across a period of twelve months). Otherwise, there is no specific limit on any other form of additional income, provided that the student’s progress on his or her studies is maintained at a satisfactory level.
  3. University of Otago employees who are pursuing their Master's or doctorate as part of their employment are ineligible for University of Otago scholarship funding.

7. Applications

Applications for scholarships are made online through the University’s website. An invitation to apply for scholarships is sent once an application for admission to the relevant qualification is complete. Applications may be made at any time and should normally accompany the application for admission to the relevant qualification. Where an applicant is completing a Master’s degree which includes enrolment in papers prior to enrolment in a thesis, application should normally be made following completion of those papers. An invitation will be sent when enrolment in the thesis component of the Master’s degree is completed.

8. Academic Qualifications

Students whose degree has been conferred at any university other than a New Zealand or Australian University should check the requirements for credential evaluation, available here.

  • Applicants whose qualifications are from countries in the list available on the website must provide an original or certified copy of the transcript from their university.
  • Qualifications from all other countries must be referred to: Education Credential Evaluators, Inc.6

The applicant is required to pay for the evaluation, with the applicant and the University of Otago each receiving a copy of the resulting evaluation report.

9. Acceptance and Deferment

An offer of a doctoral or research Master’s scholarship must be accepted or declined within the time frame specified in the offer. There is provision for the acceptance to be subject to the eventual outcome of any application that the candidate may have also made for external scholarships.

Following acceptance of the offer of a scholarship, the candidate must be enrolled for the degree concerned no later than the date specified in the letter of offer.

Tenure of a scholarship may be deferred only in exceptional circumstances. A candidate whose application for deferment is declined may apply again for a scholarship in a later year.

If the candidate defers (i.e. has a temporary suspension) during study, the scholarship payments will cease until the candidate re-enrols. In cases of a retrospective deferral, the candidate will be given the option of either repaying the scholarship for the months deferred, or, upon re-enrolment, waiting the requisite number of months until payments continue.

10. Cancellation

Upon the termination of a Student’s enrolment for any reason, or his or her withdrawal, any entitlement to ongoing scholarship funding shall cease. In such circumstances, the University may also require repayment (in part or full) of any scholarship payments already made. However, no repayment will be required of any amounts paid for a period in respect of which a student can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Convener of the Scholarships and Prizes Committee, or their nominee, the devotion of reasonable efforts towards the requirements of his or her degree.

The University of Otago may, at any time, suspend or terminate the scholarship, or require the forfeiture of such proportion of the scholarship as the University of Otago may determine, if it is not satisfied that the recipient is not appropriately enrolled, diligently pursuing their programme or if the recipient has brought the University of Otago, the scholarship or donors into disrepute.

11. General

These regulations shall be reviewed regularly by the Scholarships and Prizes Committee.

Variation of these regulations, as they pertain to an individual's situation, may be approved by the Convener of the Scholarships and Prizes Committee, or nominee.


  1. The grades for the GPA calculation are as follows:
    A+ = 9 A = 8 A- = 7
    B+ = 6 B = 5 B- = 4
    C+ = 3 C = 2 C- = 1
  2. For purposes of evaluating the academic record of an applicant, “relevant papers” shall be defined as: courses/subjects/papers at advanced levels (i.e. the 300 and 400 levels) that are closely related to the field of major study as determined by the respective HoD(s).
  3. This includes Australian master's students by Inter-Governmental Agreement.  All New Zealand-based international students enrolling for a PhD degree from 2006 are eligible to pay Domestic Fees.
  4. The scholarship only covers the tuition fees portion of fees. The student will be invoiced for any remainder (sundry fees, insurance etc.) and will be required to pay these when due.
  5. Subject to annual confirmation by the University Council: from 2024, the standard emolument is $32,544 for a full-time doctoral scholarship and $16,272 for a full-time Master's Scholarship, and $18,204 for a part-time doctoral scholarship and $9,102 for a part-time Master's scholarship.  The emolument is normally paid in monthly instalments, at the end of the month.  Scholarship recipients must be fully enrolled to receive their emolument.  Emoluments will not be paid in advance.
  6. The address to which applicants must send their academic qualifications for evaluation is:

    Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.
    P.O. Box 514070
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203-3470
    Telephone: + 414-289-3400
    Facsimile: +414-289-3411

    The evaluation may be applied for via the ECE website address, followed by the hardcopy of the academic qualifications by post.

