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Computer decision support to aid sustainable customary use of taonga species

Principal investigator: Corey Bragg

Brief abstract

In this project, Rakiura Māori muttonbirders and researchers are collaborating to build and test a computer-based decision support package to allow individual kaitiaki to choose optimal harvesting strategies on their own whānau's ancestral birding ground.

The project will test whether or not the tool builds understanding of consequences of current harvesting levels for their mokopuna's harvesting opportunities, and will measure whether it changes both intended and observed harvesting behaviour.

The ability of science and computer tools to be integrated into mātauranga and traditional harvest management will also be assessed. The prototype model will be shared with other iwi for guiding other customary harvests of taonga species.

Funder: Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

Total contract value: $250,000

Term: July 2010-June 2012

Subcontractors: Landcare Research

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