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CategoryHuman Resources
Approved byDirector, Human Resources
Date Policy Took Effect1 July 2008
Last approved revision29 September 2023
SponsorDirector, Human Resources
Responsible officerHR Manager, Promotions & Remuneration


The performance of the University depends on the quality and commitment of its workforce.

The aim of this policy is to assist the University to attract and retain staff capable of meeting the University of Otago needs.

The main principle is to ensure staff are paid fairly and are treated consistently throughout the University.

Organisational scope

The Policy applies to all general staff of the University of Otago.


1. Employment agreements

The University operates a number of standard employment agreements. Remuneration policy is guided by the terms and conditions of these agreements. Please visit the link below to read the employment agreements, or contact your Human Resources administrator.

  • Academic Staff (Medical and Dental) Individual Employment Agreement
  • Academic Staff (Non-Medical and Dental) Collective Employment Agreement
  • Academic Staff (Non-Medical and Dental) Individual Employment Agreement
  • Clinical Lecturer Individual Employment Agreement
  • Clinical Lecturer (school contract) Individual Employment Agreement
  • Clinical Tutor Individual Employment Agreement
  • Clinical Tutor (school contract) Individual Employment Agreement
  • Dental Health House Surgeon Individual Employment Agreement
  • Executive Residence Housekeepers Individual Employment Agreement
  • General Practitioner Individual Employment Agreement
  • General Staff Collective Employment Agreement
  • General Staff Individual Employment Agreement
  • Joint Clinical Individual Employment Agreement
  • Poisons Information Officer/Specialist Individual Employment Agreement
  • Postdoctoral Fellows Individual Employment Agreement
  • Psychologist Individual Employment Agreement
  • School/ECE Support Service Staff (College of Education) Collective Agreement and Individual Employment Agreement
  • Student Employment Agreement and Guidelines
  • Tutor and Demonstrator Individual Employment Agreement Fixed Hours and Variable Hours
  • University Union Employment Agreements
  • Casual Individual Employment Agreement

View all Employment Agreements and Conditions

2. Pay scales

The University operates a number of pay scales which are linked to one or more of the employment agreements above.  Please visit the link below to see the pay scales, or contact your Human Resources administrator.

  • Scale 1, an eight level salary structure which applies to the majority of general staff
    This scale applies to all staff covered by the general staff employment agreements except for Research Assistants, Trades staff and Student Health Practice Nurses.
  • Scale 3, a four step scale which applies to Research Assistants
    The Research Assistant scale applies to short term positions, the purpose of which is to provide assistance with research projects, where the nature of the work does not meet the criteria for the Assistant Research Fellow scale.
  • Scale 4, a four step scale which applies to Trades Staff
    The Trades Staff scale applies to plumbers, electricians, fitters, carpenters, joiners, painters, ground staff, general hands and paint hands.
  • Scale 5, a four level salary structure which applies to Student Health Practice Nurses
    This scale applies to Practice Nurses working in Student Health
  • Scale 6, Residential Colleges Pay Scales
    These scales apply to Cooks, Chefs, Assistant Chefs, Domestic Supervisors, Domestic Assistants and Kitchen Assistants employed on the Residential Colleges Employment Agreement.
  • Academic (Non-Medical/Dental) Pay Scale
    This scale applies to all academic staff except those with medical or dental qualifications working in a position which requires those qualifications
  • Academic (Medical/Dental) Pay Scale
    This scale applies to academic staff with medical or dental qualifications working in a position which requires those qualifications.
  • School/ECE Support Service Staff (College of Education) Pay Scale
  • Management Band Pay Scale
    This scale applies to staff employed on a management band individual employment agreement
  • Tutors and Demonstrators Pay Scale
  • Executive Residence Housekeepers Pay Scale

View all pay scales

Guidelines for payment are available for:

  • Casual Employment Agreement
  • Tutors and Demonstrators
  • Visiting Academic Appointments
  • External Supervisors of PhD degree Candidates
  • Adjunct Appointments

a. Calculation of hourly pay rates

The employment agreement and offer letter may refer to either the full time equivalent annual salary or the hourly rate.  Hourly rates are published for some pay scales.  Where an hourly rate is not published, and is to be referred to in the employment agreement, it will be calculated using the following formula:

Rounding to four decimal places, the full time equivalent salary is divided by 365, multiplied by 7 and then divided by the hours that constitute an ordinary full-time week's work (as specified in the relevant employment agreement).

