Journal - Research Other
Thomas, T. (2023). [Review of the book Building and remembering: An archaeology of place-making on Papua New Guinea's south coast]. Australian Archaeology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03122417.2023.2213543
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Thomas, T. (2023, June). Topogenic concepts, landscape history, and Pacific archaeology. Verbal presentation at the 10th International Lapita Conference, Suva, Fiji.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ford, A., Walter, R., & Thomas, T. (2022). Fragile shores: Addressing coastal erosion on archaeological sites in Otago. Proceedings of the New Zealand Archaeological Association (NZAA) Annual Conference. (pp. 8-9). Retrieved from https://nzarchaeology.org
Edited Book - Research
Thomas, T. (Ed.). (2021). Theory in the Pacific, the Pacific in theory: Archaeological perspectives. London, UK: Routledge, 336p. doi: 10.4324/9780203730973
Chapter in Book - Research
Thomas, T. (2021). Pacific colonisation as process and practice. In T. Thomas (Ed.), Theory in the Pacific, the Pacific in theory: Archaeological perspectives. (pp. 145-179). London, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203730973
Thomas, T. (2021). Theory in the Pacific, and the Pacific in theory. In T. Thomas (Ed.), Theory in the Pacific, the Pacific in theory: Archaeological perspectives. (pp. 1-36). London, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203730973
Journal - Research Article
Thomas, T., McStay, A., Sheppard, P., & Summerhayes, G. (2021). Interaction and isolation in New Georgia: Insights from the Nabo Point ceramic assemblage, Tetepare. Archaeology in Oceania, 56(1), 45-64. doi: 10.1002/arco.5221
Chapter in Book - Research
Thomas, T. (2020). Sensory archaeology in the Pacific. In R. Skeates & J. Day (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology. (pp. 539-555). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315560175-31
Journal - Research Other
Thomas, T. (2020). [Review of the book The Oxford handbook of prehistoric Oceania]. Antiquaries Journal, 100, 460-462. doi: 10.1017/S0003581520000396
Thomas, T. (2020). [Review of the book An archaeology of early Christianity in Vanuatu: Kastom and religious change on Tanna and Erromango, 1839-1920]. Archaeology in Oceania, 55, 57-58. doi: 10.1002/arco.5190
Chapter in Book - Research
Thomas, T. (2019). Axes of entanglement in the New Georgia group, Solomon Islands. In M. Leclerc & J. Flexner (Eds.), Archaeologies of Island Melanesia: Current approaches to landscapes, exchange and practice. (pp. 103-116). Canberra, Australia: ANU Press. doi: 10.22459/TA51.2019.07
Journal - Research Other
Thomas, T. (2018). [Review of the book Archaeology of the Solomon Islands]. Journal of the Polynesian Society, 127(2), 262-264. doi: 10.15286/jps.127.2.249-264
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Thomas, T. (2018, December). Entanglement, abstraction and power in late-period western Solomon Islands. Verbal presentation at the European Society for Oceanists (ESfO) Conference: Dealing with Inequality: Pacific perspectives, Pacific Futures, London and Cambridge, UK.
Thomas, T. (2018, December). Photography, history and memory on Simbo, Solomon Islands. Verbal presentation at the Pacific History Association 23rd Biennial Conference, London and Cambridge, UK.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Thomas, T. (2016, August-September). Archaeologies of entanglement in the New Georgia group, Solomon Islands. Verbal presentation at the Eighth World Archaeological Congress, Kyoto, Japan.
Journal - Research Article
Brown, A. A., & Thomas, T. (2015). The first New Zealanders? An alternative interpretation of stable isotope data from Wairau Bar, New Zealand. PLoS ONE, 10(10), e0135214. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135214
Journal - Research Other
Thomas, T. (2015). Political economy in prehistory: A Marxist approach to Pacific sequences [Comment]. Current Anthropology, 56(4), 537-538. doi: 10.1086/682284
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hurford, J., & Thomas, T. (2015). Houses, shrines and the social landscape of Tetepare, Solomon Isalnds. Proceedings of the 8th International Lapita Conference. (pp. 51). Retrieved from http://archanth.anu.edu.au/cbap/lapita8conference
Other Research Output
Thomas, T. (2015, October). Being and time, houses and shrines, in the Solomon Islands. Peter Wilson Seminar, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Edited Book - Research
Martinsson-Wallin, H., & Thomas, T. (Eds.). (2014). Monuments and people in the Pacific. Uppsala, Sweden: Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, 374p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Thomas, T. (2014). Les formes topogéniques en Nouvelle-Géorgie. In M. Mélandri & S. Revolon (Eds.), L'Éclat des ombres: L'art en noir et blanc des îles Salomon. (pp. 180-188). Paris: Somogy Editions.
Thomas, T. (2014). Shrines in the landscape of New Georgia. In H. Martinsson-Wallin & T. Thomas (Eds.), Monuments and people in the Pacific. (pp. 47-76). Uppsala, Sweden: Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University.
Thomas, T. (2014). Objects and photographs from the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition. In E. Hviding & C. Berg (Eds.), The ethnographic experiment: A. M. Hocart and W. H. R. Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908. (pp. 252-281). New York: Berghahn Books.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mitchell, P., & Thomas, T. (2014). Railways and landscape in 19th century Otago: A spatial analysis of the Nenthorn construction camp. Archaeology in New Zealand, 57(3), (pp. 142-143). [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Thomas, T. (2014, April). The archaeology of Tetepare Island. Verbal presentation at the Australian Association for Pacific Studies (AAPS) Conference: Oceanscapes: Cooperation Across the Pacific, Sydney, Australia.
