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Thursday 4 May 2023 9:20am

Competencies for public health teaching and workforce development have been developed with te Tiriti o Waitangi, equity and cultural safety at their core to support anti-racist and decolonising practice and ensure te Ao Māori is actively prioritised.

The competencies were developed in response to little hauora Māori content in other public health courses and public health teaching across the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine's programmes, including courses taught to medical students.

When considering how the Department could respond it became clear that there were no agreed core Māori hauora ā-iwi / public health competencies that could inform the development of programme and course curricula. Workplaces also didn't have the tools to guide efforts in upskilling to ensure that all public health workers achieve a level of competence in Māori hauora ā-iwi / public health.

As a result these competencies were developed by authors: Sue Crengle, Fran Kewene, Kate Morgaine, and Nina Veenstra. Our authors acknowledge the input of 24 Māori leaders from 18 organisations who either attended hui or provided written feedback as part of a consultation process.

The purpose of the competencies is:

  1. To embed core Māori hauora ā-iwi / public health competencies within the discipline of hauora ā-iwi / public health
  2. To make core Māori  hauora ā-iwi / public health competencies  everyone's business and responsibility; and
  3. To normalise Kaupapa Māori and culturally safe values and practices within the discipline of hauora ā-iwi / public health.

Māori hauora ā-iwi competencies - Māori public health competencies (PDF)

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