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Whakamana Whanau: Managing metapopulations using matauranga and science for more productive and sustainable fishing

Principal investigator:Professor Henrik Moller

Subcontractors: Rau Kirikiri & Associates

Staff involved: Henrik Moller

Brief abstract

The Whakamana Whanau DCC grant enabled us to hold around 25 hui/meetings between the CSAFE researchers with:

  1. iwi/hapu groups (Hauraki, Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Awa, Ngai Tahu);
  2. government department stakeholders (Ministry of Fisheries & DoC);
  3. Industry collaborators (Paua Industry Council, Seafood Council, Te Uhu Kaimoana),
  4. Recreational Fishers lobby groups, and
  5. collaborating scientists from Victoria University, Manaaki Whenua- Landcare research, Lincoln University and UoO.

The bid got through the first round but was then unsuccessful in the final cut. We are convinced that we would not have made it to the last stage without this DCC grant and we hope to rebid elements of the original proposal elsewhere in the coming year.

We believe that it would have a splendid chance of success with better Ministry of Fisheries support because it represents a first proposal to operationalise principles of Māori tikanga for sustainability of an important commercial export industry (paua) – it has potential for raising millions of dollars for Māori fisheries interests while restoring stocks to rekindle customary harvests in depleted coastal areas.

Funder: Dunedin City Council (DCC)

Total contract value: $25,254

Term: July 2006-June 2009

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