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- Department of Pathology (Dunedin)
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- Research summary
- Epigenetics and genetics of blood disorders and development and laboratory haematology
Ian is a research haematologist, combining careers in diagnostic haematology and basic haematology research. His research interests include childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (epigenetics), epigenetics of development (IVF and placental), genomic imprinting, genetics of blood disorders, and others.
Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
There is strong influence that environmental factors contribute to the incidence of childhood ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia). It is hypothesised that epigenetic events (DNA-methylation) contribute to the onset of ALL. Ian has used medium-throughput techniques to identify genes that are highly methylated leading to gene silencing in ALL. Functional studies are being performed to characterise candidate genes.
Epigenetics of Development
As a member of the National Research Centre for Growth and Development, Ian is determining the frequency with which epigenetic errors occur by children conceived by in vitro fertilisation.
The placenta appears to be more labile epigenetically than somatic tissues. The Centre is using high-throughput techniques to identify genes that are specifically methylated or unmethylated in the placenta and will determine the functional significance of this epigenetic change.
Genomic Imprinting
The Department of Pathology hosts and maintains the Catalogue of Parent of Origin Effects. This database is the most comprehensive database of parent of origin effects in animals. It includes documentation of all know imprinted genes in mammals.
Familial Thrombocytopenia
Linkage and mutation screening on a unique New Zealand family with thrombocytopenia, lead to the identification of the first reported mutation of human cytochrome c. This mutation enhances the activity of cytochrome c within the cell death pathway. By dysregulating platelet production in the bone marrow, the mutant protein causes premature release of platelets into the marrow space instead of into the circulation. In collaboration with Dr Liz Ledgerwood, Ian is characterising the biochemical mechanism of this pro-apoptotic cytochrome c.
Dunstan-Harrison, C., Morison, I. M., & Ledgerwood, E. C. (2024). Inherited thrombocytopenia associated with a variant in the FLI1 binding site in the 5' UTR of ANKRD26. Clinical Genetics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/cge.14547 Journal - Research Article
Morison, I. (2024, March). Haematology. Verbal presentation at the WellSouth Otago Faculty Education Weekend, Kaka Point, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Adriaansen, M. J., Morison, I. M., & Perry, H. E. (2024). Discrepancies between two D-dimer assays and impact on clinical decisions: A retrospective analysis of samples tested in community- and hospital-based laboratories in Auckland. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1589), 12-19. Retrieved from Journal - Research Article
Powell, R. M., Moravec, J. C., Jones, G. T., Bhat, B., Lin, S. M., Planer, J. D., … Pattison, S., Morison, I. M., … Eccles, M. R., & Macaulay, E. C. (2024). DNA methylation profiling of heterogeneous sporadic LAM and matched lung tissue. American Journal of Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology, 70(1), 81-84. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2023-0300LE Journal - Research Other
Ronayne, C., Morison, I., & Hancox, B. (2023). Looking through the lipid glass: Is everything as it seems? In T. Milne, M. Anwar, L. Burga, H. Harcombe, M. Garelja, A. Middleton, D. C. Ribeiro, N. Fleming, K. Ogbuehi & A. Bahn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 266th Otago Medical School Research Society (OMSRS) Meeting: Research Staff Speaker Awards. Dunedin, New Zealand: OMSRS. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Journal - Research Article
Dunstan-Harrison, C., Morison, I. M., & Ledgerwood, E. C. (2024). Inherited thrombocytopenia associated with a variant in the FLI1 binding site in the 5' UTR of ANKRD26. Clinical Genetics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/cge.14547
Adriaansen, M. J., Morison, I. M., & Perry, H. E. (2024). Discrepancies between two D-dimer assays and impact on clinical decisions: A retrospective analysis of samples tested in community- and hospital-based laboratories in Auckland. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1589), 12-19. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Other
Powell, R. M., Moravec, J. C., Jones, G. T., Bhat, B., Lin, S. M., Planer, J. D., … Pattison, S., Morison, I. M., … Eccles, M. R., & Macaulay, E. C. (2024). DNA methylation profiling of heterogeneous sporadic LAM and matched lung tissue. American Journal of Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology, 70(1), 81-84. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2023-0300LE
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. (2024, March). Haematology. Verbal presentation at the WellSouth Otago Faculty Education Weekend, Kaka Point, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ronayne, C., Morison, I., & Hancox, B. (2023). Looking through the lipid glass: Is everything as it seems? In T. Milne, M. Anwar, L. Burga, H. Harcombe, M. Garelja, A. Middleton, D. C. Ribeiro, N. Fleming, K. Ogbuehi & A. Bahn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 266th Otago Medical School Research Society (OMSRS) Meeting: Research Staff Speaker Awards. Dunedin, New Zealand: OMSRS. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Dunnet, M. J., Ortega-Recalde, O. J., Waters, S. A., Weeks, R. J., Morison, I. M., & Hore, T. A. (2022). Leukocyte-specific DNA methylation biomarkers and their implication for pathological epigenetic analysis. Epigenetics Communications, 2, 5. doi: 10.1186/s43682-022-00011-z
Ravichandran, M., Rafalski, D., Davies, C. I., Ortega-Recalde, O., Nan, X., Glanfield, C. R., … Mayyas, I. M., Kardailsky, O., … Morison, I. M., Hore, T. A., & Jurkowski, T. P. (2022). Pronounced sequence specificity of the TET enzyme catalytic domain guides its cellular function. Science Advances, 8, eabm2427. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abm2427
Powell, R. M., Pattison, S., Moravec, J. C., Bhat, B., Guirguis, N., Markie, D., Jones, G. T., … Print, C. G., Morison, I. M., Gavryushkin, A., … Eccles, M. R., & Macaulay, E. C. (2022). Tuberous sclerosis complex: A complex case. Molecular Case Studies, 8, a006182. doi: 10.1101/mcs.a006182
Journal - Research Other
Dunstan-Harrison, C., Morison, I. M., & Ledgerwood, E. C. (2022). A novel frameshift GP1BB mutation causes autosomal dominant macrothrombocytopenia with decreased vWF receptor expression but normal platelet aggregation. Platelets, 33(2), 324-327. doi: 10.1080/09537104.2021.1909716
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Dunnet, M. J., Ortega-Recalde, O. J., Waters, S. A., Weeks, R. J., Morison, I. M., & Hore, T. A. (2022, August). Cell-specific DNA methylation patterns of leukocytes and their implication for epigenetic analyses of health and disease. Verbal presentation at the Cancer Satellite Meeting: Queenstown Research Week, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Tschirley, A. M., Stockwell, P. A., Rodger, E. J., Eltherington, O., Morison, I. M., Christensen, N., Chatterjee, A., & Hibma, M. (2021). The mouse papillomavirus epigenetic signature is characterised by DNA hypermethylation after lesion regression. Viruses, 13, 2045. doi: 10.3390/v13102045
Sneyd, M. J., Gray, A. R., & Morison, I. M. (2021). Trends in survival from myeloma, 1990-2015: A competing risks analysis. BMC Cancer, 21, 821. doi: 10.1186/s12885-021-08544-7
Almomani, S. N., Alsaleh, A. A., Weeks, R. J., Chatterjee, A., Day, R. C., Honda, I., … Fukuzawa, R., Slatter, T. L., Hung, N. A., Devenish, C., Morison, I. M., & Macaulay, E. C. (2021). Identification and validation of DNA methylation changes in pre-eclampsia. Placenta, 110, 16-23. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2021.05.005
