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Research Fellow


Ben is currently based back in the UK

Ben Anderson 2 (160)Dr Ben Anderson is Principal Research Fellow in the Energy & Climate Change Division of the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment at the University of Southampton, UK and was a visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Sustainability from 2018-2019.

His research interests include 'big' data-driven analysis of habitual energy and water consumption; the impacts of interventions or natural socio-technical change on patterns of demand and the linkage of 'appliance' monitoring with traditional forms of social science data in support of socio-technical innovation.

Ben has a background in both commercial and academic R&D having led UK Research Council, UK Government, EU and commercially funded projects whilst at BT plc and subsequently the Universities of Essex (Sociology) and Southampton (Engineering & Environment).

He is currently an EU H2020 funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow and was based at the University of Otago's Centre for Sustainability until November 2019. He worked on combining time use and electricity monitoring data from the New Zealand GREEN Grid project with New Zealand Census data to produce local area models of electricity demand. Ben is currently back in the UK to complete the final year of his project.

He is happy to talk to anyone about writing funding bids, research management, research methods (especially quantitative), experimental/study design, R, RStudio & R Markdown, github, slack and big data! He will also be looking to develop a stronger relationship between the Universities of Otago and Southampton based on notably similar environmental contexts including port and road infrastructures, air quality concerns and the desire for regional energy resilience.

Research Projects


Ben's Publications

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