Douglass, A., Young, G., McMillan, J., & Co-authors of "A toolkit for assessing mental capacity". (2021, July). Using a capacity-based approach when working with those living with mental challenges: What does this mean in practice? Panel discussion at the New Zealand Medico-Legal Congress: Analysing the Interface of Clinical and Legal Practice, Healthcare Policy, Regulation, and Biomedical Ethics, Wellington, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Douglass, A., Young, G., & McMillan, J. (2020, September). Assessment of mental capacity: A New Zealand guide for doctors and lawyers. Bioethics Centre, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Other Research Output
Vara, A., Young, G., Douglass, A., Sundram, F., Henning, M., & Cheung, G. (2020). General practitioners and decision-making capacity assessment: The experiences and educational needs of New Zealand general practitioners. Family Practice, 37(4), 535-540. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmaa022
Journal - Research Article
Douglass, A., Young, G., & McMillan, J. (2020). Assessment of mental capacity: A New Zealand guide for doctors and lawyers. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington Press, 607p.
Authored Book - Research
Douglass, A. (2019, September). Best interests: A standard for decision-making. Verbal presentation at the Mental Capacity Law Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Douglass, A., Young, G., McMillan, J., & Co-authors of "A toolkit for assessing mental capacity". (2021, July). Using a capacity-based approach when working with those living with mental challenges: What does this mean in practice? Panel discussion at the New Zealand Medico-Legal Congress: Analysing the Interface of Clinical and Legal Practice, Healthcare Policy, Regulation, and Biomedical Ethics, Wellington, New Zealand.
Authored Book - Research
Douglass, A., Young, G., & McMillan, J. (2020). Assessment of mental capacity: A New Zealand guide for doctors and lawyers. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington Press, 607p.
Journal - Research Article
Vara, A., Young, G., Douglass, A., Sundram, F., Henning, M., & Cheung, G. (2020). General practitioners and decision-making capacity assessment: The experiences and educational needs of New Zealand general practitioners. Family Practice, 37(4), 535-540. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmaa022
Other Research Output
Douglass, A., Young, G., & McMillan, J. (2020, September). Assessment of mental capacity: A New Zealand guide for doctors and lawyers. Bioethics Centre, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Chapter in Book - Research
Snelling, J., & Douglass, A. (2019). Legal capacity and supported decision-making. In I. Reuvecamp & J. Dawson (Eds.), Mental capacity law in New Zealand. (pp. 163-177). Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson Reuters.
Douglass, A. (2019). Best interests: A standard for decision-making. In I. Reuvecamp & J. Dawson (Eds.), Mental capacity law in New Zealand. (pp. 63-77). Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson Reuters.
Douglass, A., & Legge, M. (2019). Regulating, surrogacy in New Zealand: Evolving policy and cautious liberalism under the HART Act. In A. Masselot & R. Powell (Eds.), Perspectives on commercial surrogacy in New Zealand: Ethics, law, policy and rights. (pp. 1-24). Christchurch, New Zealand: Centre for Commercial & Corporate Law, University of Canterbury.
Journal - Research Article
Douglass, A., & Ballantyne, A. (2019). From protectionism to inclusion: A New Zealand perspective on health-related research involving adults incapable of giving informed consent. Bioethics, 33, 384-392. doi: 10.1111/bioe.12509
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Douglass, A. (2019, September). Best interests: A standard for decision-making. Verbal presentation at the Mental Capacity Law Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Douglass, A. (2019, September). Best interests: A standard for decision-making. Verbal presentation at the Mental Capacity Law Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Douglass, A. (2018). Rethinking necessity and best interests in New Zealand mental capacity law. Medical Law International, 18(1), 3-34. doi: 10.1177/0968533218762240
Young, G., Douglass, A., & Davison, L. (2018). What do doctors know about assessing decision-making capacity? New Zealand Medical Journal, 131(1471), 58-71. Retrieved from
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Douglass, A. (2018). Filling the gap: Liberty safeguards for people with impaired capacity. In M. Fisher & J. Anderson-Bidois (Eds.), This is not my home: A collection of perspectives on the provision of aged residential care without consent. (pp. 67-78). Auckland, New Zealand: Human Rights Comission. [Report Contribution].
Chapter in Book - Other
Douglass, A. (2017). Mental capacity. In K. A. Morris (Ed.), Cole's medical practice in New Zealand. (13th ed.) (pp. 225-245). Wellington, New Zealand: Medical Council of New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Douglass, A., Bowyer, L., & Gillett, G. (2012). The ethics of legal capacity: Protection from harm and enhancing autonomy. Proceedings of the Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law (AABHL) Conference: Harm, Health and Responsibility. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Douglass, A., & Gillett, G. (2012, January). Clinical ethics and clinical ethics groups (Part 2). Workshop presentation at the New Zealand Bioethics Conference: No Country for Old Men (or Women), Dunedin, New Zealand.
Douglass, A., & Gillett, G. (2012, January). Clinical ethics and clinical ethics groups (Part 1). Workshop presentation at the New Zealand Bioethics Conference: No Country for Old Men (or Women), Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Douglass, A. (2008). The new Human Tissue Act. New Zealand Law Journal, (October), 377-379.
Daniels, K., & Douglass, A. (2008). Access to genetic information by donor offspring and donors: Medicine, policy and law in New Zealand. Medicine & Law, 27(1), 131-146.
Journal - Research Article
Douglass, A., & Crampton, P. (2004). Protection of health research participants in the United States: A review of two cases. New Zealand Bioethics Journal, (June), 6-12.