Sneyd, M. J., Gray, A., & Morison, I. M. (2021). Regional distribution of myeloma in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 134(1531), 11-22. Retrieved from
Mayyas, I. M., Weeks, R. J., Day, R. C., Magrath, H. E., O’Connor, K. M., Kardailsky, O., Hore, T. A., Hampton, M. B., & Morison, I. M. (2021). Hairpin-bisulfite sequencing of cells exposed to decitabine documents the process of DNA demethylation. Epigenetics, 16(11), 1251-1259. doi: 10.1080/15592294.2020.1861169
Journal - Research Other
Ludgate, J. L., Weeks, R. J., & Morison, I. M. (2021). Aberrant immunoglobulin kappa locus rearrangement in a patient with CARD11-related B cell lymphocytosis. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 41, 1943-1945. doi: 10.1007/s10875-021-01114-3
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Dunstan-Harrison, C., Ledgerwood, E., & Morison, I. (2021). Determining the molecular and functional basis of inherited thrombocytopenia in New Zealand families. Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian & Oceanic Biochemists & Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB). (pp. 280). Retrieved from
Davies, C. I., Wang, A. H., Kardailsky, O., Morison, I., & Hore, T. A. (2021). Exploring the role of ZNF595 in Wilms tumour. Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian & Oceanic Biochemists & Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB). (pp. 52). Retrieved from
Dunnet, M. J., Bond, D. M., Waters, S. A., Morison, I. M., & Hore, T. A. (2021). Cell-specific DNA methylation patterns of leukocytes and their implications for epigenetic analyses of health and disease. Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian & Oceanic Biochemists & Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB). (pp. 81). Retrieved from
Dunnet, M. J., Bond, D. M., Waters, S. A., Morison, I. M., & Hore, T. A. (2021). Cell-specific DNA methylation patterns of leukocytes and their implication for epigenetic analyses of health and disease. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Annual Symposium. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Weeks, R. J., Ludgate, J. L., Le Mée, G., Khanal, R., Mehta, S., Williams, G., Slatter, T. L., Braithwaite, A. W., & Morison, I. M. (2020). Silencing of Testin expression is a frequent event in spontaneous lymphomas from Trp53-mutant mice. Scientific Reports, 10, 16255. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73229-3
Journal - Research Other
Antony, J., Gimenez, G., Taylor, T., Khatoon, U., Day, R., Morison, I. M., & Horsfield, J. A. (2020). BET inhibition prevents aberrant RUNX1 and ERG transcription in STAG2 mutant leukaemia cells. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 12(5), 397-399. doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjz114
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Davies, C. I., Kardailsky, O., Morison, I., & Hore, T. A. (2020). Exploring DNA demethylation in naive stem cells and cancer. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Epigenetics User Group (EUG) Symposium. Retrieved from
Macaulay, E. C., Almomani, S., Lynch-Sutherland, C. F., Bessemer, B., Chatterjee, A., Alsaleh, A. A., Stockwell, P. A., Ludgate, J. L., Weeks, R. J., Jones, G. T., Day, R. C., Fukazawa, R., Slatter, T. L., Hung, N. A., Devenish, C., Morison, I. M., & Eccles, M. R. (2020). The potential power of placental epigenetics [Invited]. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Epigenetics User Group (EUG) Symposium. Retrieved from
Morison, I. M., Zhang, B. M., Cross, S., Weeks, R. J., Ludgate, J. L., Khatoon, U., & Zehnder, J. L. (2020). Familial immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin (HPFH) associated with a pathogenic variant of MYB. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Zoom Symposium. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. (2020, March). Technical aspects of CRISPR-methylation editing. Verbal presentation at the Genetics Otago (GO) Epigenetics User Group (EUG) Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Sneyd, M. J., Cox, B., & Morison, I. M. (2019). Trends in myeloma incidence, mortality and survival in New Zealand (1985–2016). Cancer Epidemiology, 60, 55-59. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2019.03.006
Journal - Research Other
Chai, K. Y., Boyke Berahmana, A. A., & Morison, I. M. (2019). Haematologists usually over-estimate the percentage of CD138+ plasma cells in marrow biopsies. Pathology, 51(6), 647-648. doi: 10.1016/j.pathol.2019.05.010
Ledgerwood, E. C., Dunstan-Harrison, C., Ong, L., & Morison, I. M. (2019). CYCS gene variants associated with thrombocytopenia. Platelets, 30(5), 672-674. doi: 10.1080/09537104.2018.1543866
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ketharnathan, S., Labudina, A., Lee, S., Antony, J., Morison, I., & Horsfield, J. (2019). Subfunctionalization of cohesin STAG1/2 in zebrafish development and disease. Proceedings of the 16th Asian Conference on Transcription. (pp. 73). Retrieved from
Antony, J., Gimenez, G., Taylor, T., Khatoon, U., Day, R., Morison, I. M., & Horsfield, J. A. (2019). Dysregulated transcriptional response to differentiation signals in cohesin-mutant leukemia cells. Proceedings of the 16th Asian Conference on Transcription. (pp. 65). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Macaulay, E. C., Almomani, S., Lynch-Sutherland, C. F., Chatterjee, A. C., Stockwell, P. A., Alsaleh, A. A., Wilson, J. L., Weeks, R. J., Day, R. C., Fukuzawa, R., Slatter, T. L., Hung, N. A., Devenish, C., Morison, I. M., & Eccles, M. R. (2019, August-September). The placental potential: Harnessing insights from placental epigenetics to predict disease. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Falisse, E., Ducos, B., Stockwell, P. A., Morison, I. M., Chatterjee, A., & Silvestre, F. (2018). DNA methylation and gene expression alterations in zebrafish early-life stages exposed to the antibacterial agent triclosan. Environmental Pollution, 243(Part B), 1867-1877. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.10.004
Halliday, B. J., Fukuzawa, R., Markie, D. M., Grundy, R. G., Ludgate, J. L., Black, M. A., … Weeks, R. J., … Morison, I. M. (2018). Germline mutations and somatic inactivation of TRIM28 in Wilms tumour. PLoS Genetics, 14(6), e1007399. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007399
Sharp, P. A., Clarkson, R., Hussain, A., Weeks, R. J., & Morison, I. M. (2018). DNA methylation of hepatic iron sensing genes and the regulation of hepcidin expression. PLoS ONE, 13(5), e0197863. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0197863
Journal - Research Other
Chai, K. Y., Byrne, A. L., & Morison, I. M. (2018). Roxithromycin monotherapy inducing a partial response in a patient with myeloma: A case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 12, 124. doi: 10.1186/s13256-018-1636-9
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Antony, J., Giminez, G., Khatoon, U., Day, R., Morison, I., & Horsfield, J. (2018). Targeted disruption of the cohesin subunit STAG2 leads to loss of insulation and inappropriate gene activation in response to differentiation signals. Blood, 132(Suppl. 1), (pp. 878). doi: 10.1182/blood-2018-99-117965
Das, A., Morison, I., Bohlander, S., & Vissers, M. (2018). The potential use of ascorbate as an epigenetic therapeutic in acute myeloid leukaemia. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society for Oncology (NZSO) Conference. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Mayyas, I., Weeks, R., Hampton, M., Hore, T., & Morison, I. (2018, August). Mechanisms of active DNA demethylation in somatic cells. Poster session presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Das, A. B., Kakadia, P. M., Morison, I. M., Bohlander, S. K., & Vissers, M. C. M. (2018, August). The potential use of ascorbate as an epigenetic therapeutic in acute myeloid leukaemia. Poster session presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Das, A., Morison, I., Kennedy, M., & Vissers, M. (2018, April). The potential use of ascorbate as an epigenetic therapeutic in acute myeloid leukaemia by enhancing 2-oxoglutarate dependent dioxygenase activity. Poster session presented at the Keystone Symposium: Therapeutic Targeting of Hypoxia-Sensitive Pathways, Oxford, UK.