3. Remuneration delegations

Recruitment and Retention Supplement up to $2,000 – Academic StaffDivisional Head
Recruitment and Retention Supplement over $2,000 – Academic StaffDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Recruitment and Retention Supplement – General StaffDirector of Human Resources
Bonus Payments up to $1,500 per annum – General StaffDivisional Head
Bonus Payments over $1,500 per annum – General StaffVice-Chancellor
Bonus Payments – Academic StaffVice-Chancellor
Appointment of General Staff in the appointment rangeDivisional Head (Dean in School of Health Sciences)
Appointment of General Staff in the in the merit rangeDirector of Human Resources
Appointment of Academic Staff below Associate Professor:
Appointment of Associate Professors
Appointment of Professors
Divisional Head
Staffing Advisory Committee
Vice Chancellor
Placement of current staff in appointment range following re-evaluation to a higher levelDivisional Head (Dean in School of Health Sciences)

4. Procedure for negotiations of employment agreements

The University of Otago aims to treat all staff fairly and consistently.  For the sake of consistency and efficiency, it endeavours to have as few variations of employment conditions as possible.  Regardless of whether the individual or collective agreements are negotiated first, the University will aim to offer staff on similar employment agreements a variation to their agreement to closely reflect the changes to the other agreement, both in terms of remuneration and any other changes to terms and conditions.  In recent years, the collective agreements have been settled first and have been followed by the individual offers.

The following section outlines how these changes are to be implemented unless otherwise agreed in the terms of settlement.

a. Collective employment agreements

Collective employment agreements are agreements that cover two or more employees who are union members.

For staff on collective employment agreements, bargaining will be conducted by their unions on their behalf.  Once agreement has been reached between the negotiating parties, the unions will undertake a ratification process to formalise the terms of settlement (i.e. what was agreed upon).

The resulting changes will be implemented as soon as practicable.  The unions will be advised of the process for implementation including the pay date that any increases will be paid and when the new written Collective Employment Agreement is available. Depending on the timing and numbers of staff involved, there is likely to be a delay between the ratification and the implementation of any increase. Staff covered by a collective agreement (i.e. they would be a union member) and whose agreement with the University has ended would only receive any related backdated pay increase if they were employed at the time the University has been advised by the union that the terms of settlement has been ratified.

The following collective agreements are currently in place at the University of Otago:

  • General Staff Collective Employment Agreement
  • Academic Staff (non Medical/Dental) Collective Employment Agreement
  • School/ECE Support Service Staff (College of Education) Collective Agreement

b. Individual employment agreements

Individual employment agreements are agreements that cover one employee whose position is not covered by a collective agreement and/or chooses not to be a union member. The University operates a number of standard individual employment agreements.

The individual negotiations may take place either prior to or after the collective negotiations. The negotiations will normally be initiated by a letter of offer to the staff member. Staff will be given the opportunity to respond to the offer. Staff whose agreement with the University has ended (including through retirement, redundancies and settlements) would only receive any related backdated increase if they receive a letter offering the change in conditions.

i. General staff

The following employment agreements are linked to the General Staff Collective Employment Agreement as they have the same pay scale/scales and similar terms and conditions.

  • General Staff Individual Employment Agreement
  • Poisons Officer Individual Employment Agreement

The following employment agreements also apply to general staff and will normally be offered the same increase and changes to terms and conditions.

  • Executive Residence Housekeepers Individual Employment Agreement
  • University Union Individual Employment Agreements (salaried staff and permanent staff)
  • General Practitioners Individual Employment Agreement

The following employment agreements also apply to general staff but are negotiated for the academic year. Any changes to terms and conditions for staff employed on these agreements will become effective from 1 January.

  • Casual Individual Employment Agreement
  • Student Individual Employment Agreement
  • Tutor Demonstrator Individual Employment Agreement
  • Examination Supervisor Individual Employment Agreement
ii. Academic staff

The following employment agreement is linked to the Academic (Non-Medical/Dental) Collective Employment Agreement as it has the same pay scales and similar terms and conditions.

  • Academic (Non-Medical/Dental) Individual Employment Agreement

The following employment agreements also apply to academic staff and will normally be offered the same increase and changes to terms and conditions.

  • Academic (Medical/Dental) Individual Employment Agreement
  • Joint Clinical Individual Employment Agreement (University Component)
  • Clinical Psychologist Individual Employment Agreement (University Component)
  • Clinical Tutor Individual Employment Agreement
  • Postdoctoral Fellows Individual Employment Agreement

The following employment agreements also apply to academic staff but are negotiated for the academic year (i.e. 30 November for the purposes of this policy). Any changes to terms and conditions for staff employed on these agreements will become effective from 1 January.

