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+64 4 918 6576
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Public Health (Wellington)
BA(Psych), MA(Crit Psych), GradDipPH
Research summary
Tobacco control


Jude is a senior research fellow affiliated to the ASPIRE Aotearoa tobacco control research centre, HePPRU, and the Adolescent Health Research Group (the team behind the Youth 2000 survey series). She joined the Department in November 2014 with a background in critical psychology, health promotion and applied research. She completed a PhD in 2019 exploring the drivers of long-term trends in adolescent risk behaviour, in particular smoking, cannabis use, binge drinking and sexual behaviour. Her research focuses on the impact of the changing social context on youth trends, and the inter-relationships between smoking and other risk behaviours in young people. Alcohol and drug harm and mental health promotion are also areas of research interest.


Hoek, J., Ball, J., Waa, A., Graham-DeMello, A., Edwards, R., & Gregan, M.-J. (2024). Mind the gap: Associate Health Minister's actions conflict with Ministry advice, align with tobacco industry lobbying. The Briefing, (18 July). Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

Hoek, J., Ball, J., Nip, J., Teddy, L., Gregan, M.-J., Graham-DeMello, A., … McCool, J., & Pettie, M. (2024). Oral nicotine products: Expanding the nicotine marketplace. The Briefing, (3 July). Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

Ball, J., Katoa, L., & Hoek, J. (2024). Specialist vape store audit reveals poor compliance with new e-cigarette regulations. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1596), 72-85. Retrieved from Journal - Research Article

Frost, K., Graham-DeMello, A., Ball, J., Pettie, M., & Hoek, J. (2024). A qualitative analysis of how underage adolescents access nicotine vaping products in Aotearoa New Zealand. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, ntae096. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntae096 Journal - Research Article

Fleming, T., Crengle, S., Peiris-John, R., Ball, J., Fortune, S., Yao, E. S., … Clark, T. C. (2024). Priority actions for improving population youth mental health: An equity framework for Aotearoa New Zealand. Mental Health & Prevention, 200340. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.mhp.2024.200340 Journal - Research Article

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