Chapter in Book - Research
Chatterjee, A., Rodger, E. J., Morison, I. M., Eccles, M. R., & Stockwell, P. A. (2017). Tools and strategies for analysis of genome-wide and gene-specific DNA methylation patterns. In G. J. Seymour, M. P. Cullinan & N. C. K. Heng (Eds.), Oral biology: Molecular techniques and applications: Methods in molecular biology (Vol. 1537). (2nd ed.) (pp. 249-277). New York, NY: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6685-1_15
Chatterjee, A., Rodger, E. J., Stockwell, P. A., Le Mée, G., & Morison, I. M. (2017). Generating multiple base-resolution DNA methylomes using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing. In G. J. Seymour, M. P. Cullinan & N. C. K. Heng (Eds.), Oral biology: Molecular techniques and applications: Methods in molecular biology (Vol. 1537). (2nd ed.) (pp. 279-298). New York, NY: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6685-1_16
Journal - Research Article
Fukuzawa, R., Anaka, M. R., Morison, I. M., & Reeve, A. E. (2017). The developmental programme for genesis of the entire kidney is recapitulated in Wilms tumour. PLoS ONE, 12(10), e0186333. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186333
Macaulay, E. C., Chatterjee, A., Cheng, X., Baguley, B. C., Eccles, M. R., & Morison, I. M. (2017). The genes of life and death: A potential role for placental-specific genes in cancer: Active retrotransposons in the placenta encode unique functional genes that may also be used by cancer cells to promote malignancy. BioEssays, 39(11), 1700091. doi: 10.1002/bies.201700091
Ludgate, J. L., Wright, J., Stockwell, P. A., Morison, I. M., Eccles, M. R., & Chatterjee, A. (2017). A streamlined method for analysing genome-wide DNA methylation patterns from low amounts of FFPE DNA. BMC Medical Genomics, 10, 54. doi: 10.1186/s12920-017-0290-1
Chatterjee, A., Macaulay, E. C., Ahn, A., Ludgate, J. L., Stockwell, P. A., Weeks, R. J., Parry, M. F., Foster, T. J., … Eccles, M. R., & Morison, I. M. (2017). Comparative assessment of DNA methylation patterns between reduced representation bisulfite sequencing and Sequenom EpiTyper methylation analysis. Epigenomics, 9(6), 823-832. doi: 10.2217/epi-2016-0176
Ong, L., Morison, I. M., & Ledgerwood, E. C. (2017). Megakaryocytes from CYCS mutation-associated thrombocytopenia release platelets by both proplatelet-dependent and -independent processes. British Journal of Haematology, 176(2), 268-279. doi: 10.1111/bjh.14421
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mayyas, I., Weeks, R., Hampton, M., & Morison, I. (2017). Mechanisms of active DNA demethylation in somatic cells. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Australasia (GSA) with the New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NZSBMB). 770. Retrieved from
Alsaleh, A., Weeks, R., & Morison, I. (2017). Using DNA methylation to investigate a novel model for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Australasia (GSA) with the New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NZSBMB). 762. Retrieved from
Almomani, S., Morison, I., Hung, N., Slatter, T., & Macaulay, E. (2017). Predicting altered methylation patterns in early pre-eclampsia. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Australasia (GSA) with the New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NZSBMB). 778. Retrieved from
Sharp, P., Weeks, R., & Morison, I. (2017). DNA methylation regulates the expression of Transferrin receptor 2. American Journal of Hematology, 92(8), (pp. E314). doi: 10.1002/ajh.24812
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Das, A., Morison, I., Kennedy, M., & Vissers, M. (2017, October). The potential use of ascorbate as an epigenetic drug in acute myeloid leukaemia. Poster session presented at the New Zealand Society for Oncology (NZSO) Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Momani, S., Morison, I. M., Hung, N. A., Slatter, T. L., & Macaulay, E. C. (2017, September). Predicting altered methylation patterns in early pre-eclampsia. Poster session presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Mayyas, I., Weeks, R., Hampton, M., & Morison, I. (2017, September). Mechanisms of active DNA demethylation in somatic cells. Poster session presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. (2017, June). Tissue-specific epigenetic markers and disease discovery. Invited presentation at the Southern Health Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Parakra, R., McDonald, K. O., Ong, L., Todd, P., Mohamad Nor, A., Morison, I. M., Jameson, G. N. L., & Ledgerwood, L. (2017, September). Insights into function from naturally occurring cytochrome c mutations. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Morison, I. M., Weeks, R. J., Macaulay, E. C., Alsaleh, A. A., Almomani, S. N., & Day, R. C. (2017, September). Tissue-specific epigenetic markers and disease discovery. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Antony, J., Morison, I. M., & Horsfield, J. A. (2017, September). Dysregulated transcriptional response to differentiation signals in cohesin-mutant myeloid cells. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Macaulay, E. C., Momani, S., Hung, N. A., Slatter, T. L., Devenish, C., & Morison, I. M. (2017, September). Profiling the placental epigenome in pre-eclampsia to predict pregnancy outcomes. Invited presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Chatterjee, A., Macaulay, E. C., Rodger, E. J., Stockwell, P. A., Parry, M. F., Roberts, H. E., Slatter, T. L., Hung, N. A., Devenish, C. J., & Morison, I. M. (2016). Placental hypomethylation is more pronounced in genomic loci devoid of retroelements. Genes Genomes Genetics, 6(7), 1911-1921. doi: 10.1534/g3.116.030379
Weeks, R. J., Ludgate, J. L., LeMée, G., & Morison, I. M. (2016). TESTIN induces rapid death and suppresses proliferation in childhood B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cells. PLoS ONE, 11(3), e0151341. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151341
Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P. A., Rodger, E. J., & Morison, I. M. (2016). Genome-scale DNA methylome and transcriptome profiling of human neutrophils. Scientific Data, 3, 160019. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.19
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Macaulay, E. C., Chatterjee, A., Rodger, E. J., Stockwell, P. A., Parry, M. F., Roberts, H. E., Slatter, T. L., Hung, N. A., & Morison, I. M. (2016, March). Placental hypomethylation is more pronounced in genomic loci devoid of retroelements. Poster session presented at the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology: Chromatin and Epigenetics, Whistler, Canada.