  • Casual Individual Employment Agreement
  • Clinical Tutor (school contract)

The following employment agreement is also normally negotiated for one year. Any changes to terms and conditions for staff employed on these agreements will become effective from 1 February.

  • Dental Health House Surgeon Individual Employment Agreement
  • Clinical Lecturers
iii. Management band staff

The Vice-Chancellor will make a decision on whether or not it is appropriate to offer an increase to staff employed on Management Band Individual Employment Agreements.

5. Placement of staff members on a pay scale and progression within a pay scale

a. Placement

i. Academic staff

Decisions on how to place new academic staff on the salary scale are made with reference to the definitions in the academic promotions policy. For staff in positions covered by the academic promotions policy, the appointment process can not be used to circumvent the requirements for academic promotion. Appointments to Associate Professor must be approved by the Staffing Advisory Committee. Appointments to Professor must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor.  For academic staff being appointed to positions which are not covered by the academic promotions policy please refer to the relevant employment agreement for information about how decisions are made with regard to placement on the pay scale, or seek advice from Human Resources.

ii. General staff

Section 6 explains the procedures for general staff who are paid on Scale 1 (the eight level salary structure which applies to most general staff).  For other general staff, please refer to the relevant employment agreement for information about how decisions are made with regard to placement on the pay scale, or seek advice from Human Resources.

b. Progression

Placement on a salary scale may be reviewed if this is provided by the employment agreement.  Staff should refer to their employment agreement for information about salary progression.

i. Academic staff

The salaries of academic staff are reviewed as defined in the employment agreement.  Additional information is available on the Academic Progressions pages on the Human Resources website.

ii. General staff

The salaries of general staff on Scale 1 are reviewed on an annual basis as part of the Performance Development Review (PDR) process.  For other general staff, please refer to the relevant employment agreement for information about how decisions are made with regard to placement on the pay scale, or seek advice from Human Resources.

iii. Fixed Term Agreements

Staff on fixed term agreements will be considered for progression and promotion using the same processes as for permanent staff.  If a new fixed term agreement is offered to the staff member, and a progression or promotion is approved, it will be effective from the date specified in the relevant progression or promotion process.  Any consideration for promotion or progression, which would take effect after the end of the term of the agreement, shall not bind the University to provide employment beyond the term of the agreement.

iv. Secondments

Staff on secondment will be considered for progression in both their seconded position and their permanent position, dependent on the timing of the secondment and the timing of the relevant progression process. For general staff please refer to the PDR guidelines. The manager for the secondment and the manager for the permanent position should agree how this will be managed at the time the secondment is arranged.

6. Placement of general staff members on Scale 1 pay scale

The University operates an eight-level salary structure (Scale 1) applicable to most general staff, with Level 1 being the lowest and Level 8 being the highest.  The decision on which level a position covered by this scale is placed on is made through the Job Evaluation system (see the Job Evaluation section 8).

Each level is divided into two halves. The lower half is the appointment salary range and the upper half is the merit salary range. Each level has a series of defined salary steps. Staff can only be placed on the designated steps identified in the pay scale.

Placement on a particular step within the level will be based on the PDR criteria.

a. Procedure for appointment of external applicants within Scale 1

A new appointee will be placed at one of the “appointment steps” within the appropriate level for the position. The appointment steps are marked in bold on the pay scale. Appointing to any other step in the appointment range is not permitted.

Placement of a new appointee on a particular step within the level will be based on the criteria used in the PDR. The manager will use information gained through the recruitment process to assess their experience, qualifications and levels of previous performance against the outcomes and competencies needed for the job.

A factor managers should consider is how long they reasonably expect it to take for the appointee to achieve full competency within the University of Otago environment. Some indications may be provided by the experience and knowledge of the person(s) who are training, inducting and mentoring this person in their new role.

Salary relativities should also be considered, i.e. what are the salaries of staff performing similar roles and their supervisors?

i. Appointment range

Divisional Heads, or those who have delegated authority from their Divisional Head, have the authority to appoint within the appointment salary range of the level based on their assessment of the new appointee during the recruitment process.

