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8th Floor, University of Otago Christchurch, 2 Riccarton Avenue, Christchurch

Postal address: PO Box 4345, Christchurch 8140
Email Address

Dr Mike Hurrell Clinical Senior Lecturer DDI: +64 3 364 0028
Christchurch: 80028
Dr Alex McHaffie Senior Lecturer DDI: +64 3 244 1078
Dr Raj Panta Research Fellow DDI: +64 3 364 1987
Christchurch: 81987
Helen Clayton Administrator Client Services DDI: +64 3 364 1987
Christchurch: 81987

Centre for Bioengineering

Professor Anthony Butler Director DDI: +64 3 364 3873
Mr Peter Hilton Research Facilitator DDI: +64 3 244 1005
5th Floor Student Area DDI: +64 3 244 1149

Electronic addresses (including email accounts, instant messaging services, or telephone accounts) published on this page are for the sole purpose of contact with the individuals concerned, in their capacity as officers, employees or students of the University of Otago, or their respective organisation. Publication of any such electronic address is not to be taken as consent to receive unsolicited commercial electronic messages by the address holder.

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