Momani, S., Macaulay, E., Roberts, H., Hung, N., Slatter, T., Devenish, C., & Morison, I. (2016, August-September). Predicting altered methylation patterns in early pre-eclampsia. Poster session presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Nelson, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P. A., Rodger, E. J., Duncan, E. J., Parry, M. F., Weeks, R. J., & Morison, I. M. (2015). Genome-wide DNA methylation map of human neutrophils reveals widespread inter-individual epigenetic variation. Scientific Reports, 5, 17328. doi: 10.1038/srep17328
Josephs, T. M., Hibbs, M. E., Ong, L., Morison, I. M., & Ledgerwood, E. C. (2015). Interspecies variation in the functional consequences of mutation of cytochrome c. PLoS ONE, 10(6), e0130292. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130292
Hodgson, T. O., Ruskova, A., Shugg, C. J., McCallum, V. J., & Morison, I. M. (2015). Green neutrophil and monocyte inclusions: Time to acknowledge and report. British Journal of Haematology, 170, 229-235. doi: 10.1111/bjh.13434
Journal - Research Other
Nishina-Uchida, N., Fukuzawa, R., Hasegawa, Y., & Morison, I. M. (2015). Identification of X monosomy cells from a gonad of mixed gonadal dysgenesis with a 46,XY karyotype. Medicine, 94(14), e720. doi: 10.1097/md.0000000000000720
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Macaulay, E. C., Roberts, H. E., Al-Momani, S., Hung, N. A., Slatter, T. L., Devenish, C., & Morison, I. M. (2015). Methylome meets maternity ward: Predicting pre-eclampsia in early pregnancy. Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics (BCB). (pp. 484-485). New York: ACM. doi: 10.1145/2808719.2811419
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ong, L., Morison, I. M., & Ledgerwood, E. C. (2015). Investigating the cause of thrombocytopenia cargeeg. Proceedings of the 27th National Conference on Microscopy. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Momani, S., Macaulay, E., Roberts, H., Hung, N., Slatter, T., Devenish, C., & Morison, I. (2015, August-September). Predicting altered methylation patterns in early pre-eclampsia. Poster session presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Alsaleh, A. A., Weeks, R. J., & Morison, I. M. (2015, August-September). Using epigenetics to identify the fetal cell of origin for childhood B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Poster session presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. M., Macaulay, E. C., & Chatterjee, A. (2015, August-September). Patterns of placental methylation and implications for placental disease and cancer. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2015) Catalogue of parent of origin effects: Imprinted genes and related effects, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Rodger, E. J., Chatterjee, A., & Morison, I. M. (2014). 5-hydroxymethylcytosine: A potential therapeutic target in cancer. Epigenomics, 6(5), 503-514. doi: 10.2217/epi.14.39
Macaulay, E. C., Roberts, H. E., Cheng, X., Jeffs, A. R., Baguley, B. C., & Morison, I. M. (2014). Retrotransposon hypomethylation in melanoma and expression of a placenta-specific gene. PLoS ONE, 9(4), e95840. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095840
Stockwell, P. A., Chatterjee, A., Rodger, E. J., & Morison, I. M. (2014). DMAP: Differential methylation analysis package for RRBS and WGBS data. Bioinformatics, 30(13), 1814-1822. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu126
Josephs, T. M., Morison, I. M., Day, C. L., Wilbanks, S. M., & Ledgerwood, E. C. (2014). Enhancing the peroxidase activity of cytochrome c by mutation of residue 41: Implications for the peroxidase mechanism and cytochrome c release. Biochemical Journal, 458(2), 259-265. doi: 10.1042/BJ20131386
Lander, R. L., Bailey, K. B., Lander, A. G., Alsaleh, A. A., Costa-Ribeiro, H. C., Mattos, A. P., … Houghton, L. A., Morison, I. M., Williams, S. M., & Gibson, R. S. (2014). Disadvantaged pre-schoolers attending day care in Salvador, Northeast Brazil have a low prevalence of anaemia and micronutrient deficiencies. Public Health Nutrition, 19(9), 1984-1992. doi: 10.1017/s1368980013002310
Journal - Research Other
Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P. A., Horsfield, J. A., Morison, I. M., & Nakagawa, S. (2014). Base-resolution DNA methylation landscape of zebrafish brain and liver [Data in brief]. Genomics Data, 2, 342-344. doi: 10.1016/j.gdata.2014.10.008
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Rodger, E., Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P., & Morison, I. (2014). DNA methylation markers of myedysplastic syndrome. New Zealand Medical Journal, 127(1398). Retrieved from
Knarston, I., Macaulay, E., Roberts, H., Slatter, T., Hung, N., Devenish, C., & Morison, I. (2014). Validation of DNA methylation biomarkers for pre-eclampsia. New Zealand Medical Journal, 127(1395). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I., & Smith, G. (2014, August). Improved interpretation of chemistry and haematology lab results. Workshop presentation at the South General Practice Conference & Medical Exhibition (GP CME), Dunedin, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2014, March). Epigenetics for the practising haematologist. Verbal presentation at the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand (HSANZ) New Zealand Annual Branch Meeting, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2014) Catalogue of parent of origin effects: Imprinted genes and related effects, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Chatterjee, A., Ozaki, Y., Stockwell, P. A., Horsfield, J. A., Morison, I. M., & Nakagawa, S. (2013). Mapping the zebrafish brain methylome using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing. Epigenetics, 8(9), 979-989. doi: 10.4161/epi.25797
Ludgate, J. L., Le Mée, G., Fukuzawa, R., Rodger, E. J., Weeks, R. J., Reeve, A. E., & Morison, I. M. (2013). Global demethylation in loss of imprinting subtype of Wilms tumor. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer, 52(2), 174-184. doi: 10.1002/gcc.22017
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Macaulay, E. C., Roberts, H. E., Hung, N. A., & Morison, I. M. (2013). Epigenetic markers for pre-eclampsia. Proceedings of the Gravida Annual Science Symposium: How Can We Create a Better Future For All New Zealanders? Retrieved from
Roberts, H., Macaulay, E., Hung, N., & Morison, I. (2013). Epigenetic profiling of pre-eclamptic placentas. Placenta, 34(9), (pp. A66). doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2013.06.199
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Macaulay, E. C., Roberts, H. E., Hung, N. A., & Morison, I. M. (2013, July). Epigenetic markers for pre-eclampsia. Poster session presented at the EpiCongress, Boston, USA.
