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Public health dietitians and public health nutritionists work with groups and communities of people, rather than individuals.

Dietitians and nutritionists work to make "healthy food choices the easy food choices". This can involve them in everything from working with the media, to advising on food and nutrition guidelines, through to developing nutrition / exercise programmes for adults and children.

A key responsibility is to ensure that the public receives clear and consistent nutrition messages, rather than confused 'latest fad' ones.

Dietitians and nutritionists also promote wellness and help people to get the information they need to stay well and prevent disease.


  • Develop a resource to educate communities on the fat content in key foods
  • Encourage school environments to support healthy and affordable food choices
  • Support a local marae by providing advice on healthy food options
  • Work with a local sports trust to evaluate a workplace nutrition / exercise programme
  • Work with the food industry to change the composition of foods and to offer more healthy choices

Who employs public health dietitians and nutritionists?

District health boards, the Ministry of Health or non-government organisations like the Heart Foundation, Cancer Society and iwi providers employ public health dietitians and nutritionists.

Nutrition is at the heart of many public health issues, so public health dietitians and nutritionists are likely to be in demand in the foreseeable future.

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