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Wednesday 26 February 2020 10:47pm

Dr Tania Huria.

Helping medical students get the most out of their “intensive and challenging” final years of undergraduate study is a key focus for the Christchurch campus’ new Associate Dean, Student Affairs.

For the past 14 years, Dr Tania Huria has been a researcher with Christchurch’s Maori/Indigenous Health Institute (MIHI) and Hauroa Māori Convenor for the Northern campus. She says she is excited to take on the additional role of the Associate Dean, supporting the wellbeing of students on campus.

“The Advanced Learning of Medicine (ALM) years are intensive and challenging. For most students the thought of entering into the clinical environment is an exciting one. For some however it can be very daunting. My role, and the role of the faculty is to ensure that all students are able to get the most out of their ALM years. This sometimes means that we need to support students when life outside of the medical school environment has an impact of their academic life within the medical school. There are many ways we are able to support students, the best one being supporting all students’ wellbeing, and providing a pathway for students to seek support when they need it.”

Dr Huria takes the role on from Associate Professor Jan McKenzie, who is retiring after a decade as Associate Dean, Student Affairs and more than two decades working at the University of Otago’s Christchurch campus.

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