Roberts, H. E., Macaulay, E. C., Hung, N. A., & Morison, I. M. (2013, August). Epigenetic profiling of pre-eclamptic placentas. Poster session presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. (2013, September). Beyond the human genome: Cutting-edge developments in leukaemia treatment. Verbal presentation at the Inaugural Genetics Week, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2013, August). Impact of next generation whole genome sequencing on haematology. Verbal presentation at the NZ Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (NZIMLS) Annual Scientific Meeting: Bridging Science and Education, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Josephs, T. M., Morison, I. M., Wilbanks, S. M., Bren, K., & Ledgerwood, E. C. (2013, August). Cytochrome c mutations: Biochemistry and physiology. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Morison, I. M., Chatterjee, A., & Stockwell, P. (2013, August). Epigenetic variation in healthy persons: Where is it and what does it mean? Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2013) Catalogue of parent of origin effects: Imprinted genes and related effects, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Chatterjee, A., Rodger, E. J., Stockwell, P. A., Weeks, R. J., & Morison, I. M. (2012). Technical considerations for reduced representation bisulfite sequencing with multiplexed libraries. Journal of Biomedicine & Biotechnology, 2012, 741542. doi: 10.1155/2012/741542
Miller, J. C., Thomson, C. D., Williams, S. M., van Havre, N., Wilkins, G. T., Morison, I. M., Ludgate, J. L., & Skeaff, C. M. (2012). Influence of the glutathione peroxidase 1 Pro200Leu polymorphism on the response of glutathione peroxidase activity to selenium supplementation: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 96, 923-931. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.043125
Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P. A., Rodger, E. J., & Morison, I. M. (2012). Comparison of alignment software for genome-wide bisulphite sequence data. Nucleic Acids Research, 40(10), e79. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks150
Oliver, V. F., Miles, H. L., Cutfield, W. S., Hofman, P. L., Ludgate, J. L., & Morison, I. M. (2012). Defects in imprinting and genome-wide DNA methylation are not common in the in vitro fertilization population. Fertility & Sterility, 97(1), 147-153.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.10.027
Rodger, E. J., & Morison, I. M. (2012). Myelodysplastic syndrome in New Zealand and Australia. Internal Medicine Journal, 42(11), 1235-1242. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2011.02619.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Magrath-Cohen, H., Morison, I., & Weeks, R. (2012). Oxidative stress induced DNA hemi-hypomethilation and the role of maintenance methylation. Proceedings of the Oxygen Theme Meeting. (pp. 23). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. Retrieved from
Josephs, T. M., Morison, I. M., Wilbanks, S. M., & Ledgerwood, E. C. (2012). Cytochrome c peroxidase activity and mitochondrial release during apoptosis. Proceedings of the Oxygen Theme Meeting. (pp. 16). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. Retrieved from
Salā, S., & Morison, I. (2012). Working towards an improved histopathology service in Samoa through internship in the Southern Community Laboratories in Dunedin Public Hospital. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Otago International Health Research Network (OIHRN) Conference. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P. A., Rodger, E. J., & Morison, I. M. (2012, September). Base-pair resolution DNA methylation map of neutrophils indicates widespread epigenetic variation among normal individuals. Poster session presented at the Division of Health Sciences Research Forum: Health Matters: Research Excellence at Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P. A., Rodger, E. J., & Morison, I. M. (2012, August). Base-pair resolution DNA methylation map of neutrophils indicates widespread epigenetic variation among normal individuals. Poster session presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Magrath-Cohen, H., Morison, I., & Weeks, R. (2012, November). Oxidative stress induced DNA hemi-hypomethilation and the role of maintenance methylation. Verbal presentation at the Gravida Annual Science Symposium: What Makes the Best Start for a Healthy Life? Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Roberts, H. E., Macaulay, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2012, November). Epigenetic profiling of pre-eclamptic placentas. Verbal presentation at the Gravida Annual Science Symposium: What Makes the Best Start for a Healthy Life? Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P. A., Rodger, E. J., & Morison, I. M. (2012, November). Genome-wide DNA methylation map indicates widespread epigenetic variation in normal individuals. Verbal presentation at the Gravida Annual Science Symposium: What Makes the Best Start for a Healthy Life? Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Roberts, H. E., Macaulay, E. C., Cheng, S., & Morison, I. M. (2012, August). Retrotransposon hypomethylation is linked to expression of a placenta-specific transcript in melanoma. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Weeks, R. J., Le Mee, G., Ludgate, J., & Morison, I. M. (2012, August). TES(ting) a candidate gene for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2012) Catalogue of parent of origin effects: Imprinted genes and related effects, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Bordé, E. C., Ouzegdouh, Y., Ledgerwood, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2011). Congenital thrombocytopenia and cytochrome c mutation: A matter of birth and death. Seminars in Thrombosis & Hemostasis, 37(6), 664-672. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1291376
Macaulay, E. C., Weeks, R. J., Andrews, S., & Morison, I. M. (2011). Hypomethylation of functional retrotransposon-derived genes in the human placenta. Mammalian Genome, 22, 722-735. doi: 10.1007/s00335-011-9355-1
Journal - Research Other
Chatterjee, A., & Morison, I. M. (2011). Monozygotic twins: Genes are not the destiny? [Views and challenges]. Bioinformation, 7(7), 369-370.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Morison, I. M., & Weeks, R. J. (2011). Aberrant DNA methylation in childhood ALL? Proceedings of the Inaugural International Cancer Symposium. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. (2011, October). The impact of 'next generation' sequencing technology in the diagnostic laboratory. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science Otago Southland Education Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2011, March). DNA methylation and cell lineage specification: Lessons for and from cancer. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand/Singapore Cancer Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Morison, I. M., & Weeks, R. J. (2011, February). Epigenetics, imprinting. Verbal presentation at the Inaugural International Cancer Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2011, November). The future role of massively parallel Sequencing in the diagnostic laboratory. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (NZIMLS) Seminar: Immunology Special Interest Group (SIG), Dunedin, New Zealand.
Weeks, R. J., Le Mee, G., Ludgate, J., & Morison, I. M. (2011, March). TES: A candidate gene for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand/Singapore Cancer Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P. A., Rodger, E. J., & Morison, I. M. (2011, September). Genome-scale DNA methylation mapping: Unraveling inter-individual variation. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Roberts, H., & Morison, I. (2011, September). Allele specific methylation and parent of origin effects: Discovering novel imprinted genes. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Rodger, E. J., Chatterjee, A., & Morison, I. M. (2011, September). Mapping the methylome of myelodysplasia. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Le Mée, G., Weeks, R., & Morison, I. (2011, September). Role of the tumor suppressor gene TES in zebrafish development. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Meetings, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Macaulay, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2011, November). The intersect of placental epigenetics with placental function and dysfunction. Verbal presentation at the National Research Centre for Growth & Development Science Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Le Mée, G., Weeks, R., Horsfield, J., & Morison, I. (2011, February). Using zebrafish models to study the role of TES in childhood leukaemia (ALL). Verbal presentation at the 12th Australia & New Zealand Zebrafish Meeting, Brisbane, Australia.
