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Friday 9 September 2022 11:31am

Sue Crengle 2022 image
Professor Sue Crengle.

The Te ORA (Māori Medical Practitioners Association) gathered for their awards' night at the end of July.

The online celebration acknowledges the significant achievements of Tākuta Māori (Māori doctors) and, in a smaller fashion, Māori medical students.

Among award recipients was NTMHRU Professor Sue Crengle, who received The Maarire Goodall Supreme Award for outstanding and influential Māori doctor of the year.

Sue is an inspiration to all of us here in the unit and the wider community. Sue is a fantastic practitioner, researcher, teacher, mentor, and friend.

We wish to congratulate her on this very well-deserved achievement and recognition of her mahi, commitment to Hauora Māori and equitable health outcomes for Māori. Whakamiki ki a koe!

We also wish to congratulate all the other recipients.

The Te ORA Award recipient list:

Te Rā Tūhura Award for best online college presentation

This was awarded to The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners:

  • Dr Rawiri Jansen (Ngati Raukawa)
  • Dr Lily Fraser (Kati Moe, Kai Tahu, Waitaha)
  • Dr Maia Melbourne-Wilcox (Ngai Tuhoe)

Nga Rangatira MatahiapoTe Oranga Award for the Māori doctor most supportive of students

  • Dr Mairarangi Haimona (Waikato, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngā Puhi)

Pharmac / Te ORA Award for Excellent Student Research

  • Carton Irving (Whakatohea)

Pharmac / Te ORA Award for medical student Leadership

  • Selwyn Te Paa (Ngāti Whātua)
  • Patricia Rose Harris (Te Rarawa, Ngā Puhi)

The ceremony culminated with the presentation of the following prestigious awards:

Tony Ruakere Iwi Health Award for outstanding service in Iwi health care

  • Dr Kiriana Bird (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Tūkorehe, Ngāti Porou).

Paratene Ngata Ngākau Ora Award for outstanding service to other medical colleagues

  • Dr Maia Melbourne-Wilcox (Ngai Tūhoe)
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