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    Issues of research design and methodology for students who are studying policy, practice and professional issues in education.

    EDUC 411 Conceptualising and Designing Quality Educational Research

    N.B. all topics will be considered with a broad research focus

    • Research paradigms
      • Comparative and critical analyses of questions of the politics of knowledge, ways of knowing, who may speak with/for whom?
      • Contemporary, historical, and indigenous knowledge paradigms
      • Philosophy, theory, and practice of research in education
    • Research methodology, design and practice
      • Relationship between research questions, methodology, research design and practice
      • Data, methods, research procedure and forms of analysis
      • Reflexive and ethical research practice
      • Reporting research: Issues of audience and the relationship between educational research and policy/practice development
    • What makes a worthy research question in education?
      • What’s a researchable question?
      • What kinds of questions should be asked through educational research and why?
      • How might one move from educational problems to research questions?
      • Issues of scope and manageability: Managing research and implementation matters

    About this paper

    Paper title Conceptualising and Designing Quality Educational Research
    Subject Education
    EFTS 0.1667
    Points 20 points
    Teaching period Not offered in 2024 (Distance learning)
    Domestic Tuition Fees ( NZD ) $1,240.75
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    Limited to
    PGCertEdLn, PGDipEdLn, MEdLn, BA(Hons), PGDipArts, MA(Coursework), MA(Thesis)
    Students outside of the approved programmes, with 54 300-level EDUC points, may be admitted with approval from the Dean of the College of Education.

    Teaching staff

    Dr Keryn Pratt and Assoc Prof Susan Sandretto

    Teaching Arrangements

    This Distance Learning paper is taught remotely.


    Students will be expected to access required readings via the library and the Internet and to source their own relevant readings.

    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Global perspective, Interdisciplinary perspective, Lifelong learning, Scholarship, Communication, Critical thinking, Cultural understanding, Ethics, Environmental literacy, Information literacy, Research, Self-motivation, Teamwork.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of this paper, students will be able to:

    1. Pose research questions able to be addressed through well designed and ethical research practice.
    2. Distinguish between different research methodologies, methods, and procedures appropriate to a range of different kinds of questions.
    3. Identify and critically address issues of researcher position, power, ethics, and research impact.
    4. Critically read and evaluate research texts in order to design research that would produce trustworthy evidence to address issues of practice, policy and professional issues.


    Not offered in 2024

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught through Distance Learning
    Learning management system
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