Morison, I. (2011, February). Epigenetics of haematological malignancies. Verbal presentation at the Inaugural International Cancer Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2011) Catalogue of parent of origin effects: Imprinted genes and related effects, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Morison, I. M., & Reik, W. (2010). Nutrition, environment and epigenetics. In M. E. Symonds & M. M. Ramsay (Eds.), Maternal-fetal nutrition during pregnancy and lactation. (pp. 180-195). Cambridge University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Bell, C. G., Finer, S., Lindgren, C. M., Wilson, G. A., Rakyan, V. K., Teschendorff, A. E., … Morison, I. M., … Hitman, G. A. (2010). Integrated genetic and epigenetic analysis identifies haplotype-specific methylation in the FTO Type 2 diabetes and obesity susceptibility locus. PLoS ONE, 5(11), e14040. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0014040
Weeks, R. J., Kees, U. R., Song, S., & Morison, I. M. (2010). Silencing of TESTIN by dense biallelic promoter methylation is the most common molecular event in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Molecular Cancer, 9, 163. doi: 10.1186/1476-4598-9-163
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Daly, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2010). Differential epigenetic modification of retrotransposon-derived genes in the human placenta. Proceedings of the Genetics Society of America Conference: Model Organisms to Human Biology. (pp. 72-73). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Daly, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2010, June). Differential epigenetic modification of retrotransposon-derived genes in the human placenta. Poster session presented at the Epigenetic Mechanisms in Health & Disease Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Chatterjee, A., Rodger, E. J., & Morison, I. M. (2010, September). Genome-scale DNA methylation mapping in normal population. Poster session presented at the Fourth Annual Division of Health Sciences Research Forum, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Josephs, T., Fagerlund, R., Hughes, G., Morison, I., Wilbanks, S., & Ledgerwood, L. (2010, September). Does the first naturally occurring mutation of Cytochrome C challenge the current understanding of apoptosis? Poster session presented at the Fourth Annual Division of Health Sciences Research Forum, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Daly, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2010, October). Epigenetics in the placenta: A SINE of the times. Verbal presentation at the International Federation of Placenta Associations (IFPA) Conference: Fetus and Placenta: A Perfect Harmony, Santiago, Chile.
Daly, E., & Morison, I. (2010, August). Dichotomous methylation of retrotransposon-derived genes reveals early human cell lineage commitment. Verbal presentation at the National Research Centre for Growth & Development Science Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand.
Morison, I. M., & Weeks, R. J. (2010, October). Epigenetics of haematopoietic differentiation and neoplasia. Verbal presentation at the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand, The Australian & New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion and the Australasian Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (HAA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand.
Miller, J. C., van Havre, N., Wilkins, G., Sutherland, W., de Jong, S., Morison, I. M., Ludgate, J. L., Drake, K. M., Williams, S., Skeaff, C. M., & Thomson, C. D. (2010, May-June). Effect of polymorphisms in the glutathione peroxidase 1 gene on enzyme activity in response to selenium supplementation. Verbal presentation at the 9th International Symposium on Selenium in Biology and Medicine, Kyoto, Japan.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2010) Catalogue of parent of origin effects: Imprinted genes and related effects, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Glaser, R. L., & Morison, I. M. (2009). Equality of the sexes? Parent-of-origin effects on transcription and de novo mutations. In S. Krawetz (Ed.), Bioinformatics for systems biology. (pp. 485-513). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-59745-440-7_26
Journal - Research Article
Fukuzawa, R., Anaka, M. R., Weeks, R. J., Morison, I. M., & Reeve, A. E. (2009). Canonical WNT signalling determines lineage specificity in Wilms tumour. Oncogene, 28(8), 1063-1075. doi: 10.1038/onc.2008.455
Ledgerwood, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2009). Targeting the apoptosome for cancer therapy. Clinical Cancer Research, 15(2), 420-424. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-08-1172
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Oliver, V., Cutfield, W., Miles, H., Hofman, P., & Morison, I. (2009). Epigenetic defects are uncommon after in vitro fertilisation. New Zealand Medical Journal, 122(1299). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Daly, E. C., & Morison, I. (2009, September). Turning off tumours: The placental potential. Poster session presented at the Third Annual Division of Health Sciences Research Forum, Wellington, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Daly, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2009, September-October). An epigenetic analysis of first-trimester human placenta. Verbal presentation at the National Research Centre for Growth & Development Science Symposium, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Morison, I. M., Weeks, R. J., Oliver, V. F., & Daly, E. C. (2009, February). Rapidly changing technologies in the epigenetics of development. Verbal presentation at the Centre for Reproduction and Genomics First Annual Research Colloquium, Mosgiel, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2009, August). New genes in AML/MDS. Verbal presentation at the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand (HSANZ ) (NZ) Winter Update Meeting, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2009, September). Epigenetics: Plastic or programmed? Verbal presentation at the Third Annual Division of Health Sciences Research Forum, Wellington, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2009) Catalogue of parent of origin effects: Imprinted genes and related effects, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Database Maintenance].
Journal - Research Article
Krueger, C., & Morison, I. M. (2008). Random monoallelic expression: Making a choice. Trends in Genetics, 24(6), 257-259.
Fukuzawa, R., Anaka, M. R., Heathcott, R. W., McNoe, L. A., Morison, I. M., Perlman, E. J., & Reeve, A. E. (2008). Wilms tumour histology is determined by distinct types of precursor lesions and not epigenetic changes. Journal of Pathology, 215(4), 377-387. doi: 10.1002/path.2366
Morison, I. M., Cramer Bordé, E. M., Cheesman, E. J., Cheong, P. L., Holyoake, A. J., Fichelson, S., Weeks, R. J., Lo, A., Davies, S. M. K., Wilbanks, S. M., Fagerlund, R. D., Ludgate, M. W., da Silva Tatley, F. M., Coker, M. S. A., Bockett, N. A., Hughes, G., Pippig, D. A., Smith, M. P., … Ledgerwood, E. C. (2008). A mutation of human cytochrome c enhances the intrinsic apoptotic pathway but causes only thrombocytopenia. Nature Genetics, 40(4), 387-389. doi: 10.1038/ng.103
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Morison, I., Ledgerwood, E. C., Cramer, E. M., Cheong, P. L., Hughes, G., Holyoake, A. J., & Fichelson, S. (2008). Familial thrombocytopenia caused by a pro-apoptotic mutation of cytochrome C. Haematologica, 93(Suppl. 1), (pp. 119). [Abstract]
Oliver, V., Cutfield, W., Miles, H., Hofman, P., & Morison, I. (2008). Is DNA methylation altered by in vitro fertilisation? Proceedings of the 8th Annual Australasian Microarray and Associated Technologies (AMATA) Conference. Retrieved from
Daly, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2008). Epigenetics in the placenta: A genome-wide methylation analysis of first trimester trophoblasts. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Australasian Microarray and Associated Technologies (AMATA) Conference. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Daly, E. C., & Morison, I. M. (2008, November). An epigenetic analysis of first-trimester human placenta. Verbal presentation at the Post-Graduates of Genetics Otago Research Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2008, August). A New Zealand family with a novel form of thrombocytopenia reveals and unexpected mutation. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science and New Zealand Society of Cytology (NZIMLS/NZSC) Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2008, August). The new genetics now includes epigenetics: Whole genome genetic and epigenetic analysis in the future diagnostic laboratory. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science and New Zealand Society of Cytology (NZIMLS/NZSC) Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2008, March). Could epigenetics play a role in the developmental origins of health and disease? Verbal presentation at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Campus Course, Lisbon, Portugal.
