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Emeritus Professor

Tel: (+64) 3 4703580


Colin Campbell-Hunt (160)I thoroughly enjoyed a 40 year career as a business school academic, both at Otago and before that at Victoria in Wellington. My research and teaching never strayed far from questions of competition between firms and the ways in which firms might possibly sustain an advantage over their competitors. I am greatly privileged to have lead a large 10-year funded research programme into the competitiveness of New Zealand firms in global markets.

In later years, I also became interested in the application of complex systems theory to organisations, and this has given me a perspective on the enormous challenges presented to New Zealand and the world by climate change. The Centre for Sustainability has kindly given me a base from which to continue this work. I also act as something of a mentor to the wonderful cohort of postgraduate students based at the Centre.

Finally, I have tried to carry on the work of my late wife, Diane and her commitment to the conservation of New Zealand's threatened species and ecologies.

Significant Publications

Campbell-Hunt D and Campbell-Hunt C, Ecosanctuaries: Communities building a future for New Zealand's threatened ecologies, University of Otago Press, Dunedin, 2013.
Campbell-Hunt C, J Brocklesby, S Chetty, LM Corbett, S Davenport, D Jones, and P Walsh. World Famous in New Zealand: How New Zealand's Leading Firms became World-class Competitors, Auckland University Press, June 2001.
Campbell-Hunt, C. (2007) Complexity in Practice, Human Relations, 60(5), 793-823. Reprinted in Johannessen S.O. and Kuhn, L. Complexity in Organization Studies, SAGE, 2012
Chetty S and C Campbell-Hunt, (2004) A Strategic Approach to Internationalization: A Traditional Versus a “Born-Global” Approach, Journal of International Marketing, 12(1), 57-81. Winner of the 2009 Hans B. Thorelli Award, American Marketing Association.
Campbell-Hunt C: What Have We Learned About Generic Competitive Strategy; A Meta-analysis, Strategic Management Journal, 21, 2000, 127-154


Innes, J., Fitzgerald, N., Binny, R., Byrom, A., Pech, R., Watts, C., … Campbell-Hunt, C., & Burns, B. (2019). New Zealand ecosanctuaries: Types, attributes and outcomes. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 49(3), 370-393. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2019.1620297 Journal - Research Article

Campbell-Hunt, C. (2015, December). The Paris Climate Change meeting, and what NZ should be doing. International Issues and Experiences Series, University of the Third Age, Queenstown, New Zealand. [Research Presentation]. Other Research Output

Hopkins, D., Campbell-Hunt, C., Carter, L., Higham, J. E. S., & Rosin, C. (2015). Climate change and Aotearoa New Zealand. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 6(6), 559-583. doi: 10.1002/wcc.355 Journal - Research Article

Measson, N., & Campbell-Hunt, C. (2015). How SMEs use trade shows to enter global value chains. Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development, 22(1), 99-126. doi: 10.1108/JSBED-09-2011-0025 Journal - Research Article

Campbell-Hunt, C. (2014, August). Climate change and New Zealand’s economy: Where is it heading and what can we do? University of Otago Winter Lecture Series. Auckland, New Zealand. [Public Seminar]. Other Research Output

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