This page concerns the operational sub-committee, not the committee formerly known as the "Health & Safety and Ethics Compliance Committee" (now "Health and Safety Committee" (Council)).
Terms of Reference
To identify and facilitate the development of University policies in relation to health and safety matters, for approval by the Vice-Chancellor;
To provide a forum for discussion of occupational health and safety matters leading to policy development and advice, including employee and union representation;
To receive quarterly reports from the University Health and Safety Manager on accidents/incidents and health and safety issues;
To perform the ACC Partnership Programme self assessment requirement in preparation for the external ACC audit;
To receive reports from employee representatives on safety issues and health and safety compliance within Divisions;
To liaise with the Hazardous Substances and Radiation Committee, the Institutional Biological Safety Committee, the Animal Ethics Committee , the University of Otago Human Ethics Committee and the University of Otago Human Ethics Committee (Health) as appropriate; and
To report to the Health and Safety Committee (Council).
- Head, Health and Safety Compliance (Convenor)
- Secretary – ACC/H&S Administrator
- Health and Safety Advisor
- Occupational Health Nurse
- University Laboratory Manager
- Laboratory H&S Advisor
- Biological Compliance Officer
- Property Services Health and Safety Adviser
- A student member nominated by the Students' Association
- Director of Student Services or nominee
- Inter-Union Council Representative (as per Employee Participation Agreement Nov 2003)
- H&S Representative
- DHSO representatives from each Academic Division and two DHSO representatives from the Service Divisions