Weeks, R. J., & Morison, I. M. (2008, August). Aberrant methylation in childhood leukaemia: Insights into mechanisms of tumorigenesis. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Society for Oncology (NZSO) Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2008) Catalogue of parent of origin effects: Imprinted genes and related effects, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Database Maintenance].
Journal - Research Article
Cutfield, W. S., Hofman, P. L., Mitchell, M., & Morison, I. M. (2007). Could epigenetics play a role in the developmental origins of health and disease? Pediatric Research, 61(5), 68R-75R.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Elsworthy, J., Venn, B. J., Reeve, A. E., Morison, I. M., & Green, T. J. (2007). No effect of folic acid depletion or repletion on leukocyte DNA methylation overall or by MTHFR 677C→T genotype in healthy individuals. FASEB Journal, 21, 544.12. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. M. (2007, May). Megakaryocyte development and platelet formation. Verbal presentation at the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand (HANZ) NZ Branch Meeting, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Morison, I. (2007, May). Epigenomic modifications are therapeutic targets in cancer. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Society for Oncology (NZSO) Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2007) Catalogue of parent of origin effects: Imprinted genes and related effects, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Database Maintenance].
Journal - Research Article
Glaser, R. L., Ramsay, J. P., & Morison, I. M. (2006). The imprinted gene and parent-of-origin effect database now includes parental origin of de novo mutations. Nucleic Acids Research, 34(Database), D29-D31.
Weeks, R. J., & Morison, I. M. (2006). Detailed methylation analysis of CpG islands on human chromosome region 9p21. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer, 45(4), 357-364.
Slatter, T. L., Williams, M. J. A., Frikke-Schmidt, R., Tybjærg-Hansen, A., Morison, I. M., & McCormick, S. P. A. (2006). Promoter haplotype of a new ABCA1 mutant influences expression of familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia. Atherosclerosis, 187, 393-400.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. (2006, November). Molecular genetics of disease: Laborator assessment of gene activity and mechanisms of gene regulation. Invited presentation at the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology Annual Scientific Meeting, Blenheim, New Zealand.
Morison, I. M., Weeks, R. J., & Oliver, V. F. (2006, September). Epigenetic regulation of imprinted gene expression. Verbal presentation at the Gene Expression & Chromatin Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Fukuzawa, R., Heathcott, R. W., Morison, I. M., & Reeve, A. E. (2005). Imprinting, expression, and localisation of DLK1 in Wilms tumours. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 58, 145-150.
Morison, I. M., Ramsay, J. P., & Spencer, H. G. (2005). A census of mammalian imprinting. Trends in Genetics, 21(8), 457-465.
Journal - Research Other
Wilson, J. L., & Morison, I. M. (2005). No evidence for preferential maternal origin of duplicated chromosome 14 in hyperdiploid ALL. Blood, 105(4), 1837-1838. doi: 10.1182/blood-2004-09-3804
Fukuzawa, R., Reeve, A. E., & Morison, I. M. (2005). Correct usage of ″Loss of imprinting″ [Correspondence]. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 138A, 412.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Drake, K. M., & Morison, I. M. (2005). Analysis of immunoglobulin heavy chain V-D-J and D-J junctional diversity in human fetal B cells. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 96th Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Morison, I. M., Cheong, P. L., Holyoake, A. J., Fichelson, S., Cramer, E. M., & Cheesman, E. J. (2005, August). A new form of familial thrombocytopenia associated with a mutation of cytochrome C. Poster session presented at the 20th International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Congress, Sydney, Australia.
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (2005, October). A census of imprinted genes: Is there still too much missing data for good story telling?. Babraham Seminar Series, Cambridge, UK. [Invited Presentation].
Morison, I. (Ed.) (2005). A catalogue of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago [Update]. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Fukuzawa, R., Breslow, N. E., Morison, I. M., Dwyer, P., Kusafuka, T., Kobayashi, Y., … Reeve, A. E. (2004). Epigenetic differences between Wilms' tumors in white and east-Asian children. Lancet, 363, 446-451.
Fukuzawa, R., Heathcott, R. W., Sano, M., Morison, I. M., Yun, K., & Reeve, A. E. (2004). Myogenesis in Wilms' tumors is associated with mutations of the WT1 gene and activation of Bcl-2 and the Wnt signaling pathway. Pediatric & Developmental Pathology, 7, 125-137.
Journal - Research Other
Fukuzawa, R., Heathcott, R. W., Morison, I. M., Reeve, A. E., & Sano, M. (2004). Reply to Dr. Sredni and colleagues. Pediatric & Developmental Pathology, 7, 670.
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Slatter, T. L., Williams, M. J., Frikke-Schmidt, R., Tybjærg-Hansen, A., Morison, I., & McCormick, S. P. A. (2004, December). ABCA1 promoter haplotypes influence HDL levels in a novel case of Tangier disease. Poster session presented at the 14th Annual Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting in conjunction with the New Zealand Society for Biochemical and Molecular Biology Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Morison, I. M., & Ramsay, J. P. (2004, May). A census of mammalian imprinting. Poster session presented at the Second Weissenburg Symposium, Bayern, Germany.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. M., Holyoake, A. J., Cramer, E. M., Fichelson, S., & Cheesman, E. J. (2004, March). Family thrombocytopenia: A key to platelet biology. Verbal presentation at the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Morison, I. M. (2004, August). Microarray analysis in lymphoid malignancies. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science Waikato Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Morison, I. M. (2004, August). Reporting haematology results: Redundancy in the full blood count. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science Waikato Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Grant, C. C., Scragg, R., Schaaf, D., Fitzgerald, E., Wilson, N., Ferguson, E., & Morison, I. (2004, October). Low prevalence of iron deficiency in New Zealand children aged five-14 years. Verbal presentation at the Paediatric Society of New Zealand Conference
Other Research Output
Morison, I. (Ed.) (2004). A catalogue of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago [Update]. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Other
Schooten, C. J. M., Ellis, L., & Morison, I. M. (2003). Reassessment of loss of heterozygosity within MLL in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood, 101(10), 4222.
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Morison, I. M., Holyoake, A. J., Cramer, E. M., Fichelson, S., & Cheesman, E. J. (2003, June). Autosomal dominant familial thrombocytopenia associated with a mutation of cytochrome C. Poster session presented at the 8th Meeting of the European Hematology Association, Lyon, France.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. M. (2003, October). The genes in childhood ALL provide clues to its origin. Verbal presentation at the HSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Henaghan, M., Evans, D., Merriman, T., Morison, I., & Tipene-Matua, B. (2003). The regulatory implications of the human genome project for New Zealand: Phase 1. Commissioned by New Zealand Law Foundation. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. 75p.
Other Research Output
Morison, I.(Ed.)(2003) A catalogue of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago [Update]. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Morison, I. M., Ellis, L., Teague, L. R., & Reeve, A. E. (2002). Preferential loss of maternal 9p alleles in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood, 99(1), 375-377.