    An ECE will not be required for determining eligibility for a scholarship but may be needed by the University's International Office for admission to the University (a separate process to the scholarship application).

    For further information about the application, please contact:

    The Scholarships Office,
    University of Otago
    Tel +64 3 479 5292

Schedule of Regulations for Postgraduate Research Scholarships

Availability of all named scholarships listed below is subject to confirmation of funding. Values and tenure shown are for full-time study unless otherwise stated.  In cases of approved part-time scholarship tenure, the stated tenure will be doubled and the emolument halved.

University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship

Funded by the University of Otago

For doctoral students not otherwise provided for by scholarships in this schedule.

The current value of this scholarship is $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver capped at the domestic rate for 3 years, for doctoral study.

University of Otago Māori Doctoral Scholarship

Funded by the University of Otago

The Scholarships may be held only by Māori students.

The current value of this scholarship is $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for doctoral study.

University of Otago Pacific Islands Doctoral Scholarship

Funded by the University of Otago

The Scholarships may be held only by students of Pacific Islands descent.

The current value of this scholarship is $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for doctoral study.

University of Otago Special Health Research Scholarship

Funded by the University of Otago

These scholarships are intended to provide personal support for outstanding graduate students who are contemplating a career in Health Research. Graduates in any discipline intending to undertake research training at PhD level on a topic relevant to human health are eligible to apply.

The current value of this scholarship is $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for PhD study.

University of Otago Chinese Scholarship Council Tuition Fee Scholarships

Funded by the University of Otago

For PhD candidates supported by the China Scholarship Council under the terms of its memorandum of understanding with the University of Otago. Aligned with the scholarship tenure provided by the China Scholarship Council, this scholarship pays tuition fees for up to 4 years for full-time PhD study and a supplementary stipend to ensure that each China Scholarship Council doctoral scholarship student receives a stipend equivalent in value to that received by recipients of a standard University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship.

This scholarship pays tuition fees only for up to 4 years, for full-time PhD study.

University of Otago City of Literature PhD Scholarship

Funded by the University of Otago

This scholarship is available annually to support one PhD candidate whose doctoral research is focused on the study of literature.  Graduates in any discipline intending to undertake research training at PhD level in a topic relevant to literature are eligible to apply.

The current value of this scholarship is $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for PhD study.

University of Otago Master's Research Scholarship

Funded by the University of Otago

For Master's students not otherwise provided for by scholarships in this schedule.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study.

University of Otago Māori Master's Research Scholarship

Funded by the University of Otago

The Scholarships may be held only by Māori students.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study.

University of Otago Pacific Islands Master's Research Scholarship

Funded by the University of Otago

The Scholarships may be held only by students of Pacific Islands decent.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study.

University of Otago International Master's Research Scholarship

Funded by the University of Otago

For International students in their Master's thesis year of studies at the University of Otago.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year capped at the domestic rate, for Master's study.

Divisional Scholarship - Division of Sciences

Funded by the Division of Sciences

For Division of Sciences students not provided for by other scholarships in this schedule.

The value of this scholarship is determined by the Division of Sciences on an annual basis.

Alliance Group Postgraduate Scholarship

Established in 1981 for the purpose of encouraging research into the improvement of livestock, value enhancement by processing of end product or the marketing of primary meat produce.

The Scholarship may be held only by a student of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Mathematics, Engineering, Food Technology, Genetics or some other discipline which will contribute to genetic means of improving New Zealand Farm stock; value enhancement by processing of end product; or marketing of primary meat produce. Applicants with a specific interest in genetic improvement of sheep flocks are particularly encouraged to apply.

The Scholarship may be awarded with overseas tenure.

The CEO of the Alliance Group Ltd will review applications for the scholarship, and a scholarship panel with representation from Alliance Group Ltd. will interview finalists.

Applications for the Alliance Group Postgraduate Scholarship must be accompanied by a document which provides details of the programme of study and research that the applicant proposes to undertake during the term of the Scholarship. This document should include the title of the proposed research project, together with a summary or overview of the project. This summary should clearly identify the purpose of the work and the results hoped for. The major objectives of the proposed research, together with the methodology to be used to achieve each of the objectives is to be provided. A timeline for the achievement of each objective and the overall project is also required. How the results of the research are to be transferred to uses and interested parties is to be clearly stated.

In November of each year of tenure, the scholar is required to submit an annual progress report which will be forwarded to the Company which sponsors the Scholarship.