A new appointee being offered a salary at the top of the appointment range will have demonstrated during the recruitment process that they were performing at a fully competent level in a similar position as defined by the PDR guidelines.

ii. Merit range

If a Divisional Head (Dean in Health Sciences) believes that a new appointee has demonstrated during the recruitment process that they are already capable of performing at an outstanding level as defined by the PDR guidelines, they may apply to the Director of Human Resources to appoint in the merit range.  Agreement on the appropriate salary for merit appointments should be reached between the Divisional Head (Dean in Health Sciences) and the Director of Human Resources based on the assessment of the new appointee. The final decision rests with the Director of Human Resources.

Other considerations for setting the level of appointment will include salary relativities and comparisons of performance outcomes within the Department, School, Division and University.

iii. New appointees without the minimum qualifications and/or experience

In rare circumstances where there are difficulties recruiting a suitable person, consideration may be given to appointing a candidate with potential but without the minimum qualifications and/or experience for the position.   In these circumstances, they may be appointed at a salary appropriate to their qualifications and experience with a specific development plan which must be put in place at the time of the appointment.  This development plan will specify the performance criteria that the new appointee must meet in order to demonstrate the minimum qualifications and experience. This development plan will also detail the process and timing of assessment against those criteria.  Once assessed as meeting the minimum qualifications and experience they will advance to the appropriate level for the position. A specific scale for salary progression for technical trainees is available.

b. Salary considerations for current staff members being appointed to a new position on Scale 1

Appointment to a new position would normally occur as a result of being appointed to an advertised University vacancy.  Consideration should be given to placing the salary at one of the “appointment steps” within the appropriate level for the position.  The appointment steps are marked in bold on the pay scale.   Please note that if the appointment is as a result of redeployment, the provisions of the Management of Change policy will apply.

i. Appointment to a new position at the SAME level:

Appointment range: Where the internal applicant's current salary falls within the appointment salary range of the new position, the applicant may be offered an increase in salary to an appropriate appointment step up to the top of the appointment range of the salary range of the new position subject to the following:

  • The appointee is to be assessed against the PDR criteria (objectives and competencies) for the new position. Placement within the appointment Range will be based on this criteria.
  • Salary relativities within the Department, School and/or Division.
  • Where the applicant's current position and the new position are similar, the applicant may be appointed with an increase in salary which is consistent with the standard increase applied through the PDR (3 steps for staff in levels 1 to 3 and 4 steps for staff in levels 4 and above).  Please note that if the appointment commences after 1 August, the staff member will not be eligible for a salary increase through the PDR the following 1 February.

Merit range: As with external applicants, appointment in the merit range may only occur by application to the Director of Human Resources (refer above), with the following two exceptions:

Where an internal applicant's current salary falls within the merit salary range of the new position, the applicant may be appointed at the same step as their current salary provided that the salary step offered is consistent with the assessment of the applicant against the criteria for the PDR relevant to the new position, and salary relativities within the Department, school and/or Division.

If all the following conditions apply, the applicant may be appointed with an increase in salary which is consistent with the standard increase applied through the PDR (3 steps for staff in levels 1 to 3 and 4 steps for staff in levels 4 and above).

  • the appointment is made between 1 August and 31 January; and
  • the applicant's current position and the new position are similar; and
  • the salary step offered is consistent with the assessment of the applicant against the criteria for the PDR relevant to the new position, and salary relativities with the Department, School and/or Division; and
  • the applicant would have received an increase through the PDR.
ii. Appointment to a new position at a HIGHER level

Appointment range: Where the internal applicant's current salary falls below the salary range of the new position or within the appointment salary range of the new position, the applicant may be offered an increase in salary to an appropriate appointment step up to the top of the appointment range of the salary range of the new position subject to the following:

  • The appointee is to be assessed against the PDR criteria (objectives and competencies) for the new position. Placement within the appointment range will be based on this criteria.
  • Salary relativities within the Department, School and/or Division.
  • Where the applicant's current position and the new position are similar, the applicant will normally be appointed with an increase in salary which is consistent with the standard increase applied through the PDR (3 steps for staff in levels 1 to 3 and 4 steps for staff in levels 4 and above).  Please note that if the appointment commences after 1 August, the staff member will not be eligible for a salary increase through the PDR the following 1 February.

Merit range: As with external applicants, appointment in the merit range may only occur by application to the Director of Human Resources (refer above), with the following two exceptions:

Where an internal applicant's current salary falls within the merit salary range of the new position, the applicant may be appointed at the same step as their current salary provided that the salary step offered is consistent with the assessment of the applicant against the criteria for the PDR relevant to the new position, and salary relativities within the Department, School and/or Division.

