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Terms of Reference

Vice-Chancellor recruitment

  • To make recommendations to the Council regarding the recruitment process when a vacancy arises in the Vice-Chancellor role
  • To make recommendations to the Council regarding the appointment of an Acting Vice-Chancellor in cases of emergency (subject to urgency) or for a period where there is no appointed Vice-Chancellor.

Remuneration and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • To annually conduct a review of the Vice-Chancellor's performance against established KPIs, which shall include consideration of a written report from the Vice-Chancellor, and 360 degree feedback and to report to Council.

To make recommendations to the Council on:

  • All components of the remuneration and employment agreement of the Vice-Chancellor
  • Establishment of annual KPIs for the Vice-Chancellor consistent with strategic and annual plans
  • State Services Commission engagement with respect to remuneration and employment terms and conditions
  • Job sizing of the Vice-Chancellor's role
  • Renewal or non-renewal of the Vice-Chancellor's contract
  • Mentoring and leadership development that the Vice-Chancellor may require
  • Succession planning for the Vice-Chancellor role.

To receive and consider reports from the Vice-Chancellor on:

  • Remuneration of the senior managers who report directly to Vice-Chancellor
  • The performance review of the senior managers who report directly to the Vice-Chancellor
  • Pay equity in comparable roles across the university
  • Remuneration policy and practices
  • Such other remuneration matters as are referred to it by the Council.

Succession planning and capability

To receive and consider reports from the Vice-Chancellor on:

  • The succession planning process for senior managers who report directly to the Vice-Chancellor
  • The University's talent development strategies and programmes and progress towards implementation.

Organisational culture and wellbeing

To receive and consider reports from the Vice-Chancellor on:

  • Staff wellbeing initiatives and the associated framework
  • Staff engagement in measured activities
  • Staff recruitment and retention.

Workforce demographics

  • To receive and consider reports from the Vice-Chancellor on the demographics of the University workforce.


  • The Pro-Chancellor (Convener)
  • The Chancellor
  • The Convener of the Audit and Risk Committee
  • Up to two lay members of the Council

In attendance

  • The Vice-Chancellor
  • The Director of Human Resources
  • The Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing
  • Registrar and Secretary to the Council (Secretary)
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