An additional copy of any thesis resulting from research conducted during the period of tenure must be supplied for forwarding to the Company.

The current value of this scholarship is $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for doctoral study.

Bamforth Postgraduate Scholarship

Established in 1984 for the purpose of encouraging research in the history, literature, and culture of Scotland, and the influence of Scottish migration to New Zealand and elsewhere.

The Scholarship may be held only by a student whose proposed topic of research is in accord with the intentions of the donors.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year for Master's study; and $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for PhD study.

Bruggeman Postgraduate Scholarship in Classics

Established in 1990 by the estate of P.M. Bruggeman for the purpose of encouraging research in Latin, Ancient Greek, or Classical Studies at the University of Otago.

The Scholarship may be held only by a student in the Department of Classics, except that periods of study at other institutions in New Zealand or overseas may be approved by the Head of the Department of Classics.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study; and $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver, for 3 years, for PhD study.

Daniel Taylor Senior Scholarship in Philosophy

Established in 1989 by donation from Mrs G. F. Tavlor, to fulfil the wishes and in memory of her husband Daniel Taylor, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Otago from 1960 until 1970.

The Scholarship may be held, for one year only, by a student for the degree of Master of Arts in Philosophy by thesis only. Preference will be given to candidates undertaking research in the fields of moral and aesthetic value and/or philosophy of mind. A statement acknowledging support from the Scholarship shall be included in any thesis completed during tenure of the Scholarship, and any further publication arising therefrom.

The current value of this scholarship is $1,000, for full- or part-time Master's study.

David Renfrew White Scholarship in Education

Established from funds made available in 1953 by a bequest from J.Waddell Smith and in 1977 by a bequest from Miss Ida G. White in memory of her father, David Renfrew White, former Principal of DunedinTeachers' College and Professor of Education from 1909 to 1912.

The Scholarship may be held only by a recent Otago graduate in Education who has had at least two years' teaching experience and who will be undertaking postgraduate study in Education. The recipient of the Scholarship must, within one calendar month of the date of its award, declare his or her intention of continuing in the profession of teaching in New Zealand after the expiry of the Scholarship.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study.

Dr Sulaiman Daud 125th Jubilee Postgraduate Scholarship

These Scholarships were established in 1994 to mark the 125th Anniversary of the foundation of the University of Otago, New Zealand's oldest University. Their purpose is to assist an exceptional postgraduate research student from Malaysia to attend the University.

The Scholarship may be held only by a student from Malaysia who is not a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand or Australia.

The Dr Sulaiman Daud 125th Jubilee Postgraduate Scholarship provides (for up to three years):

  1. an establishment allowance of $575
  2. a waiver of tuition fees for the degree for which the Scholarship is given
  3. health insurance fee of up to $600 per annum
  4. a living allowance paid monthly
  5. educational allowance of $550 per year

Other than in exceptional circumstances, the Scholar will be required to return to his or her own country upon completion of the degree.

Duffus Lubecki Postgraduate Scholarship in Applied Science

Established in 1924 by A.D. Lubecki.

The Scholarship may be held only by a student of Applied Science (which is deemed to include Dentistry, Medicine, Consumer and Applied Sciences, Physical Education and Science).

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study.

Fanny Evans Postgraduate Scholarship for Women

Established in 1990 in memory of the wife of Dr William Evans. A generous bequest by the late Dr William Evans enabled the University in 1946 to establish the William Evans Fund for the promotion and encouragement of learning and scholarship.

The Scholarship may be held only by a woman candidate who is eligible to enrol for a doctoral degree, although, in exceptional circumstances, the Scholarship may be held by a Master's candidate. The purposes of the Scholarship are to encourage postgraduate study and research by women, especially in disciplines in which women are under-represented, and to assist women who have had a career break to return to University for updating or retraining.

The Scholarship may be held by a part-time candidate for a period not exceeding five years in the case of a PhD candidate and three years in the case of a Master's candidate. A tenure extension to six years for a part-time PhD candidate may be possible in some circumstances. The level of emolument will be pro rata that for a full-time candidate. A part-time candidate may not be employed in a full-time position.

In awarding the Scholarship consideration will be given to the academic merit of the candidate, to any other training or experience of the candidate relevant to her suitability for postgraduate study or research, and to the purposes of the Scholarship as detailed above.

The current value of this scholarship (at the full-time emolument level) is $18,204 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study; and $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for PhD study.