If all the following conditions apply,  the applicant may be appointed with an increase in salary which is consistent with the standard increase applied through the PDR (3 steps for staff in levels 1 to 3 and 4 steps for staff in levels 4 and above)

  • the appointment is made between 1 August and 31 January; and
  • the applicant would have received an increase through the Performance and Development Review; and
  • the applicant's current position and the new position are similar; and
  • the salary step offered is consistent with the assessment of the applicant against the criteria for the PDR relevant to the new position, and salary relativities within the Department, School and/or Division.
iii. Appointment to a new position at a LOWER level:

Where the internal applicant's current salary falls within the full salary range (appointment and merit ranges) of the new position, the applicant may be appointed at the nearest step above their current salary provided that the salary step offered is consistent with the assessment of the applicant against the criteria for the PDR relevant to the new position and salary relativities within the Department, School and/or Division.

Where the internal applicant's current salary falls above the salary range of the new position, the applicant shall transfer with a reduction in salary to an appropriate point within the salary range of the new position that is consistent with the assessment of the applicant against the criteria for the PDR relevant to the new position and salary relativities within the Department, School and/or Division. Please contact Human Resources for assistance.

iv. Salary reductions

If the applicant's current salary is not consistent with the assessment against the criteria for the PDR relevant to the new position or with salary relativities within the Department, School and/or Division, the salary may be reduced.  Please contact Human Resources for assistance.

v.Recruitment and Retention Supplements

If a staff member receives a recruitment and retention supplement, the supplement will be reviewed at the time of appointment to a new position.  Normally the supplement will be incorporated into the staff member's new salary.

7. Job Evaluation

The decision on which level a position covered by Scale 1 is placed is made through the Job Evaluation system.  The Job Evaluation Committee will evaluate the job description, place the position into the appropriate salary level and determine the effective date of any change.  The effective date of any salary adjustments resulting from Job Evaluation will normally be the date of receipt of the revised job description by Human Resources.

For recruitment purposes, the manager will decide whether a position should be submitted for Job Evaluation. Where substantial changes to a job description occur (i.e. one or more of the criteria used in Job Evaluation are significantly affected), the manager should apply to the Job Evaluation Committee for the position to be re-evaluated.

An application for Job Evaluation should include the following:

  1. the new job description signed by the manager and the staff member(s),
  2. the job description as it was last evaluated or the job description of a similar evaluated position,
  3. a completed Job Evaluation Application form,
  4. an organisation chart.
  5. a covering memo detailing the reasons for the re-evaluation (optional but recommended),

For advice or assistance with Job Evaluation, please contact:

Human Resources

a. Salary considerations for current staff members whose position is re-evaluated within Scale 1 to reflect changes in job content

Where significant changes to the substance of a job description occur, staff members and their managers may make application for the position to be re-evaluated (see above).  The result of the re-evaluation may be that the position is placed in a higher level, the same level or a lower level.  In transferring to a new salary level through Job Evaluation, the individual's current salary will not be reduced.

i. Re-evaluation of a current position to a HIGHER level:

Where the position is placed in a higher level and the staff member's current salary falls below the salary range of that level or within the appointment salary range of that level, the staff member's salary will be increased to the nearest appointment step in the new level from the date that the re-evaluation takes effect.

The manager may, with approval from the Divisional Head (Dean in Health Sciences), offer an increase in salary to an appropriate appointment step up to the midpoint of the salary range of the revised position, provided that the salary step offered is consistent with the assessment of the staff member against the criteria for the PDR relevant to the revised job description and salary relativities within the Department, School and/or Division.

Where the staff member's current salary falls within the merit salary range of the revised position, the staff member's salary will be increased to the nearest salary step in the new level.

If a staff member receives a recruitment and retention supplement, the supplement will be reviewed at the time of the re-evaluation.  Normally the supplement will be incorporated into the staff member's salary.

ii. Re-evaluation of a current position to the same level:

Where the position is placed in the same level and the staff member's current salary does not change.

iii. Re-evaluation of a current position to a LOWER level:

Where the staff member's current salary falls within the full salary range (appointment and merit ranges) of the revised position, the staff member's salary will be increased to the nearest step in the new level.

