- New Mode or New Teaching Period Proposal template (formerly Form 6) (DOCX)
- New Mode or Teaching Period Proposal example (PDF)
- Important notes for completing proposals for existing papers (PDF)
- Clarification of Otago's use of the terms 'online' and 'distance' for administrative purposes (PDF)
Timeline for submission of a New Mode or Teaching Period Proposal
Type of proposal | If submitted by* | Permits |
New Mode or New Teaching Period Proposal(Proposal to introduce a new mode (i.e. on campus or Distance Learning) or new teaching period (including the Summer School and Pre-Xmas Summer School periods) for an existing paper.) Note: If deleting a programme, please liaise with your Divisional experts as a communication plan will need to be agreed and followed. | February or March Divisional Boards | Implementation in the following academic year
April or May | Implementation in the following academic year
* Note that these are FINAL deadlines – earlier submission is encouraged.
Staff members who are preparing academic proposals should seek advice from experts within their academic division as follows:
Academic: Associate Dean (Academic) and/or Associate Dean (Postgraduate Programmes)
Specialist, Academic Committees and Services (Commerce)
Health Sciences
Academic: Associate Dean (Academic) and/or Associate Dean (Postgraduate)
Specialist, Academic Committees and Services (Health Sciences)
Academic: Associate Dean (Academic) and/or Associate Dean (Postgraduate)
Specialist, Academic Committees and Services (Humanities)
Academic: Associate Dean (Academic) and/or Associate Dean (Postgraduate)
Specialist, Academic Committees and Services (Sciences)