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    Examines learning theory, provides opportunities for experiential and group learning, and explores the nature of reflective teaching practice. Areas considered include the process of change, course design and evaluation, teaching methods and the assessment of learning. Learning contexts include medical education, medical practice and continuing professional development. A balance is provided between core material and the opportunity to develop individual areas of interest and application.

    Are you the teacher you would like to be? Are your learners satisfied and inspired by your teaching?

    The aim of this paper is to provide a transformative learning experience leaving fellows enthusiastic and confident in their ability to teach individuals and groups in a variety of settings. We will use and model a range of teaching methods to spark and invigorate your teaching and deepen your understanding of education theory and methods, leading to a more satisfying and effective teaching and learning experience.

    About this paper

    Paper title Teaching and Learning in Medical Practice
    Subject General Practice
    EFTS 0.25
    Points 30 points
    Teaching period Not offered in 2024 (Distance learning)
    Domestic Tuition Fees ( NZD ) $3,103.25
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    GENX 823
    Limited to
    PGCertGP, PGCert PHC, PGDipGP, PGDipHealSc, PGDipPHC, PGDipRPHP, MHealSc
    Suitable for health professionals from a range of disciplines.
    Teaching staff

    To be determined

    Paper Structure

    This paper is based on 7 modules that include:

    • Introduction to Medical Education
    • Education, Training and Medicine
    • Learning and the Culture of Medical Education
    • Curriculum Design
    • Assessment, Appraisal and Evaluation
    • Patient Education
    • Lifelong Learning and Learning Organisations

    Through the year we will be involved in a wide range of teaching methods - we will start by setting group objectives for the paper; group discussion and reflection at the three residential meetings and through monthly small group (syndicate) meetings, followed by whole group convened monthly meetings, using remote video link; workshopping teaching and learning scenarios at residential meetings; reflective writing in the form of assignments; curriculum development as a group and as a part of assignments; giving and receiving of feedback in the safe group environment.

    Teaching Arrangements

    This paper is distance taught using Moodle. There are three compulsory two-day “residentials” through the year.  These can be done at a distance utilizing videoconferencing technology. Students are expected to participate in one small group videoconference and one full group convened videoconference for each module. There are three written assignments to be completed through the year.


    There is no required textbook. Core reading will be supplied, and wider, self-directed exploration of literature will be encouraged.

    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Lifelong learning, Scholarship, Communication, Critical thinking, Cultural understanding, Research, Self-motivation, Teamwork.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes

    On completion of GENA823, a fellow will be able to:

    • Articulate the methods, theory and models, culture, place and importance of teaching and learning in health science and practice, past and future.
    • Assess learner needs and develop a teaching and learning plan tailored to the learners level of understanding and experience.
    • Design a curriculum for teaching which demonstrates the ability to formulate and communicate aims, goals and objectives for both teacher and learner; complete and reflect on assessment, appraisal and evaluation.
    • Acquire and demonstrate effective and safe interpersonal and teaching skills for one to one, small group and large group settings, and discuss the role of health. professionals in health education and promotion to the public.
    • Understand different approaches to lifelong learning as individual professionals and as part of an organisation.


    Not offered in 2024

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught through Distance Learning
    Learning management system
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