Where the staff member's current salary falls above the salary range of the revised position, the staff member will be placed on the highest step in the new level and will be paid a supplement to maintain their salary at their previous salary.  This supplement will abate with general wage increases.

b. Performance Development Review and Job Evaluation

If a staff member's position has changed and the subsequent Job Evaluation affects a staff member's salary level during the timeframe of the PDR process, the Head must decide whether salary progression is appropriate in the new level.  As a general rule, if the effective date of the re-evaluation of the staff member's position occurred before 1 August, and the staff's performance is reviewed against the changed position description, the PDR and revised objectives, then salary progression should be considered in the new level.  If the effective date of the re-evaluation of the staff member's position occurred after 1 August, the staff member's performance is reviewed against the old position description and therefore salary progression should be considered in the old level.  For advice please contact:




8. Use of a Recruitment and Retention Supplement

Recruitment and retention supplements may be applied to overcome demonstrated difficulties in recruiting and retention.  Recruitment and retention payments will only be made for positions that are of strategic importance or where there are identifiable issues with obtaining staff for the normal University salaries.

The salaries offered by the University take into consideration two significant factors. The first is to maintain salary relativities between positions and people within the University.  The second is to ensure, as far as is possible, that salaries offered are competitive with those offered by other employers in similar labour markets.  From time to time the salary level may not be competitive. In such cases a recruitment and retention supplement may be required to attract or retain staff.

For recruitment purposes, the recruiting manager may apply for a pre-authorised recruitment and retention supplement.  This must be approved before the possibility of a supplement is mentioned in advertising or in discussions with candidates.

The application form for recruitment and retention supplements is available online on the HR Forms page.  Please email for salary information from New Zealand salary surveys, if required.

9. Bonus payments

The University acknowledges that, from time to time, an additional monetary payment in the form of a bonus may need to be made to a staff member to recognise and reward the achievement of a certain specific task or set of tasks.

The University believes that the investment in a bonus payment should occur as soon as possible after the achievement of the particular task or set of tasks for which a bonus payment is to be made.

The policy and procedure for the payment of bonuses to general staff is available at the link below:

Bonus Payment Policy and Procedure

For academic staff, Pro-Vice-Chancellors may recommend a bonus in recognition of a significant, exceptional event which has not otherwise been recognised. Recommendations should be sent to the Vice-Chancellor and can be made at any stage throughout the year.

Bonus payments up to and including $1,500 per annum – General staffDivisional Head
Bonus payments over $1,500 per annum – General staffVice-Chancellor
Bonus payments – Academic staffVice-Chancellor

10. Salary information for recruitment purposes

Where an appointment range applies, the salary range for appointment will be quoted from the first appointment step to the top of the appointment range. The top of the range will also be quoted. For example: “Salary Level and Range – Level 4 (Range for Appointments $41,574 to $46,157, Top of Range $50,738)“.

For other positions, the full applicable salary range will normally be quoted, for example: “Salary Level and Range – Lecturer/Research Fellow ($70,506 to $85,039)“;
“Salary Level and Range – General Practitioner ($124,950 to $144,188)“.

For Management positions the following statement will be used: “Salary Level and Range – The University is offering a remuneration level commensurate with the responsibilities of the position, qualifications and experiences of the successful appointee.“

Where it is not appropriate to advertise the salary range for any reason, including where a position is advertised prior to a confirmed Job Evaluation, no salary information will be provided in the advertisement on the University of Otago website.

Candidates will be advised to contact either human resources or the department for information. If a Job Evaluation is subsequently confirmed, this may be edited during the advert posting.

Where the salary arrangements are complex (for example Joint Clinical Academic vacancies), a statement may be included below the advert text on the University of Otago website.

a.Recruitment and retention supplement information in vacancy information

The potential use of a recruitment and retention supplement should be identified prior to advertising. The statement below may be included below the advert text on the University of Otago website if deemed appropriate. This statement should be used EXCEPTIONALLY and only for positions where a recruitment and retention supplement has been pre-authorised (see above). Discussions regarding the use of the statement should be held with Human Resources before a decision on its inclusion is made.

“There is a possibility that the University may award a non-superable payment additional to salary to assist recruitment, in respect of this position. Any such payment will be reviewed on an annual basis.”

11. Employee benefits

The University of Otago is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees. The University therefore offers a range of benefits and discounts for staff members from superannuation subsidy and retirement planning to health and travel insurance and a number of other services and discounts both within the University and external businesses in Dunedin.

Employee benefits of working at the University of Otago

Appendix 1: General staff Scale 1 appointment points

Download the General Staff Scale 1 Appointment Points

Related policies, procedures and forms

Contact for further information

If you have any queries regarding the content of this policy or need further clarification, contact:

Dan Wilson
HR Manager – Promotions and Remuneration
Tel +64 3 479 8092

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