Heathcott, R. W., Morison, I. M., Gubler, M. C., Corbett, R., & Reeve, A. E. (2002). A review of the phenotypic variation due to the Denys-Drash Syndrome-associated germline WT1 mutation R362X. Human Mutation, 19(4), 462.
Tycko, B., & Morison, I. M. (2002). Physiological functions of imprinted genes. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 192, 245-258.
Reeve, A. E., Becroft, D. M. O., Morison, I. M., & Fukuzawa, R. (2002). IGF2 imprinting in cancer. Lancet, 359, 2050-2051.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Morison, I. M., Becroft, D. M. O., & Reeve, A. E. (2002). Re: Loss of imprinting of insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF2) gene in distinguishing specific biologic subtypes of Wilms Tumor. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 94(23), 1809-1810.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. M. (2002). Predictions for the future role of the molecular laboratory in the management of common adult cancer. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Morison, I. M. (2002). The new cancer genetics. Verbal presentation at the Wakefield Hospital's 6th Annual Conference for General Practitioners
Other Research Output
Morison, I.(Ed.) (2002). A catalogue of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago [Update]. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Morison, I. M., Paton, C. J., & Cleverley, S. D. (2001). The imprinted gene and parent-of-origin effect database. Nucleic Acids Research, 29(1), 275-276.
Ferguson, E. L., Morison, I. M., Faed, J. M., Parnell, W. R., McKenzie, J. E., Wilson, N. C., & Russell, D. G. (2001). Dietary iron intakes and biochemical iron status of 15-49 year old women in New Zealand: Is there a cause for concern? New Zealand Medical Journal, 114, 134-148.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Morison, I. M., & Ferguson, E. L. (2001). Differences in haemoglobin concentrations reflect physiological differences. British Medical Journal, 323, 806.
Morison, I. M. (2001). Thrombophilia testing lacks specificity and clinical utility. Letter in response to Clinical Chemistry 47(9):1597 (2001). Clinical Chemistry.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. M. (2001). CLL in a child: 36 years later. Verbal presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand & New Zealand Society for Oncology
Other Research Output
Morison, I.(Ed.)(2001) A catalogue of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago [Update]. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Morison, I. M., Eccles, M. R., & Reeve, A. E. (2000). Imprinting of insulin-like growth factor 2 is modulated during hematopoiesis. Blood, 96(9), 3023-3028.
Itoh, N., Becroft, D. M. O., Reeve, A. E., & Morison, I. M. (2000). Proportion of cells with paternal 11p15 uniparental disomy correlates with organ enlargement in Wiedemann-Beckwith Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 92, 111-116.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Morison, I. M. (2000). Comments on a published paper - Abe "infantile leukemia and soybeans". Leukemia, 14, 524-525.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. M., Ellis, L. M., Mudford, J., & Reeve, A. E. (2000). Clinical and epidemiological implications of molecular genetics studies in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Society for Oncology Annual Scientific Meeting
Morison, I. M. (2000). Implications of the molecular genetics of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Verbal presentation at the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Congress
Morison, I. M. (2000). Familial thrombocytopenia. Verbal presentation at the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Congress
Morison, I. M., Ellis, L. M., Teague, L. R., & Reeve, A. E. (2000). Evidence for germ-line origin of childhood acute leukaemia. Verbal presentation at the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand Congress
Other Research Output
Morison, I.(Ed.)(2000) A catalogue of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago [Update]. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ferguson, E. L., Faed, J. M., Morison, I. M., McKenzie, J. D., Parnell, W. R., Wilson, N. C., & Russell, D. G. (1999). Iron status in New Zealand: Is there a public health concern? Pacific Partners in Nutrition, 2nd South-West Pacific Nutrition & Dietetic Conference. Auckland. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. M. (1999). The role of molecular studies in the diagnosis and management of leukaemia and lymphoma [Invited]. Verbal presentation at the Southern Pacific Congress of Medical Laboratory Science
Morison, I. M. (1999). Molecular genetics in the haematology laboratory [Invited]. Verbal presentation at the Southern Pacific Congress of Medical Laboratory Science
Other Research Output
Morison, I. M. (1999). A catalogue of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals [Website]. University of Otago: Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from [Website].
Journal - Research Other
Morison, I. M., & Reeve, A. E. (1998). Insulin-like growth factor 2 and overgrowth: Molecular biology and clinical implications. Molecular Medicine Today, 4(3), 110-115. doi: 10.1016/S1357-4310(97)01197-0
Morison, I. M., & Reeve, A. E. (1998). A catalogue of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals. Human Molecular Genetics, 7(10), 1599-1609. doi: 10.1093/hmg/7.10.1599
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Okamoto, K., Morison, I. M., Reeve, A. E., Tommerup, N., Wiedemann, H. R., & Friedrich, U. (1998). Is p57KIP2 mutation a common mechanism for Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome or somatic overgrowth? Journal of Medical Genetics, 35(1), 86.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Morison, I. M., & Reeve, A. E. (1998, April). IGF2 overexpression and imprinting in overgrowth syndromes. Verbal presentation at the Eli Lilly Global Medical Conference on Pediatric Endocrinology, Indianapolis, USA.
Morison, I. M. (1998). Macrocytosis and polycynthaemia are associated with hereditary haemochromatosis: Implications for concepts of optimal erythropoiesis. Verbal presentation at the Annual Meeting of the New Zealand Society for Haematology
Journal - Research Article
Okamoto, K., Morison, I. M., Taniguchi, T., & Reeve, A. E. (1997). Epigenetic changes at the insulin-like growth factor II/H19 locus in developing kidney is an early event in Wilms tumorigenesis. PNAS, 94(10), 5367-5371.
Burt, M. J., Upton, J. D., Morison, I. M., Chapman, B. A., Faed, J. M., & George, P. M. (1997). Molecular analysis of HLA-H gene mutations in New Zealand patients with haemochromatosis. New Zealand Medical Journal, 110(1056), 429-432.
Williams, M. J. A., Morison, I. M., Parker, J. H., & Stewart, R. A. H. (1997). Progression of the culprit lesion in unstable coronary artery disease with warfarin and aspirin versus aspirin alone: preliminary study. JACC, 30(2), 364-369.
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Morison, I. M., Becroft, D. M. O., Taniguchi, T., Okamoto, K., & Reeve, A. E. (1997). Constitutional relaxation of insulin-like growth factor II imprinting is associated with a braod spectrum of overgrowth manifestations. Poster session presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting.
Journal - Research Article
Morison, I. M., Becroft, D. M., Taniguchi, T., Reeve, A. E., & Woods, C. G. (1996). Somatic overgrowth associated with overexpression of insulin—like growth factor II. Nature Medicine, 2, 311-316. doi: 10.1038/nm0396-311
Journal - Research Article
Taniguchi, T., Schofield, A. E., Scarlett, J. L., Morison, I. M., Sullivan, M. J., & Reeve, A. E. (1995). Altered specificity of IGF2 promoter imprinting during fetal development and onset of Wilms tumour. Oncogene, 11, 751-756.