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Category General Regulations
Type Regulation
Approved by Council, 14 October 2014
Date Regulation Took Effect 14 October 2014
Last approved revision 
Sponsor Director, Student Services
Responsible officer 


  1. Title, Approval and Commencement and Revocation

    1. These regulations are the Alcohol Regulations 2014.
    2. These regulations were approved by the University Council at its meeting of 14 October 2014 pursuant to clause 7.3 of the Administration Statute 2011.
    3. These regulations apply, and the former Alcohol on Campus Statute 2011 is repealed and the Alcohol at Student Functions Regulations are revoked, with effect from 15 October 2014.
  2. Definitions

    1. Alcohol means any kind of liquor as defined in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
    2. Campus means all land and buildings owned or occupied or for the time being controlled by the University of Otago anywhere in New Zealand.
    3. Dunedin Student Function means a Student Function held in Dunedin or arranged for Dunedin-based students, other than functions for residents of a University owned or affiliated college which takes place with the approval of the relevant Head of College.
    4. Student Function means any social function primarily for students and involving the use of alcohol which is held by a Division, Department, class or student group or student committee and any function held by the Otago University Students' Association (OUSA).
  3. Prohibited Activities

    1. Except as authorised by or under these Regulations, no person shall:
      1. bring alcohol into; or
      2. possess alcohol in; or
      3. consume alcohol in; or
      4. display any material advertising alcohol (other than incidentally on personal clothing, bags or similar items) or conduct events or activities involving alcohol-related sponsorship in any part of the Campus.
    2. Except as authorised by or under these Regulations, no person shall:
      1. distribute communications; or
      2. conduct or endorse events or activities, involving alcohol-related advertising or sponsorship, in the name of, or in a way which implies the involvement of, the University.
  4. Alcohol at Student Functions

    1. Dunedin Student Functions may be held only in accordance with an approval issued by the appropriate Head of Department, Head of College, Head of Service Division, Dean, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor or, in the case of OUSA functions, the approval of the OUSA President or a delegate formally authorised by OUSA for the purpose. Approval of Dunedin Student Functions is to be sought through completion of the form prescribed by the Proctor. Student Functions which are not Dunedin Student Functions may be held only in accordance with the approval of the Head of the campus for whose students the function is arranged.
    2. Dunedin Student Functions must be registered by lodging completed approval forms with the Proctor not less than 7 days prior to the proposed function, provided that the Proctor may accept later registration where he or she is satisfied there have been reasonable grounds for the delay. If the Proctor is concerned with any aspect of the arrangements for the proposed Student Function he or she may decline to register the function (in which case it may not proceed) or register it subject to conditions which must be observed.
    3. The Proctor or the Proctor's delegated representative has the authority to be present at any Student Function and all students at the function are required to follow the reasonable and lawful directions of such persons with respect to health and safety issues and the overall conduct of the function.
    4. The requirements of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, and of the Licence under which any Student Function is held, are to be complied with in every respect. Any breach of such requirements shall also be a breach of these Regulations.
  5. Authorised Activities

    1. the possession and consumption of alcohol at a Student Function duly registered in accordance with clause 4 of these Regulations;
    2. the consumption and advertising of alcohol on licensed premises within the Campus in a manner consistent with the relevant licence;
    3. the possession and consumption of alcohol by staff of the University and their bona fide guests (including student invitees) within a University building where that is carried out in accordance with an authorisation issued by the appropriate Head of Department, Head of College, Head of Service Division, Dean, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor;
    4. the possession and consumption of alcohol by students within a Residential College or within a University-owned flat in accordance with the rules established by that College or by UniFlats as the case may be;
    5. the taking of alcohol through the Campus in its original unopened bottle or other original unopened container;
    6. promotional activities of the kind described in clause 3.1(d) and 3.2 where those activities are expressly approved by the Vice-Chancellor or nominee;
    7. the use of alcohol or alcohol related materials for bona fide purposes of University teaching or research or the acceptance of funding for research that is otherwise acceptable under University policy.
  6. Breach

    1. A breach of these Regulations by a student of the University is deemed to be a breach of the University's Student Conduct Statute 2021 and may be the subject of action under that Statute. A breach of the provisions of these Regulations by a member of the staff of the University may be the subject of action under the staff member's employment agreement into which these Regulations are incorporated.
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