Gilbert M Tothill Scholarship in Psychological Medicine

Established in 2012 by bequest from the estate of Roger Mortimer Tothill (BDS< Otago< 1953) (1921-2102) in memory of his father Gilbert Mortimer Tothill (1898-1979) founding member of the New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and one of the first professionally qualified psychiatrists to practise in New Zealand

The scholarship may be held by a doctoral candidate completing research in Psychiatry, or Psychological Medicine.

Available to doctoral candidates enrolled in and supervised by a Department within the the Otago Medical School i.e.: the Dunedin School of Medicine, the School of Biomedical Sciences, the University of Otago Christchurch or the University of Otago, Wellington.  The Otago Medical School will give final approval of a candidate.

The current value of this scholarship is $10,00 per year for 3 years.  There will be one award per year while funds are available.  This is expected to be 2 awards out of every 3 years.

The scholarship may be held concurrently with another University of Otago doctoral scholarship.

Jack Bradshaw Scholarship in Geology

Established in 1992 by Judith A.K. Terpstra in memory of her husband, J.Y. Bradshaw (1951-1991), MSc (Western Washington University) PhD (Otago), a student in the Department of Geology from 1979 to 1985.

The Scholarship shall be awarded by the University Council on the recommendation pf the Head of Department of Geology to a student of Geology enrolled for the degree of Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy to assist with the expenses of his or her research.

More than one Scholarship may be awarded in any one year if sufficient funds are available.

Note: the value of the Scholarship shall be not less than $1,000.  Grants in aid of lesser amounts may also be made from the Jack Bradshaw fund.

James Park Scholarship

Founded in 1958 under the will of Mrs Park in memory of her husband, Professor James Park, Dean of the Faculty of Mines and Metallurgy from 1901 to 1931.

The Scholarship may be held only by a student whose thesis work is concerned with the occurrence, treatment, or utilisation of New Zealand mineral resources.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study; and $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for PhD study.

John Edmond Postgraduate Scholarship for Industrial Research in Chemistry

Established in 1920 as a Research Fellowship by John Edmond in memory of his father, to promote chemical research in connection with New Zealand industries.

The Scholarship is open only to a student of Chemistry. Any thesis describing the results of the scholar's research shall bear, below the author's name, the title 'John Edmond Postgraduate Scholar of the University of Otago'.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year for Master's study.

Macandrew-Stout Postgraduate Scholarship in Economics

Established in 1887 from funds made available by public subscription in memory of the late James Macandrew, member of the Council and one of the founders of the University and in 1920 by Sir Robert Stout, KCMG, Chief Justice of New Zealand.

The Scholarship may be held only by a student of Economics.

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study; and $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for doctoral study.

Otago Council Inc Scholarship in Science

Established in 2016 with funding from the Otago Council Inc Trust to promote the economic, social and cultural welfare of the people of Otago.

The Scholarship may be held by domestic or international Research Masters' students undergoing research and data collection in the Otago region in the following fields: agriculture, pastoral, forestry, fishing, transport, communications, mining, energy, construction, scientific development and natural resources.

The current value of this scholarship is a one-off payment of $3,000.  This scholarship may be held concurrently with other scholarships.

Senior Smeaton Scholarship in Experimental Science

Established in 1920 by a bequest from the late Peter Smeaton.

The Scholarship may be held only by a student of Experimental Science. (In cases of uncertainty, the Otago Scholarships Committee shall determine whether or not a proposed topic of research falls within the area of Experimental Science).

The current value of this scholarship is $18,204 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year, for Master's study; and $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years, for PhD study.

Tassell Cancer Research Scholarship

Established as a University of Otago scholarship in 2013, with the late Lindsay Beatrice Hesketh Tassell as benefactor.

The scholarship may be held only by a PhD candiate who is a New Zealand citizen or permanent Resident an who is undertaking cancer-related research.  Selection of the scholarship shall be made in consultation with the Dean of the Otago Medical School.  Preference shall be given to candidates studying within the Otago Medical School (School of Biomedical Sciences, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago Christchurch, University of Otago Wellington).

Award of the Scholarship is subject to confirmation from Perpetual Trust who administer the Tassell Fund.  The current value of this scholarship is $32,544 per year plus a tuition fee waiver for 3 years of PhD study.

Waddell Smith Postgraduate Scholarship

Established from a bequest from J. Waddell Smith in 1934.

The Scholarship may be held only by a student of Education.

The current value of this scholarship is $2,000, for full- or part-time Master's or doctoral study.

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