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Clocktower Operations (these offices are located at 62 Albany Street until March 2023)

Email Address

Office of the Chief Operating Officer

To call the numbers below you will need to use the entire number string e.g. +64 3 479 4033, +64 3 470 3426. These DDI numbers use the MS Teams Calling system.

Stephen Willis Chief Operating Officer DDI: +64 3 479 8537
Mobile: +64 21 279 8537
Nadya Shaw Bennett Executive Officer to Chief Operating Officer DDI: +64 3 479 4033
Bronson Blackbourn Executive Assistant DDI: +64 3 556 6296

Sustainability Office | 109 St David Street

Ray OBrien Head DDI: +64 3 479 8002
Mobile: +64 21 766 937
Dunedin: 8002
Craig Cliff Net Carbon Zero Programme Manager DDI: +64 3 244 8437
Mobile: +64 21 279 1383
Jesikah Triscott Team Leader Engagement DDI: +64 3 479 7055
Dunedin: 7055
Reuben Rooney Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Co-ordinator
Hamish Cameron Workplace Travel Plan Coordinator Mobile: +64 27 231 8134

Campus Development Division | Property Services Building, 111 Albany Street, Dunedin

Campus and Collegiate Life Services | 105 St David Street

Health and Safety Compliance | 409 Leith Street

Information Technology Services

Office of Risk, Assurance and Compliance | 107 St David Street

Property Services | Property Services Building, 111 Albany Street, Dunedin

Transformation and Improvement | 62 Albany Street

Electronic addresses (including email accounts, instant messaging services, or telephone accounts) published on this page are for the sole purpose of contact with the individuals concerned, in their capacity as officers, employees or students of the University of Otago, or their respective organisation. Publication of any such electronic address is not to be taken as consent to receive unsolicited commercial electronic messages by the address holder.

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