Chapter in Book - Research
Thomas, T. (2013). Sensory efficacy in the art of New Georgia. In L. Bolton, N. Thomas, E. Bonshek, J. Adams & B. Burt (Eds.), Melanesia: Art and encounter. (pp. 199-208). London, UK: British Museum Press.
Chapter in Book - Research
Thomas, T. (2012). New Zealand. In N. A. Silberman (Ed.), Oxford companion to archaeology. (2nd ed.) Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acref/9780199735785.001.0001
Journal - Research Other
Thomas, T. (2012). [Review of the book Polynesians in America: Pre-Columbian contacts with the New World]. Journal of Pacific History, 47(2), 235-237. doi: 10.1080/00223344.2012.670089
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Thomas, T. (2012). [Review of the book Evolutionary and interpretive archaeologies: A dialogue]. Archaeology in New Zealand, 55(2), 133-136. [Book Review].
Journal - Research Other
Thomas, T. (2011). Lapita colonization across the Near/Remote Oceania boundary [Comment]. Current Anthropology, 52(6), 831. doi: 10.1086/662201
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Thomas, T. (2011, June-July). Tetepare Island and the post-Lapita archaeology of the Western Solomons. Verbal presentation at the Lapita Pacific Archaeology Conference: Pacific Archaeology: Documenting the Past 50,000 Years to the Present, Apia, Samoa.
Journal - Research Article
Ricaut, F.-X. X., Thomas, T., Mormina, M., Cox, M. P., Bellatti, M., Foley, R. A., & Mirazon-Lahr, M. (2010). Ancient Solomon Islands mtDNA: Assessing Holocene settlement and the impact of European contact. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37, 1161-1170. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2009.12.014
Edited Book - Research
Sheppard, P. J., Thomas, T., & Summerhayes, G. R. (Eds.). (2009). Lapita: Ancestors and descendants (New Zealand Archaeological Association Monograph 28). Auckland, New Zealand: NZAA, 229p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Thomas, T. (2009). Canoe prow figurehead: New Georgia Island, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea. In Y. Le Fur (Ed.), Musée du Quai Branly: The collection: Art from Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. (pp. 256-257). Paris: Flammarion.
Thomas, T. (2009). Communities of practice in the archeaological record of New Georgia, Rendova and Tetepare. In P. J. Sheppard, T. Thomas & G. R. Summerhayes (Eds.), Lapita: Ancestors and descendants (New Zealand Archaeological Association Monograph 28). (pp. 119-145). Auckland, New Zealand: NZAA.
Journal - Research Article
Thomas, T. (2009). Topogenic forms in New Georgia, Solomon Islands. Sites, 6(2), 92-118.
Chapter in Book - Research
Thomas, T. (2008). The long pause and the last pulse: Mapping East Polynesian colonisation. In S. O'Connor, G. Clark & F. Leach (Eds.), Islands of inquiry: Colonisation, seafaring and the archaeology of maritime landscapes. (pp. 97-112). Canberra, Australia: ANU E Press.
Journal - Research Article
Ricaut, F. X., Thomas, T., Arganini, C., Staughton, J., Leavesley, M., Bellatti, M., … Mirazon Lahr, M. (2008). Mitochondrial DNA variation in Karkar Islanders. Annals of Human Genetics, 72, 349-367. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.2008.00430.x
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Thomas, T. (2007, November). The materiality of the past. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Centre for Material Cultural Studies Forum: Matter in Place: Aotearoa/South Pacific Forum for Social Matters, Wellington, New Zealand.
Thomas, T. (2007, July). Communities of practice in the archaeology of Tetepare, Rendova and New Georgia. Verbal presentation at the Lapita Conference: Lapita Antecedents and Successors, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Thomas, T. (2006, October). Sense and sensibility in the art of Roviana. Verbal presentation at the Melanesia Project Conference: Art and History in the Solomon Islands: Collections, Owners and Narratives, London.
Other Research Output
Thomas, T. (2005) Pioneers of Island Melanesia archaelogical survey, Lokuru, Rendova. Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, University of Cambridge [Unpublished Field Report]. [Other Research Output].
Awarded Doctoral Degree
Thomas, T. (2005). Things of Roviana: Material culture, personhood and agency in nineteenth century Solomon Islands (PhD). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 380p.
Journal - Research Article
Walter, R., Thomas, T., & Sheppard, P. (2004). Cult assemblages and ritual practice in Roviana Lagoon, Solomon Islands. World Archaeology, 36(1), 142-157.
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Leavesley, M., & Thomas, T. (2004, April). Investigating diversity in material culture and language. Poster session presented at the First Origin of Man, Language and Languages Conference, Leipzig, Germany.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Thomas, T. (2004, May). Material culture and the abstraction of agency in Roviana, Solomon Islands [Invited paper]. Verbal presentation at the Material Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Lecture Series, Oxford, UK.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Thomas, T. (2003). [Review of the book Edward W. Gifford and Richard Shutler Jr's Archaeological Expedition to New Caledonia in 1952]. Archaeology in New Zealand, 46(2), 113-115.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Thomas, T. (2003, November). The abstraction of agency in Roviana, Solomon Islands [Invited paper]. Verbal presentation at the Association of Social Anthropologists Aoteraroa/New Zealand Annual Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Thomas, T. (2001). The social practice of colonisation: Re-thinking prehistoric Polynesian migration. People & Culture in Oceania, 17, 27-46.
Thomas, T., Sheppard, P., & Walter, R. (2001). Landscape, violence and social bodies: Ritualized architecture in a Solomon Islands society. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 7(3), 545-572.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Thomas, T. (2001). Data and discipline in the field: Archaeology, history, and ethnography in Roviana Lagoon. Archaeology in New Zealand. 44(3), (pp. 180). [Abstract]