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Animal Welfare Office

Eccles Building, Operations

Dr Kristin Townsend Animal Welfare Officer DDI: +64 3 479 5446
Dr Steve Banks Drug Control and Training Development Officer DDI: +64 3 479 4073
Dunedin: 4073
Dr Sam Cockerill Clinical Services Veterinarian DDI: +64 3 479 5976
Dr Anene du Plessis Clinical Services Veterinarian DDI: +64 3 479 9074
Dunedin: 9074
Shauna Farrell Clinical Services Veterinarian DDI: +64 3 556 5878
Holly Leonard Administrator DDI: +64 3 479 5633
Dunedin: 5633

Electronic addresses (including email accounts, instant messaging services, or telephone accounts) published on this page are for the sole purpose of contact with the individuals concerned, in their capacity as officers, employees or students of the University of Otago, or their respective organisation. Publication of any such electronic address is not to be taken as consent to receive unsolicited commercial electronic messages by the address holder.

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