Research Fellows conduct research and research-related activities either independently or as part of a research team. Research Fellows produce publications in professional quality assured journals, monographs, refereed conference proceedings and intellectual property from their research. Research Fellows may be involved in commercial research activities and may be involved in knowledge-transfer to industry and/or the community.
Research Fellows contribute to Departmental planning and serve the relevant profession and/or academic discipline and contribute to the wider community.
It is expected that academic staff will be routinely at work on campus so they are available to assist students and for students to see the University as a place of active scholarship.
Teaching, assessment and curriculum development
Research Fellows may assist with teaching for personal development, as agreed with their Principal Investigators and Heads of Departments.
Research and/or commercialisation of research and/or advancing professional practice and scholarship activities
It is expected that Research Fellows:
- either produce quality assured publications within the field or discipline, either individually or as part of a group; or, for performance staff, contribute to the advancement of artistic practice through performance as a soloist or a director, as evidenced by published scholarly or critical reviews
It is expected that Research Fellows may be:
- obtaining research funding, being awarded nationally or internationally competitive external research grants and/or being awarded grants from industry
- attending and presenting papers at academic conferences, both nationally and internationally
- attending and presenting at national hui or wānanga and/or international indigenous conferences
- forming effective research collaborations within the Department, School, Division, or outside the University. Collaborations outside the University may be within the community, regional, national and/or international
- engaging in scholarly activities including editing journals and other publications, membership of an editorial board, acting as a refereecontributing to the commercialisation of research (new intellectual property, products and services; knowledge-transfer)
- making scholarly contributions to advancing knowledge within the profession/discipline
- mentoring the development of research students and new and emerging researchers
- being involved in disseminating scholarship to other members in the profession/discipline
- making scholarly contributions to the advancement of professional practice, where appropriate
Service to the University and the community
It is expected that Research Fellows:
- contribute to administration in their Department or School.
It is expected that Research Fellows may be:
- representing the Department externally through contributions to committees, working parties etc. within the Division
- representing the Department through contributions to committees, working parties etc within the Division, or the wider University (including the Māori Strategic Framework)
- sharing knowledge with the community outside the University and contributing to local and national communities through involvement in the development of policy, practice, and cultural activities (eg: iwi/Māori development)
- transferring knowledge and technology to the community, industry or commerce, as appropriate
- contributing to the research environment
- contributing to the profession/discipline
It is expected that Research Fellows:
- take an active interest in the activities relating to their Department(s)
- meet all compliance and reporting requirements
- work collegially with staff and students in the Department(s).
Employment conditions
- PhD or equivalent doctorate in appropriate field normally required. Masters degree minimum or relevant postgraduate qualifications.
- Demonstrated capacity for independent research and a record of publications in refereed journals.
- May be transferring knowledge to the community and industry for the development of products and services that benefit society
Authority to appoint
Pro-Vice Chancellor (Dean in Health Sciences)
Find out more information about authority to appoint academic staff
Confirmation path
Not eligible
Salary scale
- Lecturer scale (Non Medical/Dental) (steps 1 to 7) OR
- Lecturer scale (Medical/Dental) (steps 1 to 7)
Performance review
Find out more about the annual performance appraisal
Salary progressions
One step annually on salary scale through to the top of the scale, subject to satisfactory performance. For further information, go to:
- section 10.2 of the Academic Staff (Non Medical/Dental) Employment Agreement OR
- section 5(b) of the Academic Staff (Medical & Dental) Individual Employment Agreement
View all employment agreements
Research Fellows may apply for the following promotions:
- additional salary step(s) within the Lecturer salary scale
- to Senior Research Fellow
- to Senior Research Fellow beyond the bar
- to Research Associate Professor
- to Research Professor
Research and Study Leave
Eligible with more than four years' continuous service
Find out more about research and study leave
Employment Agreements
Research Fellows usually are covered by the:
- Academic Staff (Non Medical/Dental) Collective Employment Agreement OR
- Academic Staff (Non Medical/Dental) Individual Agreement OR
- Academic Staff (Medical & Dental) Employment Agreement
View all employment agreements
Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF)
Evidence Portfolio required
Useful information
- Conference leave policy
- Support for teaching
- Support for research
- Support for commercialisation of research
Key contacts
Dan Wilson
HR Manager - Promotions & Remuneration
+64 3 479 8092