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Terms of Reference

  • To make recommendations to the Council on Campus Master Plans, and related matters pertaining to the physical design, development and maintenance of the University including campus landscaping elements.
  • To make recommendations to the Council on all capital proposals and projects with proposed expenditure over $2.5 million, considering the robustness of presented business cases, alignment with University strategy and plans; affordability; and consequential implications for the University's overall capital programme.
  • To make recommendations to the Council on the disposal of land and buildings, or any other asset with a value of over $2.5 million.
  • To make recommendations to the Council on substantive amendments to the Project Governance Framework and Business Case Framework.
  • To have oversight of processes for the prioritisation and selection of capital projects, including building and IT projects.
  • To receive progress reports on approved capital projects, including post-implementation reviews.
  • To have oversight of the membership of Project Steering Committees for capital projects approved by the Committee.
  • To provide advice on any other matters which University management escalates to the Committee, and which pertain to the University's capital programme or projects.

(Last updated 9 March 2021)


  • The Vice-Chancellor
  • The Chancellor
  • 3 members of the Council
  • 3 members of the Academic Staff (appointed after consultation with Pro-Vice-Chancellors)
  • The Chief Operating Officer

In attendance

  • The Chief Financial Officer
  • Director, Property Services
  • Director, Campus Development
  • Chief Digital Officer
  • Director, Transformation and Improvement
  • Registrar & Secretary to the Council (Secretary)

Meeting dates

View the meeting dates for the Council

Campus Planning and Design Sub-Committee

The Campus Planning and Design Sub-Committee is a sub-committee of the Capital Development Committee.


  • Vice-Chancellor (Convenor) or nominee

  • Chief Operating Officer

  • Director of Property Services

  • University Architect

  • Up to 3 members of the community (for their expertise)

Related information

Meeting dates

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